What additional animation9s) would you want added to the Raven level? Pick 2...

  • Dog threesome

  • Raven threesome

  • Dog finishes off Val

  • Raven finishes off Val

  • Raven Giant finishes off Val

  • Val finishing off Raven Giant

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Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 7, 2022
Valkaree99 - thanks for sharing your work. Offering some brief feedback on the latest release, in case it is useful.
  • The updated zones feel and play much better than the original versions. Things are tied together better, there's more life to the world and characters. Yes, porn logic is in full effect, but that's absolutely OK in a porn game.
  • There are still uneven bits in the game that could use another pass, or a different approach in future levels. For example, the puzzle or challenge design.
    • The new "get Newt to talk to the player" is an example of a challenge that works well. It requires the player to spend a moment thinking, it requires the player to engage with the game systems and use them in a new way.
    • On the flip side, there's the "get the handcuffs for Newt" fetch quest. There's no real challenge here, just tedium. Slowly walking across maps you've already cleared, remembering which portal leads where, etc. is not really engaging. It stretches out the playing time, but does little beyond that.
    • All that is to say that I would encourage you to include fewer fetch quests and more creative puzzle elements (like Newt) in future chapters.
Lot of good talk and feedback re: puzzles, appreciate everyone's thoughts. In the end it's about what's possible with what the game has. I won't be adding jumping or climbing, too late in the game lifecycle for that. Solving puzzles with the H controls (falling down, getting naked, etc) seems to be well received. If I can incorporate more H content into the puzzles themselves, like blowing the spiked zombie, that would be win win.

Specific puzzle recommendations would be helpful - I'm not much of a gamer myself so I don't have a mental archive of puzzle examples to reference.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 7, 2022
I might try version 0.4.51, or wait a while longer to revisit the game at a later version.
Can't tell if you like the game or not, but regardless your feedback is appreciated. Have you played the 0.4.51 version yet? It's got a lot of new content starting on Level 1 and a number of items you've mentioned have been addressed or at least improved.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 7, 2022
only thing this needs is easier GUI
Easier? Explain what's bad about it, I blew through and didn't notice.

What I did notice was a lack of key rebinding and controller support which is worth mentioning. The game runs through WebView2 made out of JS and CSS so it's effectively a browser game. It may need a new subprocess to deal with control config and joypads.

I recommend AntiMicroX or Joy2Key for those who need that help in the meantime.
Let me know specific UI recommendations as that's a WIP. The engine has practically no UI support so I have to build all the UI code from scratch, hence it's rudimentary feel at this stage. My plan is to pretty up the UI shortly before the final release. As for keybindings, I'm working on that now and hope to have a beta out today. No plans for game controller support atm.
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Jan 28, 2018
Being rude is childish. Act your supposed age please.
  1. Feels like more than 1 fetch quest, but okay.

  2. Yes, passwords are the most boring option, and the most lazy. If someone uses a guide for spoilers like passcodes it's fine because it helps people who need help. Quizzes or codes are a kind of unofficial fetch quest in its own way but sometimes feels more fun or faster. "Fun" as in finding and remembering an interesting scene, or "fast" when you can just remember it instead of remember and travel twice. Wrong answers to quizzes can lead to different paths, often an element of visual novels. But yes, without proper puzzles a ton of objectives abstract into fetch jobs.

    I admit I was once stuck in a fetch task because I got so bored of the game I didn't care to try. Kind of like doing a really boring task for a couple of hours then being asked to process something not normal for you to think about, like sucking the dick of a dead impaled corpse when there's a need for semen mentioned from a live version of that enemy. I wasn't horny enough nor enjoying myself enough to care about the task so I figured nobody would be rude enough to be hostile on the thread if I asked for a hint towards the task, but then you arrived. Anyone can get stuck on something at any time, it's human nature and people are different. People asking for hints often isn't just a sign that the game is too hard, it is a sign that the game is too boring for them to try. I've won much more difficult games because they were fun.

  3. Yeah, I gave redundant advice there as a caution to confirm its truth. I'm not really sure how much backtracking is involved but the comment of the game feeling "tedious" appeared in the Reviews section and the main thread at least twice, and I felt the word coming to mind often.

