Ren'Py - Completed - V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17] [NoMeme]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best 3dcg games I've played with a great story

    ART : 9.5/10 - Very good art , for the characters . Maybe even the best as far as I've seen

    Story : 9/10 - Nice story , everything was pretty reasonable as to no girl falling for the sake of it like that

    Characters 9/10 : great characters and have nice traits

    Overall 9/10 : Overall the game is Excellent , anyone can give it a try and enjoy playing it
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    All i can say is that this game is not perfect, yet it is one of the greatest games ever.

    Maybe one of the things i like the most about this game is that it has a fairly realistic way for a man to make a Harem. Not just corrupting girls minds by force like mind control, blackmailing, or r4p3 (kinda pathetic tbh),. You've got to earn your Harem :)

    If i had to give a suggestion, this game is a bit lacking in "sickness" elements, at least for my taste. Also the ending is...rather predictable and anti-climactic. The rest, i'm satisfied.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is really good.
    Nice, story, hot models. Pretty good animations.
    It has only one big downside. It's too grindy.
    Each girl has a love meter and about each 10 love points the plot with the girl continues. During the farming these 10 points each time, you have to repeat one action all over again.
    During to the count of content that you get, I found the grind a complete waste of time. Dev could reduce the love points in at least a half and the game would be still pretty long.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Mostly a re-hash of what others have said:
    * Too grindy- I feel like this could have been toned down by making a lot of the plot scenes/interact scenes advance affection, or some of the scenes with multiple characters will only advance it for one character. I reached a point that I don't care anymore especially considering....
    * Incomplete- Seems that there is a scene that can completely kill being able to complete the game. Chose an option that avoided a scene I didn't care for (Femdom) and didn't realize it had locked me out till I'd overwritten my saves from before it.
    * Rachel tacked on- You can't even really do anything with Rachel until you're almost done with several other characters.

    What's there can be decent at times but at this point the whole thing doesn't really seem worth it.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17] [NoMeme]
    A good game that I recommend.

    Great character models, one of the best character (aesthetic) games I've played.
    Different endings, excellent characterization, good animations.

    Story of certain characters too long (some dialogues are really useless).
    Sound effects but no character voice. This is too weird, I would have preferred no effects at this point. It's not the first game with such a structure, but only this has bothered me.
    Less gameplay than expected. The picture with the map mislead me. The game is "look where the map indicates to go and read".
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The training/affection system is a little clunky and awkward. For some reason the training is also locked behind the affection which I guess is fine but then why even have different stats at all? I feel like training should go up from training and affection should stay how it is. There's also no real progression to the training as far as I can tell, once you unlock a scene it never changes it is just the same thing every time. It would be nice if there were some actual progression there.

    The H scenes are decent but there's not enough anal content in my opinion even though it would fit really well. The only character that even does anal stops after a certain point which is extra sad. There's also a huge focus on big boobs and only one girl even has somewhat smaller ones (that are still pretty big). When you have seven girls in a harem why not have more variety? But that is ultimately a minor nitpick.

    The dialogue is alright, it's passable but there are a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes all over the place, it does get pretty distracting. Some of the writing is also really stiff or straightforward, it lacks any kind of nuance. It is good enough for a porn game but there are definitely a lot of other games on F95 that have much better writing.

    I also don't get why this is marked as completed when it is definitely not finished. Some of the girls have story lines that get cut off with no actual ending. There is so much potential here but the game really falls short in a lot of areas.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I was so excited for this one, and it started out great, but the grind is real, and it was a struggle to finish. Also, not a completed game.

    The Good

    IRENE! By far the best part of this game. A schoolgirl, a buttslut, and a Neko, all in one.
    Game is worth playing just for her, but barely.
    Even with the smallest boobs, she is still well over a DD, which is a bummer, but doesn't completely ruin her. Until late game when she gets giant Fun bags like everyone else. :poop:
    It's a pretty solid harem game, even if a lot of stuff doesn't feel finished.
    Girls are pretty and some of the lewd scenes are good.
    The harem acceptance scenes and the girls interactions with each other are pretty fun for the most part.
    MC isn't super ugly or
    awkward, though some of the Dom scenes are a bit excessive.

