My comments from the argument that brought on my post which started with me saying MCU Spidey is worst Spidey:
This boy don't understand responsibility, the core aspect of Spidey. He's too hype, too excited, or he just decides to do something selfish instead of selfless. He's obsessed with Tony Stark, who Peter hates more often then not. He gets everything handed to him, his suits, his tech, those glasses that he just gave Mysterio cause he's too fucking naive and gullible. Peter is supposed to make things on his own and is always done on his luck not because of stupidity but because he's always trying his best and sometimes in life that's just not good enough. The villains have no real connection to him, they're just Tony's leftovers. Vulture is there because Stark made Damage Control, Mysterio is a former Stark employee, and looks like Chameleon is following the same boat. MCU Spidey films fucking suck.
Responses: I mean yeah he's to reliant on Tony but he doesn't hate him. Even in the comics Tony was his mentor. They makes the movies come full circle so that everyone is connected and some villians/hero's are able to pop up in other movies. And young Spiderman I'm sorry to tell you was hyped and exited and sometimes acted selfish because hes a teenager. You're just expecting to much.
Yeah, Stan Lee has said that Tom was the closest to the comics, it sounds like you're trying to compare him to one of the animated versions.
Me again: Tony never really served as a mentor figure for Peter until the Spidey title, the closest comic representation to the MCU Spidey character-wise. Which would be good if Spidey wasn't literally created after the MCU and to be a comic that represents how things are in the MCU for Spider-Man. Yeah, there are times when Pete can get all gung-ho about having powers and acted selfish. Like back in Amazing Fantasy 15 when he decided to use his powers for money leading to him letting a criminal go that would later murder his Uncle Ben and teach Peter the lesson of with great power comes great responsibility. Sure there are times where Peter wanted to impress other heroes when he was younger in his one year of high school (yes, his high school years in the comics lasted only one real life year), like when he tried to join the Fantastic Four or the Avengers, but not because idolizing one specific member of theses teams but because he felt like he needed to be a member of a team to be a better hero. But he quickly learned his lesson after these rejections, learning that he doesn't need to be on a team, he just needs to be the best friendly neighborhood he can be! And when the Avengers came to him, and fought him as a form of a test to see if he was worthy of joining the team he was like no thanks I'm good by myself. He sees other heroes as his peers, not idols. Still ended up best friends with Human Torch though. And I'm not saying he always hates Tony, but he does at times he can! Like in Amazing Spider-Man volume 4 isses 12 through 15 where Tony acts like a right cunt. Wouldn't you start to hate a guy when he pretends not to know you or your ex even though you lived together, when he tries to get with your ex and you know how much of a playboy he is, when he insults your company and your employees and "employer" who is actually you, when he tries to get your young protege to turn against, when he cockly insists on "improving" the technology that you worked tirelessly on. Yeah, I think Peter was justified when he punched Tony in the face. Plus there's all the stuff with Civil War that lead to Peter nearly getting killed, Aunt May dying, and the events of One More Day happening, the most hated Spider-Man storyline since the Clone Saga.