  4. Maybe I would if I want to try a later version. Although you shouldn't call people on this forum kids, that's the most stereotype insult to come from actual kids online. Combined with your odd hostility when I asked for a hint, your mention of Roblox, and your "xD" emote it's really showing your age. Maybe I'm just super-sensitive to fetch or other general tedium because time passes for me faster and I'm just weak to boredom at this point.
overall tldr, BUT what hostility I have no idea, I answered your hate with more hate. You can read that in the old post, but your head is elsewhere I'm sure (refering to my message before this). Now go, you must have something better to do than hating on others' work, I'm sure kid!


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
Lot of good talk and feedback re: puzzles, appreciate everyone's thoughts. In the end it's about what's possible with what the game has. I won't be adding jumping or climbing, too late in the game lifecycle for that. Solving puzzles with the H controls (falling down, getting naked, etc) seems to be well received. If I can incorporate more H content into the puzzles themselves, like blowing the spiked zombie, that would be win win.

Specific puzzle recommendations would be helpful - I'm not much of a gamer myself so I don't have a mental archive of puzzle examples to reference.
Can't tell if you like the game or not, but regardless your feedback is appreciated. Have you played the 0.4.51 version yet? It's got a lot of new content starting on Level 1 and a number of items you've mentioned have been addressed or at least improved.
I think the game is okay. I found it while looking for new games to try sorting by rating score. I was surprised by my experience -- it didn't feel like it approached 5 stars but for what tools the player is given it plays better than expected.

The web-based engine seems to be part of the constraint, and my memory of talking with JS folks who made games recalls they were typically top-down isometric adventures (think old Diablo games / Vampire Survivors), procedurally generated side-scrollers (think Flappy Bird), or puzzles.

As for puzzles they've fallen out of my mainstay of entertainment but when I was younger I did main a game made exclusively of puzzles called Puzzle Pirates by Three Rings Design. Beyond my belief, despite the game having been released in 2003 it still sees players today and has a Steam release. The (25 ATM) were (are) deeply intricate, some evolutions of puzzles in games made before this one.

As for suggesting puzzle mechanics appropriate to ValKaree I ought to play a newer version first before I give more pointed critique, and I'm currently not in the rush to do that. I appreciate that you took the time to read my heavy critique and didn't react harshly, which I tremendously respect because subconsciously I'm like a criticism cannon. It's definitely not what I consider a 5 star (4.5) experience as reviews average now, feels closer to 3.5 (approaching 4) rank. The fetish isn't my cup of tea but I will admit that you do present many opportunities to see animations and provide a good level of playback control even without enemies themselves granting more than 1 anim solo or with a partner.

You can gain some inspiration from the link above but be warned, I was intimidated by the intricacy of the puzzles 20 years ago first finding them and looking back I'd be horrified to recreate their depth myself, though JS lang could definitely handle it. An educated guess on which one to plagiarize from there would be Rumble against bosses like other girls, which can be treated as an alternative of PopCap's Dynomite. It makes sense Val would not try to kill girls she wants to save, and/or she has big muscles so why not use them? Queue standing portraits of both fighters throwing attacks and reacting to getting hit, with girl's damage becoming worse like Doom Guy's portrait. A simpler surrogate is a typical boxing game with targets on the character's body appearing randomly and X time to react, which can be made complex by making the player choose from more than one button input and highlight the correct part of the screen. Simpler but effective. Or even literally Punchout, with simpler inputs but more sprite variety and positioning. The Punchout style can also accommodate gunfire like many popular 2000s-era Newgrounds target shooting games did.

The puzzles I have seen featured as side tasks in other action games are far simpler -- literally any spy game these days rips off pipe completion for "hacking" tasks. So let me freestyle a puzzle: what I thought the "syringe" puzzle I heard of could have been before I found it and realized it was a fetch series...
A note (or scraps / multiple pages strewn about) has instructions for a concoction. Typically in games with this form of puzzle the reagents are combined in a certain order, but further realistic complexity can involve choices for how much of a reagent should be added and how long it should be heated for (possibly heated even between chemical addition steps), even with reagents being reused in different amounts later. Some simple arithmetic (PEMDAS, but likely only the MDAS of it) and you got yourself a firm and entertaining puzzle carried solely by the interact (Press Up on gamepad), and field entry (type in number) or multiple choice (choose reagent / amount / time) mechanics. If not replacing the potion now you can use this for making an explosive concoction to break something or kill something with.