    The Not so Good

    Too many giant Fun bags. I get that the Dev loves giant tatas but using those exclusively at the cost of anything else, is pretty disappointing and shortsighted.
    Basic animations and little else. Not enough penetration or BJ animations.
    Weird ass sounds in the lewd scenes. Some kind of clapping is all we get. No voice work (heavy breathing, sexy moans, voiced orgasms), which is what most folks want to hear in sexy time.
    It's very strange and quite
    disappointing. It's strangely disappointing.
    Lots of other HS games have quite good sounds in the lewds.
    Rachel is basically a throw away character, with little story and zero good solo scenes. I don't know if the Dev doesn't like dark skinned girls, or she got lots of hate from the Patrons, but she shouldn't really be in the game at all. Waste of time with her.
    Senning and Vera are also pretty neglected in their stories and endings, having much less content than the other girls. Shame, cause after Irene, Senning had lots of potential. Really bummed the game was almost over before she lost her virginity.
    Not enough Anal scenes, and very little anal penetration shown. The MC has a sex dungeon, and trains his ladies but skips the anal training with most all of them. Irene started out very promising, but once she got the D, she lost interest in anal as well. Big bummer. :cry:
    The grind is real. Get lots of sexy time by the end of the game, but the grind to get there, and the non-intercourse scenes being so lackluster, makes it quite tedious.

    Overall worth a play for harem lovers, as there are not a lot of good harem games out there. It just could have been so much better.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. Great if you like male dom stuff.

    - Nice selection of great looking girls, great looking renders.
    - H-scenes have animation. Plenty of ahegao moments.
    - One of the girls (Rachel) feels tacked on (barely any content). She's the sport girl archtype tho, so depends on who you ask no love lost there.
    - Not much in term of story, you go from one sexy situation to the next.
    - Gameplay: you have a world map with locations you can click on to meet girls and increase affection points with them. Every 5 affection points grant you access to new scenes. When the girls show up can be quite random. Which can be an annoyance especially during the later part of game where you need to rack up points for harem endings.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3195513

    Great game. Pluses:
    1. Proper hint system, as in, if there is an event, put a red dot, or heart when and where it takes place.
    2. After leveling up the girls, you can barely keep up with the new events.
    3. Different endings and paths to take.
    4. Models look good despite being made with now outdated tools.
    5. The game wasn't abandoned before it became interesting, as may games here are.

    If I were the developer, I would have done one more update, to finish Rachel's path. Also, one could add more events to the pool and the dungeon.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    V.I.R.T.U.E.S is simply a benchmark and a guide on how to make a good harem and sand-box game.
    I think NoMeme has done a great job, and it's a game that you can criticize some things (like not having finished Rachel's route or that once you reach a certain level, what comes next are sex scenes one after another and after another...) but damn, what a game!
    It has achieved what many other games (with MUCH worse quality of the renders) do not come close to achieve: a decent character that corrupts without being edgy, an entertaining story and that engages more than just being a bridge to the hot scenes, and above all, it does not become boring to earn points from the girls.
    For me, and I think that I agree with the rest, it's a 9/10 with no doubt
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17]

    Pretty alright but runs out of steam at the end.

    Art's nice, tits are well done and the girls' proportions are only overblown in the ways I like.

    Writing is fine. Scenario's a tad uninspired, the supposed narrative is not really compelling or driving gameplay. Characters are fine.

    Porn's nice, but I like multi-girl group stuff too much so reader results may vary. I would have preferred more interaction between the girls to make the harem more believable.

    I dislike the faux-sandbox presentation. It isn't too terribly noticeable early on, but if one plays on the harem route popups start telling you to house your Prince in a different girl's castle. If you're gonna become strictly linear at that point, just make it one scene so I can Skip Dialog my way to the tits.

    TLDR: Yay boobies.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    "Complete" tag is just because the dev doesn't want to/can't finish.
    One character can't be progressed, and has no ending.

    Writing is in dire need of gramatical and tonal edits. Feels sometines that it was written by a young teen or an ESL speaker, which isn't a dig at the dev, just something that could be significantly improved.

    Story itself is decent, but feels very fast toward the end.

    The characters fit very nicely into cliched roles, and could use a little more fleshing out, and the best written character is unfortunately the one who was never finished.

    Big opportunity missed for story telling here with the twist at the end of the prologue having absolutely zero impact because of the way earning money works in the game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Virtues realies heavily on the sandbox harem simulator trope. Meaning there'll be lots of little 'grinds' with plenty of events and dialogues that serve as bloaters. Some of these are nice and interesting, but a good chunk of them are just cringe, weeby and plays into superficial tropes like typical whiteknighting.

    While the art and animations are on a high level, the fact that the women are just hard-coded to like MC is making them bland and superficial. Sure they've got unique stories but they don't have any choices, just railroaded into liking a meh-MC where nothing is challenged and therefore you cannot feel any true gain with this game - because there are no risks to it.

