Ren'Py - Unlimited Pleasure [v1.0.9] [Waifston]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    One of my main issues with this VN is - each path with a LI is mostly disconnected to the other LI paths. Example - the MC kisses, gets a blow job and has anal sex with one LI; during this sequence of events the MC comments that these are all firsts for him . Then later the MC kisses, gets a blow job and has anal sex with another LI; during this sequence the MC comments that these are all firsts for him. The MC isn't saying this to hide these events from one LI from the other, the Dev didn't code the dialogue to alter the dialogue if the MC already did these events with another LI.
    Basically the game is set up as a sandbox game, but is coded more like a bunch of somewhat interconnected VN's.
    The issue above detracts from your ability to immerse your self into the story and characters.

    The main thing this game has going for it is - the LI's are hot and the story is actually pretty interesting. But I just don't feel like the implementation is real great.
    Also there really isn't a lot of content for a game that was started over 2 years ago; I'm not lowering my rating due to this, but just pointing that out.

    Another negative of this game (for me) is - the MC is a bit over the top with his romantic monologuing, when he is trying to woo a LI. The MC reminds me of a dog that humps everyone's leg.

    One thing that REALLY bugs me is - the MC is ALWAYS wearing sun glasses. Indoors, outdoors, at night - always wearing sunglasses. I don't think there are any images where you see the MC eyes.
    I don't know if the Dev is doing this for comedic effect. But I just think it kind of cheapens the experience. It is another thing that detracts from your ability to immerse your self into the story.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I will keep it short, coz i won't torture you with my bad english :D

    Edited after 2 years from 5 Stars to 2 Stars


    -Barely any real progress after 2 years
    -Bugridden and it seems dev don't care to fix it
    -Only way to see changelogs is to DL the entire game
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    So I checked out Your game earlier in the day and I must say it has a huge potential, first months won't be easy but if You keep going I can easily see You in top games in here ;)
    Girls are cute, their renders are really nice, hope to see more of each girl's story, introductions were fun.
    Soundtrack isn't bad, not something I'd listen on my own, but suits the game.
    My overall impression is positive, tho only thing I need now is simply more :p
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Unlimited Pleasure [v0.4.9]

    Story = Is a remake of a remake, we don't have too much story, but so far what we have is good.
    Renders = Is really good, there is a good variety of girls, and i believe there will be more yet to appear.
    Sound = Yes, he have some really good music and sound effects.
    Animations = Not every scene is animated (yet), but the ones that are, they are really good.
    Amount of content = Like i said in the story, the game is a remake of remake, so there is not a lot, but what have is good.

    Well...not comes the final conclusion, the game like i said, is a remake of a remake, there was the first version, was not that bad, but in my opinion and taste there was some stuff that i don't liked, after some time he came with the remake and the remake was really bad, there was a lot of drama, you needed someone to teach you how to literally have a girl and have sex with her (it was like the mc don't know how to do anything at all), that version was bad, and now, out of nowhere (to me at least) comes this version, and i must say that this is the best of all, and why i said that? In this one the mc have grow a huge pair of balls, even being young he talk like a grown man, act like one, he know what he want, and goes after it. There is not a lot of content yet for the game, but what we have is good and well done, one thing that i can is that the developer learned a lot from all the versions, and made a really good game. I'm giving the game a 5/5 because we can see how the game changed and in my opinion evolved, from a basic game, to a horrible one, to this one that is really good and for the first time i can see in my opinion a bright future for this game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    1 star only for intro and renders, everything else in this game is bad.

    A lot of text that leads to nowhere, the developer decided to reveal the characters through tons of boring text.

    Oh yeah, grind and stupid mini-games, I regret my wasted time in this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The world simply isn't ready for this game. The first iteration was good enough already, but the PREMIUM reboot has simply knocked it out of the park with the ammount of work put into so many aspects of the game, from custom animations to panning shots, all the mechanics, every nook and cranny of the interfaces, and all in service of building the ultimate immersive ren'py sandbox.

