Unpopular Opinion Thread


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
I don't think there should be any age requirements for fictional drawn characters. If you can fantasize about manipulating, blackmailing, raping, killing, mind-breaking and enslaving people, I don't really see how throwing some kids into the mix is that much worse. Just, you know, make sure that the pedophilia tag and the real porn tag don't cross...
It's hardly an unpopular ppinion given 100% of straight men are aroused by biologically adult women, loli tag is top #1 on exhentai and no one on planet earth has ever contributed an argument as to why there should age requirements besides "it's the law, duh".

Even if you had some anti-porn social activist who thinks it ruins mens desire to date women they'd want cartoon ********** to be legal since it'd reduce the desire for rape.
Just imagine how much useful cultural contributions we've lost to time thanks to anglos, like tears in the rain.


Sep 25, 2020
It's hardly an unpopular ppinion given 100% of straight men are aroused by biologically adult women, loli tag is top #1 on exhentai and no one on planet earth has ever contributed an argument as to why there should age requirements besides "it's the law, duh".
I don't understand how the first part of the sentence relates to the rest. Straight dudes like adult women, therefore loli?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
Some things that I have been greatly surprised by in my time on this board that I like, but others loudy oppose.

- I want to see games where multiple guys have sex with multiple women. I was absolutely shocked that this is so unpopular with people. I still don't understand it.

- Nudity is great and I want to see more of it, both male and female.

- Men in games don't need to look like super heroes, but they should look like typical porn stars. Average to above average height, fit, with a big cock.

- I like women who are independent, assertive, aggressive, and have sex with whoever they want. Ideally, I want my MC to earn sex with women in the game because he's awesome/sexy/cool, ect, not because he controls the women or is the only dude. That is SO MUCH more satisfying, in my mind.

- I have zero interest in virginal characters.

- Games with a sandbox or at least some sort of system where the player controls where he goes and when he does things are far superior to hallway VNs 95% of the time, if the content is the same within.

- Feet are never sexy. They're just....there.
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Sep 25, 2020
*has attained reproductive ability.
Not legal adult.
do you really think the ability to become pregnant is a marker of adulthood?

This is the problem dude. You defend loli porn by saying it would only be limited to porn, but then you try to normalize it with claims about how "100% of straight men" are attracted to "adult women", which you define as any female who can become pregnant, something which girls can at a very young age. It went beyond porn pretty damn fast.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Forced LIs, even undumpable ones, are alright. The content may suck but just ignore the game then, don't complain about forced LIs.

The average parody porn game that uses an existing cast is horrible, because of poor characterisation. Things commonly get worse if it's trainer or it has maledom.

If a game set in modern times or a scifi setting has impregnation by rape, it's a cowardly cop-out to exclude abortion as an option. In for a penny, in for a pound also goes for messed up stuff.


Devoted Member
Jul 29, 2017
I suppose. It's just the nature of entertainment. The most popular thing is rarely the "best" thing. Recent superhero movie #297 might be top at the box office, that doesn't mean it's a great movie, it's just the most easily digestible, lowest common denominator product that appeals to people on a "yeah, I heard about that, I guess we'll go see that one" level. They are well marketed, usually competently made and well acted, but do they tell a compelling story? Rarely.

Popular adult games like WVM, Milfy City or Summertime Saga are the Marvel movies of the adult games scene. They appeal to the sensibilities of the average retard looking to jerk off, on the surface they are relatively competently made (except for the writing, lol) and keep churning out new content (or successfully milking.) But any person honestly thinking these are quality works of adult fiction are the equivalent of someone claiming Michael Bay is a visionary storyteller.
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
Respected User
Aug 5, 2018
WVM - has a mental break down every 2 months

Milfy City - Has been scamming since 2018

Summertime Saga - Time to end (4years)

I suppose. It's just the nature of entertainment. The most popular thing is rarely the "best" thing. Recent superhero movie #297 might be top at the box office, that doesn't mean it's a great movie, it's just the most easily digestible, lowest common denominator product that appeals to people on a "yeah, I heard about that, I guess we'll go see that one" level. They are well marketed, usually competently made and well acted, but do they tell a compelling story? Rarely.

Popular adult games like WVM, Milfy City or Summertime Saga are the Marvel movies of the adult games scene. They appeal to the sensibilities of the average retard looking to jerk off, on the surface they are relatively competently made (except for the writing, lol) and keep churning out new content (or successfully milking.) But any person honestly thinking these are quality works of adult fiction are the equivalent of someone claiming Michael Bay is a visionary storyteller.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
The game Corruption is heavily overrated.

Gameplay (not a grind, but a proper challenge) can help pace a game and make progress more satisfying.

I hate seeing sexual content in non-smut games. It's never what I want to see in terms of fetishes, and it often comes off as cheap and pandering. The combination of publisher interference, moral crusaders, and an incentive to appeal to horny teens means that content of that sort in a mainstream game is going to be vanilla, hamstrung and dogshit for the foreseeable future. Save it for the modders.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I hate seeing sexual content in non-smut games. It's never what I want to see in terms of fetishes, and it often comes off as cheap and pandering. The combination of publisher interference, moral crusaders, and an incentive to appeal to horny teens means that content of that sort in a mainstream game is going to be vanilla, hamstrung and dogshit for the foreseeable future. Save it for the modders.
But the point of sexual content in mainstream games isn't for you to jerk off to it, rather it's usually just the culmination of a romance arc. Yes, it can come off as cheap and pandering, but complaining that it doesn't have the right fetishes for you seems a little silly when usually all it is is a 20 second cutscene with some boobs and some "tasteful" implied sex. It's more akin to a sex scene in a movie than actual porn.


Sep 14, 2016
Also devs should make money on product release, not on monthly patreon subscriptions. If they really want to make money from their product, they should have the time to set aside to work on their so-called hobby. You shouldn't be a poor trying to make a porn game for people who may or may not pay for it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
I don't know how unpopular it is but protagonists with sobby background stories doesn't make a fap game a masterpiece. I especially cringe at devs and their fans going off "this isn't a fap game where you mindlessly fuck girls all the time!!!"
I don't know if this is an UNpopular opinion or not, but I've noticed a weird uptick in the number of games where the MC strangely isn't all that interested in fucking a bunch of hot women once he's given the chance. Like, he'd rather just stay home in his room or wants to go back to his boring life instead. WTF???


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
I don't know if this is an UNpopular opinion or not, but I've noticed a weird uptick in the number of games where the MC strangely isn't all that interested in fucking a bunch of hot women once he's given the chance. Like, he'd rather just stay home in his room or wants to go back to his boring life instead. WTF???
dev had a girlfriend. And her boring wishes. Dev wants to escape from real life.