Best of luck. The game isn't what I consider 5 stars nor is the necro fetish my kind of hype but I respect the attention to criticism and will be more merciful as I understand the constraints of the game engine and development cycle period. In the future there's always another game you can make. This is more complex JS than most people would deal with. Skyrim used Macromedia Flash for elements of Skyrim's UI. Flash in 2011! For a major game!
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Jan 28, 2018
I think the game is okay. I found it while looking for new games to try sorting by rating score. I was surprised by my experience -- it didn't feel like it approached 5 stars but for what tools the player is given it plays better than expected.

The web-based engine seems to be part of the constraint, and my memory of talking with JS folks who made games recalls they were typically top-down isometric adventures (think old Diablo games / Vampire Survivors), procedurally generated side-scrollers (think Flappy Bird), or puzzles.

As for puzzles they've fallen out of my mainstay of entertainment but when I was younger I did main a game made exclusively of puzzles called Puzzle Pirates by Three Rings Design. Beyond my belief, despite the game having been released in 2003 it still sees players today and has a Steam release. The (25 ATM) were (are) deeply intricate, some evolutions of puzzles in games made before this one.

As for suggesting puzzle mechanics appropriate to ValKaree I ought to play a newer version first before I give more pointed critique, and I'm currently not in the rush to do that. I appreciate that you took the time to read my heavy critique and didn't react harshly, which I tremendously respect because subconsciously I'm like a criticism cannon. It's definitely not what I consider a 5 star (4.5) experience as reviews average now, feels closer to 3.5 (approaching 4) rank. The fetish isn't my cup of tea but I will admit that you do present many opportunities to see animations and provide a good level of playback control even without enemies themselves granting more than 1 anim solo or with a partner.

You can gain some inspiration from the link above but be warned, I was intimidated by the intricacy of the puzzles 20 years ago first finding them and looking back I'd be horrified to recreate their depth myself, though JS lang could definitely handle it. An educated guess on which one to plagiarize from there would be Rumble against bosses like other girls, which can be treated as an alternative of PopCap's Dynomite. It makes sense Val would not try to kill girls she wants to save, and/or she has big muscles so why not use them? Queue standing portraits of both fighters throwing attacks and reacting to getting hit, with girl's damage becoming worse like Doom Guy's portrait. A simpler surrogate is a typical boxing game with targets on the character's body appearing randomly and X time to react, which can be made complex by making the player choose from more than one button input and highlight the correct part of the screen. Simpler but effective. Or even literally Punchout, with simpler inputs but more sprite variety and positioning. The Punchout style can also accommodate gunfire like many popular 2000s-era Newgrounds target shooting games did.

The puzzles I have seen featured as side tasks in other action games are far simpler -- literally any spy game these days rips off pipe completion for "hacking" tasks. So let me freestyle a puzzle: what I thought the "syringe" puzzle I heard of could have been before I found it and realized it was a fetch series...
A note (or scraps / multiple pages strewn about) has instructions for a concoction. Typically in games with this form of puzzle the reagents are combined in a certain order, but further realistic complexity can involve choices for how much of a reagent should be added and how long it should be heated for (possibly heated even between chemical addition steps), even with reagents being reused in different amounts later. Some simple arithmetic (PEMDAS, but likely only the MDAS of it) and you got yourself a firm and entertaining puzzle carried solely by the interact (Press Up on gamepad), and field entry (type in number) or multiple choice (choose reagent / amount / time) mechanics. If not replacing the potion now you can use this for making an explosive concoction to break something or kill something with.

Best of luck. The game isn't what I consider 5 stars nor is the necro fetish my kind of hype but I respect the attention to criticism and will be more merciful as I understand the constraints of the game engine and development cycle period. In the future there's always another game you can make. This is more complex JS than most people would deal with. Skyrim used Macromedia Flash for elements of Skyrim's UI. Flash in 2011! For a major game!
So your suggestion is changing the entire game to something else, or making things that are already in the game. NICE!


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
So your suggestion is changing the entire game to something else, or making things that are already in the game. NICE!
The strawman fallacy is obvious here. Games can have more than one type of gameplay.