    Some might like that. It's light-hearted (for the most part) and you're always certain of the rewards. But it's dull and doesn't satisfy any deeper craving. So, good game, but don't look too deep under the hood unless you love weeby scenarios.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    • One of the best sandbox games, the women are hot, the scenes are hot and plentiful, and the characters are all well done and unique.
    • Some of the hottest scenes ever and there are lots of them with all of the women. A lot to like in the scene department.
    • Good graphics and smooth animations.
    • The music is nothing special but at least it is not annoying or repetitive.
    • A lot of different fetishes to enjoy for different tastes. Thought the women are generally oversized in the breast department, they are still hot and nice looking models.
    • No NTR!
    • Author is responsive and regularly comes out with updates.
    • Honestly, one of the best complete package games I have yet to play.
    • Vera is likely my favorite, but Senning, Theodora, Irene, Elisa, Uno, and Rachel are really hot and I like all of them.
    • Lady Minna and Posia are side characters, but they are also hot and the scenes are really good!
    • Lots of content and locations, but with a fairly non-confusing navigation system (unlike some).
    • WAY too much repetition and repeated scenes. I know they did this so you can still level up the women without having to make more content, but it is boring and annoying seeing the same scenes 10 times or more (but required to level up the love and harem acceptance to unlock scenes).
    • Some odd wording and sentences. Needs either better proof-reading or (likely) better English conversion.
    • Though Elisa is hot and one of my favorites, I could have done without the lactating, a fetish I do not have. It would be nice to have options on which fetishes you experience as that does nothing for me. The lactation turned me off every time and her way too big chest size took away from her otherwise sexiness.
    • Most of the women (as in all of them except for 2) have oversized chests. I would have liked more variation and more reasonable proportions. They still are hot and sexy, but that took away from it a little.
    • It would be better to have more options with all of the girls once you max out their love and harem acceptance. Not just "Her story is done for now" and closing off interactions. You should be able to see them and make scenes whenever you want IMO (you kind of can already, but it is very limited). They made this game a lot more linear than it had to be due to this system.
    • I like the sandbox style and do not mind it, some do not.
    • Though it takes a while for you to get anywhere, once you do it is all worth it! But you must be patient a bit to get there. I almost quit playing because it seemed I was unable to do anything with of of the women and that would have been a mistake.
    Biggest Con as of v17:
    • Rachel may be a newer character added, but you have to go through a LOT to unlock her scenes, and then you do all that and you only get a couple of scenes with her. It was my only real disappointment because it takes building relationships and harem acceptance to "unlock" her scenes (and a lot of repetition), only to unlock like 2 whole scenes and then it informs you, "Her content is complete for this episode".
    All in all, this is one I would highly recommend and the sheer amount of scenes plus the women makes it worth it all! It also room for improvement, but with polish this game would be one of the top ones. It is a nice get-away from choice-based VN games.

    My Rating: 4.2 out of 5. Very good but could be improved.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well done VN. I think it almost seems grindy because of the pure amount of content but I really feel it is not. You need to interact with each girl 5 times on overworld map to get a new major scene. Not bad imo, just TONS of scenes.

    Hints are very well given, at no point did I ever feel stuck. The game's tutorial button says you really don't need a tutorial for this game and thats very true. Just go at your own place clicking through everything and you will be able to see everything you want, choosing endings if youd like to see them as they become available.

    Its not a brilliant story but as far as a porn plot goes I think it is enjoyable and does the job. The girls each have their own personality type which i liked and there are a good amount of harem scenes between them.

    The scenes/renders are all very well done, and this is coming from someone who quite dislikes 3D render VNs. Good animations and scene contents.

    Definitely check this game out if you want a build a harem VN with very high QOL.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Consistently updated ( except for the last part ) and story worth to wait, girls model are also decent, some are even quite memorable, the only downside I think is the engine used, can't wait to see the next game from this creator but in maybe a newer or prettier engine.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Likeable well designed characters, a story that is interesting at the outset, and a sandbox that isn't a colossal pita. In the early stages this game showed promise as we got to know the characters and progressed the story, but eventually the grind kicked in.

    Requiring repeatable events to tier up with the ladies in both love and harem acceptance, the story stagnating as a routine formed around the characters which precluded forward momentum, and a "training" system that would have been better worked into the story rather than being separate.

    The game is fine overall but the ending feels more like an abandonment as it leaves many threads dangling.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome animation and very high quality models. Getting new scenes can be a chore sometimes. But overall it's amazing!
    Ps: if anyone knows more games like this one (high quality models + animation), please let me know...
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of good things but also a lot of problems. So I give it 3 stars but it´s actually more like 3,5 stars.

    It´s a sandbox game and you have to grind the love of the different girls for me it was not too awful but it could be less grindy. There is not much else to do there are some choices but they don´t really do anything just some different dialogue sometimes so if you want a choice based game don´t play this.

    Nothing special but I think it´s really relaxing so I enjoyed it.

    Sex scenes:
    There are a lot and most have really good animations and sound effects some were rather boring but most are really good. There were also some light bdsm and exhibitionist scenes.

