Ren'Py - Unlimited Pleasure [v1.0.9] [Waifston]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Started playing the game but very disappointed in it.Its quite fun at times and graphics ain't the greatest but its still decent enough but too many bugs in it.Had sex with all 4 of the girls,still say my date and sex count is 0.Also those falling heart sometimes get stuck and never ends,need to go back before they even show up,also all of a sudden you just start banging nuns like its nothing.I really do like the game and its decently written,has misspells every now and then but i don't mind that as long as i understand it.It definitely need a journal or some sort of guide,unlocking stuff randomly is ruining stuff,and ofc need to fix the bugs,still being a virgin after bunch of sex and being on dates but still have it at 0 needs to be fixed.Currently 2/5 is the max i can give this game
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Broken and often unplayable, and no i am not being hyperbolic. i have never played a game with this many errors... and the dev just refuse to fix or even comment on these things he just keeps advertising his next update wich people wont even be able to play because the game is so broken. i cant even comment on the quality of the game because i cant even play it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, with lines like,
    "Are you going to make gift to Melissa today's birthday?"
    "And nail the asses of those who burn the tires under my window."
    "I am need a time to write special declaration to the council"
    "I think, these people of the west can take a good shit into their mouth for the stuff they participate at the morning."

    Who knows what they are trying to write.... It really ruins the story very quickly. Those quotes are from the first few lines of the game.... I can't imagine it would improve any later on.
    You click a button labeled Disrespect when you want to flip someone off...

    The images aren't great either.

    I believe this is all in the 'newer' version after they remade it.... People keep paying them, though. Over a thousand dollars per month.... Very strange...

    This game isn't really worth trying since the storyline doesn't make any sense. If it did, then maybe you could forgive the weird conversations.

    Maybe they will redo it again and fix some of this. Until then it's rating should be less than one star.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my first review. I was compelled to write a review because this game is a great example of several issues that seem to come up every so often:
    1) Horrible translations, (2) Chaotic gameplay, (3) Seemingly complex storylines masking what is meant to be pornographic material. I understand some people enjoy plotlines and storytelling to enrich their sexual fantasies, however, this story has a dizzying array of stories smashed with cut scenes. The cut scenes seem to fly out of nowhere, but after an initial cutscene, there are mechanics preventing you from engaging with the characters in certain ways. The translations alone make this practically unplayable. In any event, the models in this game are nothing new and are all very similar to each other. Overall, I give it the old "meh." There are plenty of other games that are similarly designed characters and premise with less chaos, better dialogue, and easily understandable gameplay.

    With that said, it's worth mentioning that this is all subjective. My opinion is just that, but I feel as though of the issues with this game, the dialogue alone makes this game incredibly difficult to follow.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    The Spock

    Game is a buggy mess that without trouble shooting/patches by the community won't run. Pre-premium edition content is still missing and overall the content available is lackluster at best.
    If you're interested in giving this game a shot, I highly reccomend the pre-premium edition of it. That version has more content and is more stable.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Very buggy game.The bugs can softlock your game.

    Main character is insufferable(you will know this from the intro).their is no proper relationship building with the girls as they are all madly in love with you from the get go

    The only way to get sex scenes are giving the girls gifts until you get a date option from their you unlock sex scenes.

    The dev has an obsession with mini games for everything

    You can't move the time forward while on the map.Have to go to your room everytime
    This seems like a deliberate attempt by the dev to pad out playtime but is extremely annoying

    No variety in girls bodies everyone has big breasts and hourglass figure in this game

    Very poorly made questlog

    The sex animations themselves are pretty good but not worth it when the game is buggy and not player friendly.

    Dev does not seem to fix any previous bugs before releasing a new version.

    Not recommended for playing
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I would give it a higher score, but it contains a Trojan.
    Very disappointing. Im glad I wasn't the only one that noticed. Please check your download or even better, don't download it.
    Files should really be checked for this kind of stuff before being uploaded.
    I just lost all trust I had in this site.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This one is really confusing. The dialogue doesn't make much sense at all due to really confusing translation, the constant bugs keep from progressing and the renders are sub standard at best.