As I stated with examples before, many games contain at least 2 playable types of gameplay, one being the major focus and one being the minor focus. It's less common for action games which put so much focus in environment and enemy function that they usually don't change genre but even that has exceptions (Nier Automata, Borderlands 3, etc). Note the 2nd game there did that completely optionally as part of a with incentive found in gun rewards for the main game.

In the ValKyree version I played, there was a competent 2D walking action environment with combat puzzle logic and fetching. It didn't feel good enough to me but I will admit it was bug-free. Val the dev already expressed considering some of these options and the engine isn't a good fit for them. Val might not have the time to test an additional gameplay UI and set of mechanics but many games feature a kind of dual-nature of 2 styles to break monotony. Stuff like that could be added to the current game or a new game. For now I'll say the game's okay but the rating is oddly high, I didn't feel the excitement I expected.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 7, 2022
The strawman fallacy is obvious here. Games can have more than one type of gameplay.

As I stated with examples before, many games contain at least 2 playable types of gameplay, one being the major focus and one being the minor focus. It's less common for action games which put so much focus in environment and enemy function that they usually don't change genre but even that has exceptions (Nier Automata, Borderlands 3, etc). Note the 2nd game there did that completely optionally as part of a with incentive found in gun rewards for the main game.

In the ValKyree version I played, there was a competent 2D walking action environment with combat puzzle logic and fetching. It didn't feel good enough to me but I will admit it was bug-free. Val the dev already expressed considering some of these options and the engine isn't a good fit for them. Val might not have the time to test an additional gameplay UI and set of mechanics but many games feature a kind of dual-nature of 2 styles to break monotony. Stuff like that could be added to the current game or a new game. For now I'll say the game's okay but the rating is oddly high, I didn't feel the excitement I expected.
A lot of what you've mentioned is beyond my abilities or the limits of the game's foundation, but you did bring up a few items that I may work and/or got me thinking about things from a different perspective. Thanks for that.

I'm guessing most of the folks that reviewed the game are fans of the unique guro content and their high ratings stem from that, but I'm confident the reviews are genuine as most of those folks have been pretty involved in the discussions.
When you say it's not a 5-star game, what 5-star games are you comparing it to? I'm specifically interested to know which action/platformer games on this site are better in your opinion and why. And I'm not trying to be combative, just trying to understand people's opinions on the game.


Jan 28, 2018
The strawman fallacy is obvious here. Games can have more than one type of gameplay.

As I stated with examples before, many games contain at least 2 playable types of gameplay, one being the major focus and one being the minor focus. It's less common for action games which put so much focus in environment and enemy function that they usually don't change genre but even that has exceptions (Nier Automata, Borderlands 3, etc). Note the 2nd game there did that completely optionally as part of a with incentive found in gun rewards for the main game.

In the ValKyree version I played, there was a competent 2D walking action environment with combat puzzle logic and fetching. It didn't feel good enough to me but I will admit it was bug-free. Val the dev already expressed considering some of these options and the engine isn't a good fit for them. Val might not have the time to test an additional gameplay UI and set of mechanics but many games feature a kind of dual-nature of 2 styles to break monotony. Stuff like that could be added to the current game or a new game. For now I'll say the game's okay but the rating is oddly high, I didn't feel the excitement I expected.
Well that is a subjective point, no need for a game to be "dual-nature" to be enjoyable! Also remember that programming new gamemodes takes a lot of time, that the single dev can use to makes more animations and CGIs and new levels. I think you are totally missing the point, this is no steam or gog, this is a site where porn games are shared. When you see 5 star here, it means that this game is a AWESOME Hgame. (I think that some of the games here are way better than the mess triple A games are right now, BUT that is also subjective)
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Aug 10, 2019
I do like the concept of the game a bit more then the actual gameplay at times, so its the art and the overall work you are putting into it that has me as a fan. so just keep those codes that unlock everything for when I get to frustrated lol.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
A lot of what you've mentioned is beyond my abilities or the limits of the game's foundation, but you did bring up a few items that I may work and/or got me thinking about things from a different perspective. Thanks for that.