    Dialogue: Not perfect some weird sentences but nothing is really too bad. Dirty talk is sometimes not good but I didn´t really care.

    Main stroy:
    You play as a guy who has a rich father but after some time he gets arrested and you also have no money anymore. But that isn´t really important because you mostly just look for more girls you can fall in love with and in the end make a harem.

    There will be a lot of spoilers from now on

    There are seven main girls, the main character, his father, and the mother of one girl I will talk about each of them.

    Main character:
    I really liked him, because he was really kind and not just perverted, I mean he is still perverted but he is more than that so really enjoyed him. He doesn´t look really special but not ugly or like a nerd either just a normal guy.

    He doesn´t really exist for most of the game he is more of a plot point. But at the end of the game he does have a scene you don´t see how he looks like but he his kinda funny and also very kind especially to his son. I really like to see a father be on good terms with his son in a porn game.

    Her story was really enjoyable, she is a poor woman and after a drunk one night stand with the main character, he tries his best to give her different jobs so she can make money. Eventually they live together and make manage a bnb. She falls in love with him and that´s her story summarised.
    Her personality is that she is a very kind and caring person who puts others above herself. Her model is a latina with big tits (almost everyone has big tits there is not too much variation which is dissapointing) I really liked her.

    Her story was not so good in my opinion. She is your best friend and you both fall in love with each other but there are problems because you first havec to get the approval of her parents to have sex because she is from china and there are different tratidions. Other things happen too but that is the important part to know. Her personality is a that of a shy nerd, who sometimes gets easylie angry. She also has a weird scent fetish and can even smell the cum of the main character on other girls even if it is more than one day old that´s weird but okay. Her model is long hair and glasses nothing special ( There was a flashback at one point that model was much cuter) I thought that she was a little bit boring but still enjoyed her.

    Minna (Senning´s mother):
    She is a side character who got a lot more content than I expected.
    There is really much of a story she is just a horny woman and you start to have sexual encounters with her. Her personality is that she is very dominant and in control but loves it when someone makes her submissive.
    Her model is a mature chinese woman, she is really hot.

    Too little content for her sadly, her story is that she is a girl who was taught by her parents that nothing matters besides training for olimpic and because of that she doesn´t know much besides that not even how sex works or what love is. Her personality is that she is very naive and very sporty, she was the most adorable person in the game for me. Her model is a black girl with long hair.

    She is a cosplayer who makes amateur porn videos of her big tits. You begin to help her with the videos and go further until you both make sex videos and fall in love. She gets a lot of threats and the story mostly is about these two things. Her personality is that she likes to cosplay, that she can be shy and that she is very submissive and love pet plays mostly of a cat but also a dog and pig. Her model can be different a lot of times because of the cosplays but her defauld look is long red hai and glasses she is very sexy and cute. (A lot of times in dirty talk her weight is talked about as fat but she isn´t any different frome her body type as the other girls I wish she would be a litte bit chubby)

    She is like your aunt and you know her since you were a child, she is lonely and gets more sexually attracted to you as you play her story nothing really happens in her story beside that. Her personality is that of a typical mother in this kind of game I really was bored with her story and her. Her modeol is a boring too I though ( Her tits also always spray mild which just isn´t my kind of kink)

    Olders daughter of Elisa and the fiancee of the main character, but only because she doesn´t want to deal with other man. But in the story it´s gets more and more clear that both of you do love each other. Her personality is very cold but for me atleast it was very obvious that she loves and cares about you. I really loved her and the story it was really cute. She looks really hot and is a perfect combination of elegand and adorable.

    The youngest daughter of Elisa and like a little sister for the main character. You help her study and she tries to seduce you she succeds nothing more to her story than that. Her personality is very weird sometime she acts like a little child and is even treated that way which just felt weird. I didn´t really enjoy her or the story. Her model is finally a little different she has smaller boobs.

    There are three different harems one with Uno Theodora and Vera, one with Theodora Irena and Elisa so a incest harem and one with all the girls.
    There are a lot of great scenes and I really loved the incest.

    That is all I have to say I would say it´s worth playing and I can understand people who hate or love that game. I definitly enjoyed my time.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game. but there are a couple things keeping me from giving it 5 stars:
    • The dialogue is pretty awkward throughout the game. The writing overall is good - the story structure and character development are really well done. But the dialog is not great. Things like an "itchy" pussy (I've never heard of that being a good thing) are mentioned several times.
    • The grind is real. There's a lot of good content here, and I like the way the game is structured. But I had to re-watch so many scenes so many times to get the girls leveled up.
    As I mentioned above, this is a really good game. The models look great, there's a lot of content, and I love the harem and male dom aspects. But If not for a completionist urge pushing me on, I would have given up on this a few times.

    [Edit] Forgot to mention that this was v16.