sorry ... but ...
generic / plastic / template looking characters ...
same as in the "treasures of ... some name ... thing". can't remember the name of that over rated game.
smooth renders are nothing special. deviant art is full of them.
Art has and always be subjective, but if you wanna get into the Objectivity side of things,
numbers don't lie. And NLT is like, what, 3rd behind SummerTimeSaga in the Adult Patreon standings? And of all the Discords I'm in, including mainstream games, NLT's is the largest, and top 5 most active. So the people have spoken. Sure popularity isn't everything, but if you're avoiding NLT's work just to be niche and/or avoid the mainstream,
I implore you give it a chance, there has to be something that makes him standout in the sea of
Daz3D look'a'likes right? I'd say its charm, character, and Animation.