I'm guessing most of the folks that reviewed the game are fans of the unique guro content and their high ratings stem from that, but I'm confident the reviews are genuine as most of those folks have been pretty involved in the discussions.
When you say it's not a 5-star game, what 5-star games are you comparing it to? I'm specifically interested to know which action/platformer games on this site are better in your opinion and why. And I'm not trying to be combative, just trying to understand people's opinions on the game.
I've been asked by users before to provide recommendations for similar games to play after their previous game, but when you ask me for 5 star games, there's a bit more nuance. It's not only subjective, but objective in this case; you want games that have aspects that can help you plan for the current style of game you're making. I don't think those are 5 stars because of bit and piece issues here-and-there, but you might learn from them.

Game features, appropriate pacing-to-duration ratio, and strong presentation are factors for what I consider to be a good game. If your game is simple then it ought to be short and that's great. If it's complex try not to bloat time in a boring fashion.

I can't offer many games if I stay exclusively within 5 stars so I'll widen the window for inspiration.

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I would have more examples but I've done enough work here. You can gain inspiration from games rated 3 stars or above because even if they're not completely amazing they do often carry fantastic work in a particular system that validates the game's creation. I would recommend you check out Metroidvanias for how they utilize upgrades to enable further exploration, as well as horror games and stealth games for how to use limited character ability to conquer greater scenarios. Some games also only become great when using mods, which means they're not strong enough on their own.

A major problem ValKyree has is a lack of character mechanics and design capacity. It's challenging to add more when stages are flat and Val can only slide, kick, shoot forward, grenade, and interact. I figured since you're using JavaScript you can leverage web design into an actual puzzle screen to bolster areas where you really want more mechanics for Val to use. An efficient place for them is bosses, since Val can't get ability upgrades to make bosses themselves become very varied.
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Jan 28, 2018
I've been asked by users before to provide recommendations for similar games to play after their previous game, but when you ask me for 5 star games, there's a bit more nuance. It's not only subjective, but objective in this case; you want games that have aspects that can help you plan for the current style of game you're making. I don't think those are 5 stars because of bit and piece issues here-and-there, but you might learn from them.

Game features, appropriate pacing-to-duration ratio, and strong presentation are factors for what I consider to be a good game. If your game is simple then it ought to be short and that's great. If it's complex try not to bloat time in a boring fashion.

I can't offer many games if I stay exclusively within 5 stars so I'll widen the window for inspiration.

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I would have more examples but I've done enough work here. You can gain inspiration from games rated 3 stars or above because even if they're not completely amazing they do often carry fantastic work in a particular system that validates the game's creation. I would recommend you check out Metroidvanias for how they utilize upgrades to enable further exploration, as well as horror games and stealth games for how to use limited character ability to conquer greater scenarios. Some games also only become great when using mods, which means they're not strong enough on their own.

A major problem ValKyree has is a lack of character mechanics and design capacity. It's challenging to add more when stages are flat and Val can only slide, kick, shoot forward, grenade, and interact. I figured since you're using JavaScript you can leverage web design into an actual puzzle screen to bolster areas where you really want more mechanics for Val to use. An efficient place for them is bosses, since Val can't get ability upgrades to make bosses themselves become very varied.
I don't think metroidvania is the genre for Valkaree. It's more like a 2D Resident Evil. Anyway it's funny how you post Karryn's Prison as an example for a 5 star hgame, since it's my biggest letdown since I started following this forum. That game has basically EVERY problem you mentioned: EXTREMELY repetitive, the story is really boring and dumb, all the minigames are basically reskinned fight scenes, plus I can add that the quality of the H-part of the game is REALLY subpar, and there are really few scenes, reskinned a milion times. 0/5. Remember, you are reviewing a hgame, the H-part for me it's 3/5 of the vote. (even thou Karryn's prison would suck anyway)


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
I don't think metroidvania is the genre for Valkaree. It's more like a 2D Resident Evil. Anyway it's funny how you post Karryn's Prison as an example for a 5 star hgame, since it's my biggest letdown since I started following this forum. That game has basically EVERY problem you mentioned: EXTREMELY repetitive, the story is really boring and dumb, all the minigames are basically reskinned fight scenes, plus I can add that the quality of the H-part of the game is REALLY subpar, and there are really few scenes, reskinned a milion times. 0/5. Remember, you are reviewing a hgame, the H-part for me it's 3/5 of the vote. (even thou Karryn's prison would suck anyway)
Thank you for admitting for yourself that the hentai counts more for your personal rating than the game's mechanics, but for me the mechanics and presentation matter more. I wasn't being honest with myself when I said earlier something along the lines of ValKaree scoring as a "3.5 stars approaching 4" because it plays worse than many of the 3/5 star games I mentioned in my game rating post that Val the dev requested.