    It will keep you busy for a short while


    Sub standard graphics
    Confusing dialogue
    Many bugs preventing progression
    Buggy installer (no clue why an installer is needed in the first place.)

    This one is a hard pass for me.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Bad omen

    Dev seems to be unhinged about the existing bugs so here's my unhinged review.
    Game started from the buttom now its in the seventh layer of hell, before remake it was good now it's just an unplayable clunky mess, from the dickbrained idk if that's the correct word to the messy confusing gameplay it's all bad, I still would play the before remake ver but scum dev must have removed the downloads from it for his patreon exclusive so all in all bad dev=bad game ciao

    Edit: will change review if game gets fixed at least it doesn't take much to make the crowd happy and what's worse and some people literally pay you for your product, they're not cows that you can milk dry.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has potential, but literally unplayable. Can not get past the prologue because the Renpy crashes as soon as the Patreon presents part ends. Such a shame because the models look pretty great and the diversity of women look amazing.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't know if it'll anything more than what it already has been said bute here we go!
    I am a sucker for HoneySelect games and this one has some pretty good renders especially if you think about how it still uses HoneySelect 1 renders!
    The biggest downside to this game is just... Well... The writing kinda sucks? I mean I definetly am no writer but the MC's thoughts contradict everything and all the time if you start for example a new game and go all the way to the current content... Many parts feel rushed to say the least! Again very good renders and animations for me that is indeed the saving grace of the game... Now if I recoment playing this game? Sure, it is quite good especially if you don't wanna hang-up on story but to be honest I wouldn't be "following" it, what I mean is I most likely will play it again when I see a "Completed" tag next to it.
    That was all from me hope it helps!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The first version of the game was interesting and very promising, but the developer decided to create a remake instead of continuing his initial work.

    • Currently, it's a generic game with an unattractive (not to say mediocre) storyline.

    • The game has a large cast of characters, but apart from the initial girls, everything else is disposable.

    • The MC is despicable, there is no one who plays this game and likes the protagonist (a 1.50cm manlet with a baby stick).

    • The game's graphical interface needs no comment, the other reviews have already said enough.

    • The game uses models from Honey Select. In 2023 there are other games that also use Honey Select and have better graphics than this game.

    • Don't make the same mistake I did, ignore this game and try to play something else. Everything I said was based on my experience of following this game for 2 years.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I think it's been said but good renders, lots of not good much else. Info dumping exposition, self-insertion, and a cast of characters that have always loved our protagonist.
    The characters themselves are a nice blend of tropes but the storytelling leaves a lot to be desired, even by porn standards.
  14. 2.00 star(s)



    - Good renders
    - Passable soundtrack


    - Literally everything else

    Perhaps the most criminal thing about this Visual Novel is the blatant author self-insert (or perhaps written to be too relatable?) main character. The whole scene where the teacher incentivizes his "writing career" is bizarre and feels as if the author is patting himself on the back; followed by the MC thinking to himself "Oh boy? What do I want to do with my life? Should I be a writer, or seek a career in IT since I'm good with software and hardware?". Oh WOW! I wonder where did this dude who is making a porn visual novel got THIS inspiration from?

    The blatant self-insert only gets more jarring because the entire concept feels so weird to begin with and the MC has the mental acuity of a 15 year old having drunk beer for the first time at his parents christmas party - in other words, a complete teenage-love-seeking moron. Then you start tying with more things the MC has said about himself and the feel of it becoming a self-insert just grows and it turned me off from the game immensely. And the writing? What the fuck is a "virgin-like MILF"? She's starred in "Over 100 porn films" but she's a virgin-like MILF? Yeah, sure.

    For the women, there's a decent variety and they're not bad but the story... isn't really quite there, and the game can be a bit buggy or confusing at times. Unfortunate; the good renders make this somewhat tolerable in the long run, but damn if especially the beginning just doesn't make you hate the MC.

