Ren'Py - Unlimited Pleasure [v1.0.9] [Waifston]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    If only I did not hate the MC as much as I did, this would be the perfect game.

    Okay. No. The gameplay is ass at the best of times. Should have been a choose your own adventure game. More narrow, less empty sandbox with pointless clicking. The minigames are trash. Progression is trash. Everything that makes this a game, outside of conversation choices, is trash.

    But, the porn is great!

    * Milfs - check
    * Good writingh - check (thought not the best, not even close)
    * Hot and kinky scenarios - check
    * Milf dommy mommy - double check
    * Tsundere Milf dommy mommy - quad check
    * Pornstar with snot bubles every time she skull fucks your meat wagon - absolutely.
    * Incest - check

    Fucking amazing. Extraordinary!

    But the MC is hopelessly horrendous. Pretentiously written. Un-natural. Author self insert more than audience looking glass. Cringe AF mofo.

    I do not like him one bit. At least he's not important, it's all about the women in this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    A shame.
    This has some pretty hot sex scenes. And that is its singular good aspect. And even then, it makes sure to shoot itself in the foot with annoying minigames.

    Its just full of baffling choices.

    You can't interact with the girls at like all but 1 time of day. What time? I don't know. Varies by girl. By scene. As in, you do a scene, and a girl will change her routine.
    How do you pass time? You can search for items. Doesn't seem to pass time.
    Get random events. Doesn't seem to pass time.
    Mouse over top right of screen to see a hidden menu. Now you can pass time! Except you can't. Have to go home (seems to be no shorctut for this). Then into your room. NOW you can pass time. So do all that, pass time once. Visit every girl. See you can only peep on them still. Go do it again. Visit every girl. Now they just aren't here at all. One is in a party in a town. How do I get there? No idea.
    Why can't I pass time on the map? Why is the option in a hidden menu? Why does said menu have to be so small it closes itself half the time trying to click skip? No idea.

    Making progress with girls is just a matter of spam gifting them items. The same items. Over and over again. What use does this chick have for 20 of the same fucking phone? Who knows. Which chick likes phones? Who knows. Its a completely arbitary and overly expensive grind when all the girls love you on sight or before you even start the game, half of them openly act like sluts towards you, yet you still need to literally buy their love like they're actual whores for no reason beyond padding.

    So how do you get money? Go to like 2 spots on the map. Click get money. That's it. Just spam click that and sleep. Doesn't seem to be any events while working or anything. Gr8.

    You have a gallery. Doesn't show you the scenes, though. Not the full scenes. Not the one part this game does good. Need to save before all of those individually. It just shows you, like, static images. Its completely non-functional as a gallery to see the games scenes.

    Oh and every time you open a door, there's an animation. Every time you search a room. Every time you sleep. Every fucking time. Non-optional. Just why?

    This would be a 1 for its completely arbitary decisions, boring, repetive and non-sensical grind, extremely poor qol, etc, BUT the scenes are really good when you actually manage to get them
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Unlimited Pleasure (0.6.7 version) is a game with some good ideas but unfortunately badly executed. The good point is that it does feel like a sandbox with a very decent amount of freedom, specially thanks to the quests that pop up as you advance and interact with people. The problem is that the story makes very little sense, and it has no interest nor do the characters in it. MC is boring as hell and girls are very plain and it also has tons of exposure and reading of uninteresting things. Topple that with a pretty grindy mechanic and it ends up feeling increasingly boring.

    Graphics wise the renders aren't very high quality, and especially the backgrounds and locations look very poor. Sound is decent, and some of the musical pieces are well chosen. And it does have some bugs, not game-breaking ones but I have found some errors.

    All in all, a missed chance for something better. 4/10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game
    Full of details, lots of well done sex scenes , various characters and fun mini-games
    It seems to be a linear type game, but I don't see a problem with that and it has what it promises
    And it has frequent updates

    great game
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4592215

    I tried to get into this game based on the high quality renders and good animation however I realized immediately this is just excessively grindy for no reason. I was able to somehow unlock a scene in gallery and when I started the scene I knew immediately what I was in for.