    It's unfair to even call it a role model, since I doubt we would even have any games left that could match this much talent. Absolutely one of the brightest stars shining for the future in this place. Here's hoping for the best.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    argh another sandbox-grinding game... grind grind grind all the time, repeating the same shit. Dont know why DEVs decide to do something like this, its just torture.

    The Renders an dAnimations are really good though. But i personally dont like the baloon boobs. Every single Lady got them, and they all look ridiculous... Dont know why somebody would decide to develop a whole game with baloon boobs, come on give us at least diversity.

    The dialogues are plain stupid, like children talk to each other.

    maybe the sex-scenes would be worth it, but i didnt get any until now, cause the grind and pointless dialoges and monologues are just a pain in the ass. And i dont know whats the point in a game if i just skip everything.

    Maybe its getting better with time, dont know about that, but for me its just a patience test for now. And i dont want to test my patience.

    Cause of the unique and good looks overall, and the good animations (so far i could see wome) i will give 2 stars... the rest is just terrible.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Multiple Grammar mistakes right off the bat, not a great first impression. Writing is dumb and overall nonsensical. E.g. beginning MC comments that while his mom is hot she has visible aging signs (she is 38 but looks like 20!) and that she has wrinkles, etc. whereas that is not even remotely the case. You can see her top right of current second screenshot. Either use a model that looks like you are describing or write the correct facts, otherwise it's just useless drivel.

    Renders looks nice even though I am not a fan of the body types in the game at all (gigantic bimbo tits on everyone).

    After the opening sequence and tutorial messages the game starts up and allows you to start doing stuff, and then it all goes down: "gameplay" is straight 1/5, doubt I have ever played anything with worse gameplay. It's empty "sandbox" with ridiculous grind and click on icons spam games? I played a few days and couldn't bare it anymore, quit and deleted forever. As for the sexual content/scenes: wouldn't know because I am not gonna suffer through this "gameplay" for hours on end for a little reward.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    The the Guy

    Idk what i can say about it other then when they restarted on this it got bad but ill give some of my main complaints that I made in a comment here

    I'm coming back to this game and idk what happened but somehow they went from having an okay navigation system to a pretty bad one like when i click on the door I don't need my time wasted with a small thing of mc turning the nob. also there should just be a map button instead of having to navigate the house to get tot he map. These all seem like small things but as the game gets longer the time this stuff takes up becomes really noticeable.

    TLDR: with them restarting on this they changed an okay navigation system to a shitty one.

    Also the mini games just suck many games add them and I don't necessarily dislike them unless they're just bad like in this game I normally try to give suggestions on how to fix a bad system or improve it but with this i cant really think of any other then let the player turn it off.

    Edit: I just wanted to add as an after thought this is all a real shame since before the remake I really enjoyed the game its just they remade it and went backwards in too many aspects
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm reviewing the new version (4.6) of UNLIMITED PLEASURE, I think this is a brilliant version of the old one this is a truly real REMAKE ,Beautiful renders I am loving the Characters like I use to , Nice minigame I like it, the story seems good and I don't feel that strange aura I felt on the premium version , I don't care about the MC appearance so is fine for me, the Game is developing great and I expect beautiful scenes with the beautiful women in this game. I hope in the future that this game can fulfill my Unlimited Pleasures. Great Job Waifston
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game for those who like Milfs and thick women without being overweight or BBW's. Models look great and hit the sweet spot of proportions. Animations are great and very fluid. Sound and voice effects are enough to add to the scenes but not overwhelming or distracting.

    While there is less content after the rework, each update brings content that is way more polished than before. Definitely worth keeping up with the updates to see what is touched up next. The level of attention given to each bit of content is refreshing to see. The rate or development is fairly fast too, worth it to check in from time to time to see what’s changed. If the development follows the same path that the old versions did, then there will be a good mix of teasing, buildup, and payoff scenes.

