Dev update...
I was excited to see how much interest/activity there was with last week's update. Even though it was a only minor one (the sole addition was the character gallery for the Boss level), the feedback was good and there have been a good amount of downloads. That always gives me motivation to continue building this game!
FYI you can vote on the new enemy for the next (and final) level. Stay tuned for announcement on which one made the cut -- and if you haven't voted yet, go to the main page and make your preference known.
As for what's new, I just got done adding a new mechanic to the game: kneeling kicking. Up until now, Val's been able to shoot and throw grenades while kneeling, but there was no kneeling melee option. It's always tricky adding core mechanics this late in a game, but it seems to be working pretty well so far...
But why, you may ask, did I add this?
Why indeed...
Thanks all and stay tuned for more updates!