    Usually sex scenes are just clicking next or they just run automatically. However in this game you have to grind excessively just to unlock the scene then when you get to the scene there's grind within the scene. You have to select between kissing, and all these different things just to raise the lust bar and when I did a good five different thing the bar only went up about twelve percent. This was in a scene and was the moment I just noped right out of there.

    Nobody wants to grind to unlock a sex scene as a reward just to have to grind even more it's not enjoyable whatsoever. Like comeon DEVS adding extra grind doesn't make the game better. Only reason I gave this game 3 stars is for the quality of renders and the animations. This game was just a downer from the start hell even downloading it is grindy this game is 5 GB. Then you start playing and you're like really? Why tho?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the graphics, story and interface.. Overall a great game that keeps getting better.

    I hope this is the first of many in this title. Overall I think this is a five star title, but to hit major points.

    graphics - 4.5
    animation - 4.5
    interface - 5
    story concept -5
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Goodies: Models looks good (the tits size are too much for me though!); Animations are something I've never seen in a Honey Select game! Perfectly looped but doesn't feel like a looped animation; Has lot's of content!
    Avarage: Story is passable for a sex focused game (just some excuse to fuck). Dialogues are shallow (which doesn't bother me cz I tend to skip text most of the time.). And the girls looks a bit younger for milfs... (They look something in between like 25-30!). I use in game console so IDK how bad is the grind;
    The "Not so goods": Okay the sandbox needs some work. There should be text labels on the doors and I don't wanna see that door knob turning animation every time i go through a door lol. And the text on the world map is so small that I almost had to use binoculars to see the texts. ( Y'know ; not everyone has a big ass monitor)
    All in all a good harem game with lovely girls "IF" you are more of a fapper than reader.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Dark Guy

    I don't understand why you changed the system and remade the game, it was good the way it was before, but now with all these mini-games and grind-y gameplay, plus these repeated monologues and dialogues, it gets tedious as the game goes on. The only good aspects of the game are animations and models.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable. Too huge for amount of gameplay it offers, minigames suck , hints also. Tried it 5 times from start, and got stuck each time. Keyboard minigames with ZX Spectrum graphics in 2022? NO thank you. Only thing that is worth to see is - Girls. They are done perfectly. And that's it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    looks good. but for a woman's chest size in this game it's too much. I hope the female chest size in this game is made a little normal. can you imagine a fruit that big hit your head. must be heavy. for the story, hopefully it doesn't get off track.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    We find ourselves in the milky way galaxy, specifically... the solar system. More specifically... planet earth. Our reviewer and player, iron4doves, visits a webpage called F95zone and initiates the download of a multi-gigabyte game. The game's name is Unlimited Pleasure. Iron4Doves has no idea what to expect, and he moves on to other tasks while the game downloads.

    He decides he needs to do laundry. He walks over to his laundry basket and carries it into the washroom. He opens the washing machine and places his dirty clothing inside. After depositing the required amount of detergent, he selects the cycle type and begins the washing procedure. He carries his laundry basket back into his room.

    Only 10 minutes have gone by, not enough. He decides he could really do with a meal, and so he makes his way to the kitchen. Leftover Mexican food from last night's engagement will do nicely. He removes the food container from the fridge and places it in the microwave, setting it for 2 minutes. He opens a nearby cupboard and finds a cup. He walks back to the fridge and fills the cup with ice and water. He checks his phone while he is waiting for the microwave to finish, and notices a text from his friend wishing him a happy new year. What a guy that friend is, always thinking of others. The microwave interrupts iron4doves' thoughts with a harsh beep, alerting him that the food is done. He takes the food out of the microwave and carries it to the dining room table.


