So I'm a bit of lurker here on the forums (in fact this is my first post on the site lol) but I gotta say, this mod (Chilly's) is amazing, that Chilly (I know you said you quit, take your time, relax and have fun, Chilly
) took the time to keep UD going with it made me extremely happy, even taking the time to add the easter eggs and new characters (which, hey I know they are not everyone's cup of tea, but I liked em) , shows a lot more effort than I've seen some modders (and even some game devs) put in sometimes, which says a lot about the passion the community (especially those of you who are doing art and fanart, SecretSal, Gross Mind, the other artists who also helped, and Chilly for taking the time he did to make the mod.)
Also I have to say one the easter eggs, actually spawned a bit of idea for two new characters (be it in this game(mod?) or for in the future, perhaps if I ever obtain the skill to actually cobble together a new game, or put together a mod (though to be honest that's far, far off for either of those two things)).
P.S. Chilly and others, thank you for all the hard work you've done so far, and Chilly whether you're done for good, or you just need a long, nice relaxing break, please enjoy yourself
(also on another note, I've been playing the mod for a while now, and haven't run into any really annoying bugs or problems)