Val the dev has been an honest person who has told me everything I wanted to hear as far as their effort, game engine limitations, game mechanic consideration, and that the game's rating is high more for the porn than the gameplay.

Since you compared this game to Resident Evil, try Bioasshard Arena (3.5/5).

Just as a litmus test for my ratings, earlier in the week I played the game that your signature identifies as That Game with a really Long Name, and I give it a solid 4/5 stars -- it's a nice combat puzzle game with roguelite mechanics that throws away tired tropes and tells a satire story that can be described as "intelligently administered stupidity". My ratings are not the problem. For you to rate Karryn's Prison 0/5 when that game currently has 346 ratings averaging near 4.5 stars is harder to justify than me rating ValKaree 3.5/5 stars or worse. For the version of ValKaree I just finished the player (and anything else) can't jump and there's only 1 enemy design across entire levels. ValKaree's UI and story is a work in progress.

Thank you for confirming for everyone on this site across your posts on this thread that you are rude, childish, and your opinions are likely contrary to a vast majority of people on F95.

In short, ValKaree is an okay game. The developer knows this and has done the best they can. It is good practice for their skills and they've been honest about their efforts and hardships. Val's next game project is likely to be much better.
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New Member
Dec 24, 2021
I've run into an issue where none of the animations play anymore, not sure what caused it, but it isnt fixed by either restarting the game or the save. Might need to redownload the game.


Jan 28, 2018
Thank you for admitting for yourself that the hentai counts more for your personal rating than the game's mechanics, but for me the mechanics and presentation matter more. I wasn't being honest with myself when I said earlier something along the lines of ValKaree scoring as a "3.5 stars approaching 4" because it plays worse than many of the 3/5 star games I mentioned in my game rating post that Val the dev requested.

Val the dev has been an honest person who has told me everything I wanted to hear as far as their effort, game engine limitations, game mechanic consideration, and that the game's rating is high more for the porn than the gameplay.

Since you compared this game to Resident Evil, try Bioasshard Arena (3.5/5).

Just as a litmus test for my ratings, earlier in the week I played the game that your signature identifies as That Game with a really Long Name, and I give it a solid 4/5 stars -- it's a nice combat puzzle game with roguelite mechanics that throws away tired tropes and tells a satire story that can be described as "intelligently administered stupidity". My ratings are not the problem. For you to rate Karryn's Prison 0/5 when that game currently has 346 ratings averaging near 4.5 stars is harder to justify than me rating ValKaree 3.5/5 stars or worse. For the version of ValKaree I just finished the player (and anything else) can't jump and there's only 1 enemy design across entire levels. ValKaree's UI and story is a work in progress.

Thank you for confirming for everyone on this site across your posts on this thread that you are rude, childish, and your opinions are likely contrary to a vast majority of people on F95.

In short, ValKaree is an okay game. The developer knows this and has done the best they can. It is good practice for their skills and they've been honest about their efforts and hardships. Val's next game project is likely to be much better.
Consider also the dedication of the devs: Bioasshard Arena has barely any update, Long name game is currently empty and I hope for new updates soon, and the success of Karryn's Prison is mostly due to the popularity of the dev (you point out my rating for being different, but don't negate my points on the game). If you want to stalk my signature, I don't even think Taimanin Asagi is a perfect game, not even the best visual novel, But the best culturized visual novel I've ever read (Asagi best waifu). And don't try to pull the "your opinion is subjective" BS, your opinion is aswell (proved in past comments). My point is: you are too strict with your ratings, go rank tripleA games. A depressed indie dev is a abandoned game, I've seen it too many times by now. Chill out man!..........And Fuck Karryn's Prison.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
Consider also the dedication of the devs: Bioasshard Arena has barely any update, Long name game is currently empty and I hope for new updates soon, and the success of Karryn's Prison is mostly due to the popularity of the dev (you point out my rating for being different, but don't negate my points on the game). If you want to stalk my signature, I don't even think Taimanin Asagi is a perfect game, not even the best visual novel, But the best culturized visual novel I've ever read (Asagi best waifu). And don't try to pull the "your opinion is subjective" BS, your opinion is aswell (proved in past comments). My point is: you are too strict with your ratings, go rank tripleA games. A depressed indie dev is a abandoned game, I've seen it too many times by now. Chill out man!..........And Fuck Karryn's Prison.
Okay, I'll chill. This is getting stale. Yes I'll rate Karryn's Prison 4/5 now. I rated it high for being really good for RPGM, especially being turn-based. I gave it a 5 since I was being more lax with it. There's some action RPGM games but they have flaws. Although Bioasshard Arena is notable for the rating 3.5/5 and how ValKaree feels in development now, along with being kinda similar-ish in how they handle puzzle progression.