    There are some minigames that are really difficult, but they are not a huge part of the game.
    Likes: nln0
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I decided against my distrust of illusion to give that a try - seduced obviously by the cute butt.
    It was a mistake.
    The Good:
    I was impressed by the programming - everything looks interesting and fresh. There are some major skills involved.
    The Bad:
    The writing is plain stupid. Sometimes nonsensical - most times just irrelevant. It could be excused for a porn game, yet the grinding is sadistic even when flying over the drivel (CTRL).
    The Ugly:
    I found the models tits lacking any real human proportion, dropping to the waist, ginormous shiny objects. If it was only one model that could be excused, but ALL models are like that. Whatever demons the dev is exorcising - I don't want any part of it!
    Programming 5 stars - graphics 1 star, animation 2 stars. Overall -2 stars mess.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4.4 review (no spoilers)

    Three times now I have downloaded the game. All three times I've ended up disappointed.

    First was quite early in the development. There were a lot of bugs, sequence breaks and a poorly implemented open world system. But the game had content, so I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

    Second was not long before the remake. It was sad to see almost nothing changed. Same directionless open world system, a lot of the same bugs, pointless grind, disjointed story. A lot could be fixed by using console, but if I need to cheat to make your game enjoyable, then you're doing a terrible job at making the game. At this point I was ready to leave this game behind.

    And now, I've downloaded it for the third time. I was excited to hear it may have gotten rid of all the garbage from the previous versions. To my surprise, the only thing it got rid of was most of the content... Two years in the making, ladies and gentlemen.

    The characters, even all of them being your cliché waifus, at least look hot and feel somewhat interesting. At least what's left of them... The progress with them, though, feels unnatural.

    The music and ambient sounds are fine. At least they're not always in your face as in some of the other games.

    The dialogues need some work on them. There's a lot of unnecessary pondering, while words that are actually spoken don't quite reflect the thought process.

    The story is... Hold on a minute, there's no story left. Never mind.

    The UI is extremely outdated, cluttered with useless features and info nobody ever needs. I mean, seriously, how do you have a remake of a game and not look into this?

    The minigames... Good Lord, would somebody please save me from these stupid minigames? I've gotten so annoyed with the gardening one I had to use cheat engine to slow time down. The best part was when I realized all of it was pointless, because you don't really need money. Good luck with that when you actually will need money.

    So, to conclude, all I can think of is how such good content is hidden by this atrocity called "a game". I really could not recommend anyone play this under the state it is right now. Maybe, and only maybe, try this when it's finished. But with how the recent development has taken place, number one, I don't think the game will ever be finished, and number two, it's highly questionable if it will ever be enjoyable to play. Only giving two stars because of potential content.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I haven´t touched this game since the christmas update, given the replies I saw on the thread once the first remake was released earlier this year. I played this one and in my opinion, the game looks promising, it certainly took a step in the right direction.

    I´ll try to avoid being nostalgic for the old version and point out what works and what should be changed, according to public opinion.

    First thing I noticed, and a big point of contention when the christmas update was launched, was that Kate and Elena have returned to their original design, with some very minor changes, and that new characters, with diverse body shapes were introduced, meaning that they will possibly be romanced in the future, thus satisfying those that claimed for smaller body proportions. Also, MC got a face, which I think it is an improvement, I just don´t like faceless MCs that much.

    The writting and spelling improved a whole lot in comparison to the original game, and the scenes and animations were improved upon too, although they weren´t bad in the original version.

    I see a lot of people complaining about the new U.I. and map redesign, but I think it is just a matter of getting used to it. Although I think it would be a good idea to add an option on the configuration menu to enable/disable the dynamic U.I.
    [Enabled, U.I. is dynamic, you have to hover mouse on the corners of the screen in order to display and access phone, diary, inventory // Disabled, those items are always displayed on screen].

    Now, onto the things that don´t work and should be changed.

    Worst offenders are the minigames, especially the money minigame. Things in game were already expensive enough that you had to grind in order to buy things, and back then you only had to press the option [work] to earn money. Adding a infuriating minigame where the screen keeps shaking on top of that grinding only serves to piss people off and turn them away from the game. I suggest going back to the old faithful, if you want to earn money and go to work, just chosse the option [work] on the dialogue menu.
    Same goes for the peeping and masturbation minigames, remove them, and just let us choose the option [peep/masturbate] and enjoy the show.
    In regards to the stamina stat, in order to improve it you should just go back to the way that it was in the original game, let us gain stamina by exercising with Kate.