    Alright I cant keep this shit up. Dev, if you're reading this, the feelings you get from the above portions of my review are the feelings I get from the paragraphs upon paragraphs of SUPER MEGA IMPORTANT LORE INFORMATION that your game shoves down players' throats. This game is just text and text and text and text and text like holy shit, get on with it! No one needs that! I sure as hell don't need an explanation of how the earth formed in an intro sequence, fucking hell lmao.

    The beautiful thing about games is you don't need to explain shit to a player, you can let them experience it. You don't need to tell me every fucking detail there is to know about my mom (right before she is removed from the game, making all of that completely useless), you can let me talk to her. Hell, you even do that too! You make me read in some BS "insight UI" that her biggest flaw is gambling, and then the next dialog with her explains that she sold her watches to gamble! That second piece is brilliant! I experienced that she has a gambling problem! It wasn't forced down my throat like preparation for an exam...

    I am going to link a humorous but insightful video about game design made over 10 years ago. Give it a watch. You'll probably laugh but hopefully come away understanding that all this text and explanations of convoluted mechanics are so inherently bad vs the many other options available to game developers. It's 2022 now. We can do better.

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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play. One of the best feel good games.
    Both versions of the game (the new one and the old one) are good.
    The old version has more drama in it, while the new version is drama free and focuses more on the female characters.

    - The female characters are the heart of the game.
    All of the female character are simply stunning.
    All of them are beautiful but have different personalities. But they all have one thing in common, the more close you gets to them, the more "seductive" and charming they become.
    (in both versions of the game)
    Its honestly hard to pick a favourite one :D

    - The story is just there to move things along.
    In the old version, there was some drama with some of the girls. Actually in the old version some girls were pretty heartless at the start. WHile in the new version the girls are much more nice and pleasant.
    Its a fun ride. Tho in the new version of the game, the world feels alive.

    - The sex scenes are top tier.
    The sex scenes are done incredibly well. All of them are super hot.
    The new version of the game steps up in this regard.
    Most of the pose and angles we get are on point. There is rarely a pose or an angle that blocks our view.

    - There is no NTR or Other dicks in the game.
    MC is the only one fucking and dating the girls.
    No sharing, no cucking, no cheating etc...

    Overall an incredible game that is worth a try.
    While both versions of the game are good. The new version (the recent one that is getting updated) is better. Simply because the female characters are written better. Alice (MC's mom) was actually kinda horrible in the old version of the game. She was a rude gal that had a dream and marrying/fucking a surfer xd
    In the new version however, she is has become best girl. She is sweet and nice. Playful but confident.
    Her romance in the new version is amazing. It feels much more close and personal.
    In general, in the new version , all the girls are simply done better.

    You can for sure keep an eye on this game for the long run. The dev improves a lot and the game gets better and better.
    The dynamic dating simulator is one of the best parts of the game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I played the older version and it was not as good as the remake version, i'm surprised as there are a lot of changes on UI and Introduction. Story wise, i don't really bother if it is good or not but i can guarantee that this is definitely closest to dating sim simulator. My first impression on the story is that it is very unrelatable and pure fantasy, imagine 5 busty girls related to you back when you're still a child. I rated it as 4* purely because of the remake and that the animations and renders are on par or even better in some cases than those VN games at the top list on this forum. I would rate this 5* if the only criteria is how fappable it is.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Pros: The girls are cute, sexy and definite MILF's