I had no plans on Taimanin Asagi, but there was an action game (no porn) of the franchise that people rip models from for stuff so people like the art for sure.

I do recommend Holy Knight Ricca way more. Not only does it feel like a triple A game in quality and scope, but it was made by one person. It makes Unity engine look good.

I do feel bad about Unity engine's new monetization scaring away devs, it was the kind of "looks pretty enough" game engine that got people to making full games faster. Projects in Unreal engine tend to die from lack of activity and get developed more slowly. Godot is picking up Unity's community. I hope it streamlines development almost as well as Unity did.

Let's retire this discussion. It's gone on long enough.
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Jan 28, 2018
Okay, I'll chill. This is getting stale. Yes I'll rate Karryn's Prison 4/5 now. I rated it high for being really good for RPGM, especially being turn-based. I gave it a 5 since I was being more lax with it. There's some action RPGM games but they have flaws. Although Bioasshard Arena is notable for the rating 3.5/5 and how ValKaree feels in development now, along with being kinda similar-ish in how they handle puzzle progression.

I had no plans on Taimanin Asagi, but there was an action game (no porn) of the franchise that people rip models from for stuff so people like the art for sure.

I do recommend Holy Knight Ricca way more. Not only does it feel like a triple A game in quality and scope, but it was made by one person. It makes Unity engine look good.

I do feel bad about Unity engine's new monetization scaring away devs, it was the kind of "looks pretty enough" game engine that got people to making full games faster. Projects in Unreal engine tend to die from lack of activity and get developed more slowly. Godot is picking up Unity's community. I hope it streamlines development almost as well as Unity did.

Let's retire this discussion. It's gone on long enough.
Action Taimanin is the non-h game based on that universe.

Holy Knight Ricca has the same problem as Bioasshard arena, no update in ages.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
Holy Knight Ricca has the same problem as Bioasshard arena, no update in ages.
That reply sounds like you've never played the game. It's among the most complete and polished unfinished games I've seen. It'll last a long time before you reach the incomplete end. I recommend playing on hard mode just for the good balance it has with the upgrade economy.


Jan 28, 2018
That reply sounds like you've never played the game. It's among the most complete and polished unfinished games I've seen. It'll last a long time before you reach the incomplete end. I recommend playing on hard mode just for the good balance it has with the upgrade economy.
The game isn't marked as complete, but it's pretty full of content...I learned to misstrust anything that isn't marked as Complete and doesn't get frequent updates. Holy knight ricca is not polished, with lack of customization (funny, cuz there are option, but not a variations, all weebo stuff), plus the main character doesn't have the best of design.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
The game isn't marked as complete, but it's pretty full of content...I learned to misstrust anything that isn't marked as Complete and doesn't get frequent updates. Holy knight ricca is not polished, with lack of customization (funny, cuz there are option, but not a variations, all weebo stuff), plus the main character doesn't have the best of design.
Okay, but this is the thread for ValKaree. You can say much of that for this game too, but instead of "weebo stuff" being the problem, significantly less polish and content is the problem. I'll just say that your posts seem to contain an odd amount of hypocrisy, which makes their content deceitful.

I once did not reply to you, but you replied to my post aimed at someone else. Then I told you I prefer to end the discussion, but then you go say something weirdly falsey again. Can we really just end this chatter? This is the 3rd time I'm trying to end this.
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