4.20 star(s) 129 Votes

Old Man Al

Active Member
Jan 18, 2022

Hello, Patrons!
I wanted to wait to update you all until I finished the major scene I've been working on for the past week, but I haven't yet finished it. I just didn't get as much time to work on things as I had hoped last week.
I am adjusting my scheduling and should have several free days to finally hammer this baby out. I still have that scene to finish as well as some significant post-processing (adding backgrounds, making some creative edits to renders, adding screens to cell phones, etc).
In the meantime, I hope this render of Olivia in a new outfit will help make the wait a tiny bit easier. This background, btw, is Olivia's bedroom, which I don't think you guys have really seen yet, except in one-off renders. You won't get to see it in this coming update, but you will see Olivia for a brief scene, which had not been originally planned.
As always, thank you for your support. You are all so kind and I am lucky to have you as my patrons.
I will update you as I make progress and know more

Old Man Al

Active Member
Jan 18, 2022

Yes, it's still Friday and I'm actually doing an update!
Hello, Patrons!
Hope you all had a good week. My week was much more productive than last week. I mostly finished up the big big scene in the update. There might be another couple renders to add. The reason this is scene was such a chore was because it often had 9 separate people, where I would usually have to pose 3 to 5 people with highly detailed poses and the rest with less detailed background posing.
The walls in the environment are reflective, plus there are mirrors and glass, so it takes a long time to play with the lights to make sure you can't see them.
But as I said that scene is basically complete. Now there's a minor scene left to go as well as the transitions to finish.
As I've mentioned before, it's difficult to post preview renders of this update because they pretty much all give away something I want you to experience for yourself while you play, but I believe there are some that I can post soon.
For now, it's back to work. Thank you all for your patronage! <3

4.20 star(s) 129 Votes