    Cons: constant grammatical errors and spelling errors (almost every single line of dialogue has an error), the dialogue is atrocious and every single thing is said multiple times (LI bends over, MC: "Tits!", "did I mention TITS?!", "Holy Tits", "Just look at those amazing tits", " truly amazing tits", Next image, Me: "wtf...."), roughly half of all dialogue could be deleted and you wouldn't miss a single detail about the girls, the falling hearts animation constantly bugs if you use rollback too fast or click through the segment too fast, the excessive use of mechanics and mini-games is incredibly annoying (who the hell puts a two handed mini-game in a porn game that is otherwise entirely one handed?!), far too grindy and the mechanics that you do grind are terrible and unintuitive hence why the need for constant tutorials, half implemented systems like the "losing your virginity" (not all LI's can take that card but you CAN play right up until you walk through the door and are even given the option but then the game says "Nope! Not implemented in V0.4.9, will come soon", I'm playing version 0.6.0 ..........???), the lack of updating previously implemented things like the constant references to v0.4.9 regardless of what version you are playing, the terrible excuses for why the MC is a virgin (basically "I've never once had a sexual thought in my 20 YEARS of life up until the exact moment the player took control then all of a sudden I am seeing sex everywhere and it's a life goal now!"), this weird obsession with "Virgin-like MILF's" (that is the actual description used in game), the only sentence that is used to show shock or surprise is "Holy (something) of Madagascar" (it's so dumb I actually forgot the word used) and that is the ONLY phrase used to express shock, inconsistent writing wherein every first time with a girl is described as being the MC's first time regardless of how many other times you've done it, how the hell is anal sex not considered real sex and happens BEFORE vaginal sex with the LI, if it wasn't for the cheat code for money I never would have gotten a single sex scene because of the stupid, un-skippable mini-game you HAVE to play in order to earn money, ......

    My point has been made and if I continue to ramble about the issues in this game I'm just gonna get mad at the wasted opportunity.

    The 2 stars are for the girls everything else is terrible.
    And SERIOUSLY hire an English proofreader and have them comb through EVERYTHING prior. It only hurts at first and the longer you wait the more it'll hurt when it does finally happen.
    Last thing I'll say is; play your own game, like right now stop what you're doing and go replay your game from the very beginning as if you are brand new. Take a hard, critical look at your work.

    I wish you all the best,
    Take care
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is what I call a "quick fap game", the story is beyond boring and the female characters throw themselves at the MC without any effort (eg. the MC says something nice to a girl and two minutes later he is balls deep in her ass).

    The game mechanics are grindy and the UI should be reworked in my opinion, this is a fairly new game but it feels like playing something ancient.

    So: why the three stars, if you found it so bad?
    Well, the graphics and animations are what makes this game playable and somehow enjoyable, they are so good they distract you completely from the nonsense of the relationship between the characters and the grindy mechanics.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Quick summary that many have commented on.
    Great graphics. Amazing sex scenes
    Tedious. Very grindy. I highly doubt anyone actually enjoys playing this game. Find some other game to play - this one ain't it

    When a game desperately needs cheats, you know there's an imbalance.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    struggling between 3-4 stars here. It probably deserves 3 but i'm going to round up here for the really excellent work with honey select and great sex scenes.
    What we have here is a really great MILF harem game trying to break free from the devs best efforts to make his product gamey, tedious and annoying. I've got no problem with dating sims; relationship points; and mini-games but they do absolutely nothing to add to the fun of this game. The loop here is earn (or if you're smart, cheat) enough money buy a shitload of gifts, figure out what the girl likes and just spam that gift till she hits the point threshold and a scene opens up. No variation, no interesting dialogue, no character development, just spam gifts. It's boring, repetitive and pointless.
    It's a frustrating experience, because i love the character models, the concept i just wish it wasn't wrapped in such an annoying package. Recommended for fans of HS and MILFS
    Edit: going to add a bit here as my initial review comes off a bit harsher than i actually feel about the game. After the initial period of gaining points with gifts the game becomes a bit less frustrating and opens up a bit. The dates themselves are not bad. There is still not much of a plot and the dev needs some help with the writing outside the sex scenes but definitely a game worth giving a chance
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Re> Edit

    This game has still potential with that unique dating system I think. But now he adds voiced things into the game which kinda ruined the vibe of the game for me at least. Others might like it, tho.

