
Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Hi folks, came from the other 2 international VB titles, big fan of the new things in hollow and everything else, but I have 2 questions (I always start in hard btw)

1. Is there a turn limit? Because if there is not, one can let the turn pass and farm which I don't like and would be a bit sad if the game allow that.

2. I always build a treasure/bounty hunter team in my first turn, did it when played GAIA and FRONTIER, and now I'm doing it in HOLLOW, every fight in the 3 first chapters give me 1 rank3+ weapon and at least 2 medallions per enemy division and S++ rank rewards seems very low when you compare to the exp and resources gained from be patient and destroy every single enemy with my Treasure/bounty team + other 2 so they gain exp too. Is there a reason to skip that free exp in order to get a rank S++?
There's only the 999 turn limit thing, which means that yes, you can totally spend time to farm for a while in various stages for the sake of gathering materials, leveling up your divisions, upgrading your domestic affairs to higher levels or whatever else you want to do. Obviously, you can't do it forever, but you can do it for longer than would be otherwise advisable if there were harder limits.

As for the whole S++ thing... aside from bragging rights, as was mentioned, it doesn't really matter much. Check the rewards and decide for yourself if you want to go for them or not... However, the ones in the early chapters weren't worth it no matter what from what I remember. I think they get better later in the game... but even then, I think the most notable things about them were the extra Keys... and those are of debatable use anyway unless you save-scum a lot. Well, unless you want to aim for the 999 Keys cheese to unlock Tier 12 ore.

In any case. I wish you luck. I know that it IS theoretically possible to beat the game on Hard on the first playthrough... though I'm not sure what it takes to do that. I'm not sure if it's possible on Chaos route tho... On Law, even True Law, you only need at most 6 good divisions. 3 offensive ones to go after the objective and 3 defensive ones to protect the one town you're not allowed to lose. Everything else is whatever. Chaos on the other hand has moments where the game gives you split objectives, which makes it MUCH harder to beat on higher difficulty levels before you unlock more and better units...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
2. I always build a treasure/bounty hunter team in my first turn, did it when played GAIA and FRONTIER, and now I'm doing it in HOLLOW, every fight in the 3 first chapters give me 1 rank3+ weapon and at least 2 medallions per enemy division and S++ rank rewards seems very low when you compare to the exp and resources gained from be patient and destroy every single enemy with my Treasure/bounty team + other 2 so they gain exp too. Is there a reason to skip that free exp in order to get a rank S++?
There are chapter and mission rewards, you usually don't need to farm because you get the resources as a reward.

But yes there is a strategy to farm for a bit in the early chapters when you don't have as many teams and resources.
I think you pretty much need to do that if you select Hard difficulty without the New Game+ bonuses.
But I think the problem with that strategy is not that many enemies respawn so there is not much point in farming medallions/treasure so it's better to get S rank mission bonuses.

In my initial Hard playthrough once I built some teams I have gone exclusively for the S ranks pretty early and had plenty of resources.


Jul 25, 2018
Thanks for your answers friends, I have been working in my own strat to farm medallions and get an interesting ressult.

You can get 4-6 medallions per enemy squad if you fight 3 of them defenslive, what I did was set 1 tank squad, 1 dps squad and my treasure/bounty squad, then you let the enemy come for you, once your dps squad have nearly killed their respective enemy squad you rotate to match your TH/BH squad with them, once you pass turn you will get at least 3-4 medallions, sometimes I get even 8, it's crazy. doing this I have exceed for a lot the S++ rewards at this momment I'm at the end of Tsubaki conquest(my first dark lord) and have 12 well defined squads with their best possible tacticas and almost all my investments at lvl 50 thans to the extra gold I got for every battle my BH/TH squad won, and almost all my equipment is from gold/Mithril tier.

Let's see if this strat let me win at hard diff as first run.


Feb 13, 2022
Having played 10+ times and I can assure I understand almost nothing. So I have a few questions:
1. How do Squad buff and division buff work? They seem to be the same but I know they must be different, just that I don't know about it. And if you have both of them in a team, do they stack additively or multiplicatively?
2. About type buffs. Let's assume we have 3 teams attacking at the same time. Do type buffs work for every character in all three teams or only the team with that type buff gets buffed?
3. About nulls. I more or less get terrain null but what about surround null, flank null, range null? If only one character has surround null, will only the team which has that character receive the benefit or any teams that go along with that team get the benefit?


