This is the sort of game that make me wonder about how the tag system revamp might actually hold up. The new list seems to be looking to avoid the unceasing wave of ntr-flavored "discussions," but we need a system that allows for distinguishing more subtypes like graphic violence/guro/necrophilia.
Guro, for example, is defined as "sexual acts involving violence and gore." Problem is there's a big difference between "fucking with gore," where it's central/integral to the act, and "fucking around gore," where there's just a lot of gunk in the scene. Sticking a dick in a gut wound is simple guro and a big nono for me; by contrast, fucking while splattered in blood and/or surrounded by cartoonish amounts of carnage is still well within my tolerable range.
Then there's the problem in reverse, with scenes that involve body parts being skewered just labelled as "hardcore" or something. It's not gory, and it somehow doesn't have a lot of blood--but goddamn, that is still a foreign object going through the dimensions of a human body.
Forutnately, necrophilia is distinguished from "zombie game" and "zombie sex" in the list of planned tags.
I don't mean to sound like I'm ragging on the game, I just got to thinking with the tags. It actually seems really good, although fondling someone impaled on a giant spike is a little... eh.