    Also, the most bothersome and time consuming things like door open scenes are still present. It's so useless and doesn't make any sense. There are also hearts falling on screen which is as bothersome as the first one and it bugs quite often and you see that shit everywhere.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    So i just started playing the game yesterday, i have already spent like 7-8 hours in it and this is my impresion of the game so far:

    I like the game, the models are nice, really my type of MILF, really curvy, big tits, big dark nipples, hairy muff, and i really like the concept or idea that all the girls are your mom in a sort of way so thats cool, the animations are nice, it's, not a looped 2 seconds animations, are a little longer, with some nice poses, and faces.

    What i dont like there's no mistery, no seduction, i started playing bc i wanted to bang Alice, so i played the intro, Alice goes away, the first day i confessed to the Nany and the Teacher, in the second days Alice calls and says shes been fired, the third day i called Alice she returned home and just because the MC gives her like two compliments, Alice was already mastubating thinking about it and flashes him, then also agrees to having a romantic relationship with him, after having spend just a few hours of in game time with the MC (i believe from all the incest game that i have played, Alice is the mom who has agreed the easyest and fastest to have a relationship with the MC), the thing that makes anything porn related is the taboo topic, the incest is one of the most taboo topics that exist in our society, thats why 90% of the most popular games in the site have some incest. Alice should be more conflicted, instead as soon as the MC says she likes her and Alices is like sure lets bang who cares? I actually liked much more the reaction of the Nanny to the MC confession, the nanny actually seems conflicted, and she is not her real mom, Alice reaction should have been more confused, show some remorse, or guilty, their relation should have taken longer to develop after the confession, when i saw all the things that you can do with Alice, (that were blocked at the moment) i thought well apparantly their is going to be a build up, from kiss in the cheek, to kiss, to french kiss, then flashing, HJ, BJ and so on and on, but i was wrong you go from only be able to kiss your mother in the cheek to french kiss her, and get a BJ from her, and her swallowing your cum from one moment to the other,

    Also i know it's a porn game so i know porn its important, but the game shows to much of the character nudity for my taste, i mean, theres the masturbate scenes (which are really cool better than must games because of the camera angles and stuff animation, etc) the peeping scenes, you get to see the characters nudity too much before anything happens with them, so when it happens it's like whatever, for example Alice outfit it almost see trough so you can see everything ther is to see. so when you see her topless or naked it doesnt really means much. i believe at the begginng of the game there should only be glimpses os nudity, the classic, walking in the shower with out knocking althou the biggest cliche of all, it works

    So in shorter as constructive critisicim for Waifston for the next game, i would recommend you if you try to do a little more build up, to give baby steps in the developing of the relationship, and also with nudity

    Also the minigame to win money its really annoying.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    One of my main issues with this VN is - each path with a LI is mostly disconnected to the other LI paths. Example - the MC kisses, gets a blow job and has anal sex with one LI; during this sequence of events the MC comments that these are all firsts for him . Then later the MC kisses, gets a blow job and has anal sex with another LI; during this sequence the MC comments that these are all firsts for him. The MC isn't saying this to hide these events from one LI from the other, the Dev didn't code the dialogue to alter the dialogue if the MC already did these events with another LI.
    Basically the game is set up as a sandbox game, but is coded more like a bunch of somewhat interconnected VN's.
    The issue above detracts from your ability to immerse your self into the story and characters.

    The main thing this game has going for it is - the LI's are hot and the story is actually pretty interesting. But I just don't feel like the implementation is real great.
    Also there really isn't a lot of content for a game that was started over 2 years ago; I'm not lowering my rating due to this, but just pointing that out.

    Another negative of this game (for me) is - the MC is a bit over the top with his romantic monologuing, when he is trying to woo a LI. The MC reminds me of a dog that humps everyone's leg.

    One thing that REALLY bugs me is - the MC is ALWAYS wearing sun glasses. Indoors, outdoors, at night - always wearing sunglasses. I don't think there are any images where you see the MC eyes.
    I don't know if the Dev is doing this for comedic effect. But I just think it kind of cheapens the experience. It is another thing that detracts from your ability to immerse your self into the story.