    Other thing that could be removed from the game are the transition images between rooms. We don´t need to see the MC opening a door every time we want to go somewhere. If we click on a door, next thing we expect to see is the thing behind it. These images have no purpose, so I suggest removing them.

    Removing the minigames and the transition images will go on a long way on improving the game overall.

    Overall, I think the game looks promising. I´d give it 3/5 stars.

    Last thing I want to say to Waifston is this: People hardly ever play erotic games based on their gameplay elements. They tend to mostly focus on the story being told, the characters in said story and, of course, the sex scenes that the game offers.

    We don´t need fancy minigames in order to play this game, what we need is a good story with great characters amazing animations.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Highly unoptimized, no content, horrible minigame. Game went from a high quality game in the previous versions to a downright waste of time. The renders are great, but the game in its current state is just an outright joke.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Remake then another remake... the current version number is very misleading. There's barely any content.

    Somewhat better graphics.
    Worse gameplay.
    Annoying minigames.
    Much less content than previous versions.

    Not gonna get invested in this one again. One remake... fine. Two... fuck that.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Everything is 5 out of 5 except for the explanation of the game. Literally spent an hour not knowing my save would be useless if you dont do the right thing you get stuck in a endless loop. Tldr need a wiki or a mod thankfully one of the comments told me what to do to progress. This is for the most recent update of the remake.. And yes i am a new player for this game so without a wiki or explanation this is bound to happen
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable as i cant progress past the first event (only church and home are the only avaialbe locations)
    Story - what story? i cant progress and i cant tell you about it
    Renders - decent
    UI - overly complicated (somethimes less is more)
    No hints whatsoever and you dont know what to do and how to progress with the story/game itself
    Maybe im a moron or a bug or just very poor construction of the game but like i said its unplayable.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow. What an unfortunate turn of events. What an unfortunate path this game has gone down.

    We had a decent game. The old version had some problems, sure, but overall it had a lot going for it. Then the game gets remade, and now it's just plain not worth the download anymore. I do not understand why any of this had to happen. How. Very. Unfortunate.


    Let's get into the old version first.

    Should be noted that I last played on version 0.4.0, so I might have missed some of the latest changes in 0.4.2. (though, from the changelog it doesn't look like it would make a massive difference to my points here)

    So, as I've mentioned, the game had a couple of problems. The player guidance was, well, effectively missing. You'd have to do a lot of clicking around aimlessly trying to find how to advance the different characters. In general, the progression as a whole was a bit chaotic and confusing.
    However, that being said, we had a decent sandbox mode, we had a lot of awesome girls, we had ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC renders and animations, and once you figured out how to progress with stuff, it was a lot of fun to unlock the various activities and benefits and enjoy the girls.

    Then the game just gets scrapped and remade.

    And now we have a tedious, linear, non-sandbox VN, with choices that don't seem to matter, a heart-stoppingly boring and awkward story, little to none in terms of rewarding sexual content, and no incentive to play the game at all.

    "BuT TaNyZh ThE gAmE iS oNlY iN iTs EaRlY vErSiOn, Of CoUrSe ThErE iSn'T mUcH cOnTeNt YeT!"

    So? If this is going down the path that it is, it won't be worth playing no matter how much content, no matter how many girls, no matter how many renders and animations are going to be added.


    My advice to the maker would be to reverse course. Scrap the remake. Go back to the old version – you know, the game that already HAD a winning and successful formula – and pick it up there. Fix some of the weaknesses, and again build on the greatness that had already been achieved.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Animations are excellent but even coming back to the new version? I think it is at least. The writing could use some serious editing/proof reading, while a lot of the writing isn't inherintely wrong it just feels off in a really awkward way and it detracts heavily from the rest of the game