
New Member
Aug 22, 2018
The premise for this game seems interesting but I feel the game is pretty bad. Although the story and characters' actions are realistic like how Sophia chooses to protects her abusing husband, the game is full of depressing elements and a large number of female characters have a bad personality and tries to take advantage of you (Jenny). There's just no balance IMO. A game like this shouldn't make you feel like you are constantly being punished for your actions, the whole plot and cast seems like it would fit well in some 'protagonist dominates others' game like Superpowered. That and the fact that the game has too many branching paths, too complicated. Your choices don't just affect your relationship with another character but forces you into a story path where you end up missing many other events.

Haremm lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2017
The premise for this game seems interesting but I feel the game is pretty bad. Although the story and characters' actions are realistic like how Sophia chooses to protects her abusing husband, the game is full of depressing elements and a large number of female characters have a bad personality and tries to take advantage of you (Jenny). There's just no balance IMO. A game like this shouldn't make you feel like you are constantly being punished for your actions, the whole plot and cast seems like it would fit well in some 'protagonist dominates others' game like Superpowered. That and the fact that the game has too many branching paths, too complicated. Your choices don't just affect your relationship with another character but forces you into a story path where you end up missing many other events.
Well its your choice but I seem to like the game very much. I really love this game. Waiting for the next online version and as for you if you dont like the game dont play it like I do with the games I dont like.


New Member
Aug 22, 2018
Well its your choice but I seem to like the game very much. I really love this game. Waiting for the next online version and as for you if you dont like the game dont play it like I do with the games I dont like.
Telling people to not play a game if they don't like certain parts of it is being childish, especially when said game is a work-in-progress. I'm just sharing my thoughts about the game and suggesting how it could be improved on. As I mentioned, the premise of the game is interesting, it's just that the game is currently skewed towards "bad endings" along with the complicated implementation of branching events. I think it's fair to mention what i dislike about the game so that other people who have similar preferences can avoid it and if they think it has potential like me, can just watch the thread for now to see if it changes for the better in future updates.

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
Suggesting that a story should be changed, so it would have a good ending just because you prefer good endings is even more childish. I'm just really glad that you or someone with similar "great ideas" weren't there to advise Shakespeare, for example.

The story is for the storyteller to tell, listeners (readers) have a choice to follow or leave, if they don't like the story. You personally don't like dark stories with real depth and this story happens to be a dark one. Well, you have a freedom not to follow the story and leave, just like you have a freedom not to eat in a pizza bar if you prefer hot dogs. You don't have a right to demand that a pizza bar should stop making pizzas and start making hot dogs just because you prefer them. Your opinion is not an absolute that everyone should follow.

There are plenty of people who like the story the way it is, you have no right to judge them or the dev. There are plenty of great stories around that end really badly for the characters in them and people love them. Stories about happy people are boring as fuck. Put someone under pressure and the story becomes interesting, even if and especially if it ends badly for the characters.


New Member
Aug 22, 2018
From what you are saying, aren't you judging others for not preferring a dark story as well? I certainly didn't say my suggestion was a "great idea", I simply said what I thought of the game and wanted to see if it might change in the future. There is no pressure to follow any suggestion made in this thread, its just a simple consideration if the developer sees it. It should be fine to make aware to others who come to this thread the mood of this game as I don't see it anywhere in the opening post. You are being too agitated about my comment, how can there be any discussion if everyone is just praising the game? You are making excessive inferences, you should calm down. I'm sorry if my opinion is not what you want to see.


Jun 1, 2017
Guys apparently a 0.30 version was released online. By chance does anyone have the 0.30 version downloaded?
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
The online version is ok. Progress seems to be really slow. 3 month or more for an update?
I prefer DL version so I hope the next version will be released here...


Mar 5, 2018
Gold version 3.1 was released yesterday for patrons and the normal version should be released sometime today for free. No idea what kind of content to expect, really hoping that the story is going to stop branching already. I mean it's a nice idea but doesn't really work well since it's a lot of work combined with notoriously slow progress. So instead of interesting branches, we have a ton of routes that lead nowhere. It's been okay so far and I love Nadine, but other than that I'm not keeping my hopes up anymore.
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Mar 5, 2018
So is 3.1 available for download here?
Thought the free version would be up by now but I checked and it's still at 0.3.0. I have the 0.3.1 Gold version myself. So I'm uploading it to MEGA right now. The link should be up in a couple of minutes. I'll share it once it's done.


Mar 5, 2018
Since when does MEGA respond so fast anyway? Shouldn't they be hunting down the ton of child pornography that's on their cloud? Priorities...
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