4.20 star(s) 129 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Last update was April. So closing in on 4 months. While it's hard to be patient because it's such an anticipated game, that's not a looooong time to be waiting really. Remember he's just one guy doing all of it. He doesn't have a team like some other developers and he still has to work a day job.

There are games without updates for more than twice as long, from developers with vastly larger patron incomes (*cough* Milfy city *cough*). Hopefully he gets to the point where the income allows him to transition to full time game development someday.
Those same statements are also true for many of the devs here releasing monthly or bimonthly, just saying.. that being said CB is free to release or not at his/hers/their own pleasure, personally I don't care since I stopped supporting. Last release took it's fair time as well if I'm not mistaken, not sure though it's been so long.. the first two was put out in a timely fashion though..


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
I'm personally naturally inclined to be patient with devs that 1. are alone 2. don't have enough patrons to afford hiring people or quitting their job. 3. are focused on one game (and especially that don't make several patron pages, one for each game) 4. that still do a very good game because they focus on quality.
As long as the game is advancing and finish one day, the rest is kind of understandable, to some point.


Dec 14, 2019
Ok....since CB made this one public I figure it's ok to post:

Friday Update Slightly Late - August 1, 2020
Hello Patrons and non-Patrons alike! I'm making this post public to make sure that those who may have dropped Patreon support can still see it, since it is now August!
Progress on 0.5 is coming along and I'm happier with the results on this edited version. I'm currently editing out an old scene and using the renders to go in a somewhat different direction, and ahead of me I have at least one more scene to add.
I do want to apologize again for my tardiness on this update. I expected this one to go rather quickly but that didn't turn out.
Looking forward, my goal is to get this update out this month - I'm not sure at what point, but I'm probably going to take my time with it and get it right. Then after 0.5 we have a big event coming in November: Cyberpunk 2077!
I'm going to do everything I can to get 0.6 out before that time, in part to redeem myself and get updates out quicker, and in part because once Cyberpunk 2077 comes out that's going to take a significant portion of my time for at least a good week or two. :)
I don't want to tease you on 0.6 before 0.5 is even out, but I think it's safe to say that it will feature quite a lot of a certain red-head.
I hope you all enjoy your August, and, as always, thank you for your continued support!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
Very short but very fun, I am greatly looking forward to more of this. I like games that are out of the box and try to do different things and get you to use not just one but both heads (y). I already have many theories as to what the heck might be going on and we have just begun this trip. Good humor and great characters too.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say that Shannon is best crazy murder waifu and waifu in general. Fellow big brain intellectuals and cultured gentlemen will agree with me of course. Heretic non-believers can go back to their caves where they struggle with staying in the lines of their coloring books and matching farm animals to the correct sounds. Meanwhile the adults will gather to discuss philosophy, history, Shannon, mathematics, the greater global political arena and other worldly subjects.

Cant wait for more.
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2020
Decided to try it out because of the beautiful 3d art.
I usually skip the conversations but for my surprise the story agreeable, I'm actually reading it.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Rejoice! It had been 16 days without anyone asking for an ETA, therefore we are now 15 days closer to our goal.

Now we start over, no biggie :)

Days without anyone asking for an ETA: 0
  • Haha
Reactions: Otaku_Bob
4.20 star(s) 129 Votes