Hello, thank you for all your suggestions.
About photo session :
If you are playing version 0.2 there is added a limit to money which you can earn during a photo session : 100 per day.
You can shot an infinite amount of photos, yes, but not the money.
I thinking about adding a some kind of 'counter' (?) which will be displayed in the GUI during photo session, so you can easily track how much photos left.
Oh Ok, I was playing 0.2, when I got to like 70 $1 photos I just assumed there was no upper limit and that that suggestion hadn't been addressed yet. Sorry about that. Still seems like a lot of clicks for each day. Maybe make the photos 2 or 4 dollars each for less clicks? And then if you've seen every photo you could add a "Take a days worth of photos (Gain $100)" option so people don't have to spam every day.
The previous commenter posted some great ideas as well, adding things like income based on photos each week, or like photos building biancas popularity so income starts slower and grows each week you take enough photos would also be good, but would obviously take more work to implement. Reducing the clicks would probably be an easy fix to spam for people who don't like cheating money for whatever reason.
Otherwise the game looks great, might wait til next version to give it a full go, really would like the ability to play with a different font if that is something that you have time for. Thanks for your work and thanks for engaging with the community so fruitfully, best of luck!