    I like MILFs so I got off to this but that is it's only redeeming quality - good MILF renders. If you are looking for absolutely anything else, turn away.

    TL;DR: I know it's porn, but holy shit, man.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    What a buggy, confusing mess. The level of frustration you reach after just playing a few minutes is crazy. From a terrible UI, over just out-of-date graphics to confusing quest descriptions.

    There are so many much better games out there. Not gonna waste my time on this one.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of my favorite games and it isn't even finished yet. The art is amazing and the scenes are extremely well made and animated. The characters are beautiful and the gameplay itself is actually really enjoyable. Definitely in my top 10 and has a great amount of replayability
  17. 1.00 star(s)



    The remake made this game go from good to baad

    There's loads of infodumps which has little to no importance.

    The renders feels cluttery and grainy.

    The female models are very good but thats pretty much the only good thing about this game.

    The protagonist is too happy-go-lucky and wimpy, which just feels cringe to read. He's also too obsessed with love, i mean i get it, but a teenager with hormones raging would prioritise getting his dick wet over romantic relationships.

    The grammar and spelling, while not terrible it does need some improvement.

    Mini games are buggy and doesnt even work.

    I could probably have kept playing if there was an option to choose mcs own personality. As it is now he's 18 years old (i think?) with the mental age of a 13-14 year old while being a try hard adult.

    Edit: i decided to attempt playing further hoping the protagonist gets his head out of the clouds but i was left dissapointed.
    This is a cringefest, however some people might be into this. beware though, your braincells might commit suicide
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This is hella bugged.

    Dialogue is dissappointing. Not sure what virgin like MILFS is supposed to mean here. In the game it doesn't seem to mean what it would normally mean. Melissa, and Elena might fit the bill, Kate might if she is somewhere here. Alice seems to fit but sometimes the story seems to indicate she was a free spirit who might not fit. And Bianca was a pornstar FFS.

    The gameplay being confusing sucks.

    Also, I ain't a masochist who still wants to work for sex (in these games) once things are supposed to happen.

    The repeat dates for romance points would make sense if it wasn't the exact same thing each time.
    Wanted to try other options but they were unavailable unless bought from the date advisor/principle. So I met her and paid for advice. NO change.

    love/romance levels at 50. Gifts don't do shit so the suggestion is to invite on a date. After the entire fucking date which isn't even enjoyable because you have to still play for it instead of sit back and enjoy, it says the date didn't increase affection = was useless. Maybe try a romantic date? Romantic date isn't an option yet. Normally that wouldn't be an issue as this is still in the making (7 fucking gigs and apparently it's too much to ask for that development). But usually the conversational menu had that option and the player would be informed that they either need more relationship points or it's not in the game yet. So the lack of this was annoying.

    Waifston seems to have a tongue fetish.

    Animations are smooth hence that's technically nice
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This deserves some credit for amount of effort, a lot work went into it. Doesn't mean it's good though, the girls look nice but could pass for clones. What's the point of a harem when all the members could just be 1 girl cosplaying different jobs? And they're just as juvenile as the MC, he needs to get out more . It's almost like he's channeling some shut in socially inept manchild with too much time on his hands.

    The gameplay loop feels like it was designed to keep the player from getting comfortable AND pad playtime. I figured I'd try this out after waiting a bit after the reboot but I couldn't stand the grind or the insufferable loser MC, seriously this is the guy who'd be the target of bullying in better games.

    virgin milf!? If she was a dude she'd be PATHETIC!! stop pulling your dialogue from doujin!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The scenes are not bad, but that's about everything.

    • Too much pointless text.
    • A revolutionary date feature which doesn't make any sense
    • UI is chaotic. It drives one crazy looking at it.
    • Traveling through scenes has a very annoying door animation. It's just a huge time waster.
    • If you want to skip time, you have to do a click orgy in order to get in your room while fighting with those door animations. Every time. That's the only way to do it. Your mouse might get pregnant.
    • The story is garbage. MC is literally crap from inside/outside and tries to date sluts.
    • I gave one like 10 pencils, and she is head over heels in love.