After experiencing Rebirth, I hope I like this one. Rebirth left me with such a dark, hopeless (as far as the characters) feeling (which is an achievement in a video game) that I was/am looking forward to Likes Blondes' new work.
That said, I have to say right off that I think the MC is a total knob and it might be hard to get into this one. So far he acts like a 12 year old, like he was turned when he was prepubescent and never matured even after. I would almost have preferred a continuation of Rebirth, though I can see the allure of starting new characters. As this is a Prologue, I am hoping that something radical occurs that changes the characters around a bit or I might not be able to invest time in this one. I'm not trying to tell LB what to write, but I am hoping that he/she takes a really good look at the MC and his general douchery.