Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is certainly not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Clearly quite influenced by an extremely popular book series, and TV series which ended recently, especially in terms of tone. True to form, the MC is no saint but one may choose to behave on par with the myriad of characters from said story, from full-on Ramsey, to someone significantly more "noble" than I expected from reading the description. Personally, I appreciate being given actual moral choices, rather than the more typical choice of preference, as moral choices are the only ones which really define a character. Interesting that forgoing sex often results in gaining some game-play boon, though I am uncertain that is a good replacement in a NSFW game, given that no one is primarily concerned about gold or "battle luck" while playing an adult VN.
    Objectively, this game is solidly above average in terms of renders, world-building, and writing.
    Though some flaws are evident, it has a fairly impressive level of narrative and game-play depth, for a first release. Even if one does not care for the subjective aspects of the style or tone, I struggle to comprehend how anyone could justify calling this horrible.
    My only real complaint would be in the dueling system, which lacks any form of tactical value and, as such, just feels tedious. If that evolves into some form of actual turn-based tactical game-play, I could see this evolving into a high quality project.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The managing system need a bit of works but is playable.
    You should be a real asshole to get all the sex-scenes: that is perfectly fine with me, but others may dislike it.
    The fighting can be sometime boring, I wish a cheat system to win them all.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Raptus Puellae

    this game is shit on stick. the renders have lots of noise on them.
    characters look faccialy deformed.
    the combat system is purelt based on RNG
    the kingdom managagemnt in it's simplicity is anything but user friendly.
    and the "free roam" is just pathetic