Jul 25, 2018
1. How do Squad buff and division buff work? They seem to be the same but I know they must be different, just that I don't know about it. And if you have both of them in a team, do they stack additively or multiplicatively?
"X" boost is aditive, Command "X" is percentual

2. About type buffs. Let's assume we have 3 teams attacking at the same time. Do type buffs work for every character in all three teams or only the team with that type buff gets buffed?
Buffs only affect their own squads

3. About nulls. I more or less get terrain null but what about surround null, flank null, range null? If only one character has surround null, will only the team which has that character receive the benefit or any teams that go along with that team get the benefit?
Nulls affects their own squad not the enemy squad in front of them, if you are fighting a squad with "All Attack" and the other ability which let them hit all your division, you will need "all null" in your 3 squads.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Wait, so let's presume we have 2 "squad boost 15", does that mean a flat +30 in a team, while 2 "command division 10" means a 20% increase in stats?
This was discussed multiple times in this thread already, if you cared to search... but the answer to your question is "sort of".

Neither boost nor commands affect the unit that gives the boost, so for your example, you need to remember that 4 units will get 30, but the two that give the boost will only get 15 each. Same with command. 4 units will get 20, two will get 10 each.

This is something that's critical to remember for squad building if you want to tackle higher difficulties.

Also remember that for the most part, type specific boosts are generally stronger than general boosts like "squad" and the same applies to commands. Mostly. I think there's a couple of units that kind of break that rule with abnormally high general boosts, but those are late-game stuff that's hard to get and tricky to use.


Feb 13, 2022
This was discussed multiple times in this thread already, if you cared to search... but the answer to your question is "sort of".

Neither boost nor commands affect the unit that gives the boost, so for your example, you need to remember that 4 units will get 30, but the two that give the boost will only get 15 each. Same with command. 4 units will get 20, two will get 10 each.

This is something that's critical to remember for squad building if you want to tackle higher difficulties.

Also remember that for the most part, type specific boosts are generally stronger than general boosts like "squad" and the same applies to commands. Mostly. I think there's a couple of units that kind of break that rule with abnormally high general boosts, but those are late-game stuff that's hard to get and tricky to use.
Okay, I know about that part. But that isn't what I want to ask. I mean, do squad buff add a flat number of stat points and command division increase stats by X percent or both increase stats by X percent?
Edit: nvm, i think i figured that out. Sorry for the trouble.
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New Member
Jan 5, 2021
Does anyone have a 100% save file? can't find it anywhere. There is not true 100% save files Not even on sagaoz because sagaoz save file is missing a few scenes in scene/CG Viewer.


Jul 15, 2017
Does anyone have a 100% save file? can't find it anywhere. There is not true 100% save files Not even on sagaoz because sagaoz save file is missing a few scenes in scene/CG Viewer.
full gallery save data
unzip and place in Documents\dualtail\venusblood_hollow_en
theres also a full save with all commander units unlocked here here
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Jan 15, 2020
what does that means ?
after i launch the game, i got this error, never happened before (i did reinstall my windows10 a week ago)


New Member
May 22, 2017
I'm a bit confused about forward guard and ranged attack. Does forward guard defend against ranged attacks all the time? Is dimension slash just a ranged attack with helmet split? So if I have a 1/2 bait/tank setup, its not a good idea if forward guard works against dimension slash, because then dimension slash would just eat my tank

EDIT: So I just tested it, dimension slash does not go through forward guard. Which means that forward guard would always work
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I'm a bit confused about forward guard and ranged attack. Does forward guard defend against ranged attacks all the time? Is dimension slash just a ranged attack with helmet split? So if I have a 1/2 bait/tank setup, its not a good idea if forward guard works against dimension slash, because then dimension slash would just eat my tank

EDIT: So I just tested it, dimension slash does not go through forward guard. Which means that forward guard would always work
Once dimension slash becomes a problem, u need to make a evasion decoy. The ideal setup is defense fornation+forward guard tank at 1. Least tanky decoy with 100+ evasion at 2. And second weakest decoy at 6. This means ranged attacks and dimension targets the evasion decoy, since those attacks go through defense formation. And melee attacks will target the tank or second weakest decoy.
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New Member
May 22, 2017
I think I found a bug where the guest units recruited and already unlocked by the key (leona, shiela, titie) are not appearing on the recruit screen anymore. They previous did appear, but in the next chapter it stopped. I am using the UI mod and the latest (1.07) patch

EDIT: so this is not a bug but a feature. This happens when the "Alter" unit is toggled, and because you cant alter leona shiela or titie, they simply dont appear
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
is poison field damage dependent on wisdom stat?
Wisdom is the stat that governs magic stuff, yes, so damage from stuff like Poison Field is affected by Wisdom. Even then, the skill value itself tends to matter more from what I remember.

Either way, if you search the thread, there should be a comment somewhere that has the damage formula and how the Wisdom stat is factored in, if you really want to get into the nity-gritty of things.

It's been too long for me to remember things in full details. Especially when there's stuff like, hm... I think Amplification was that skill's name... which boosted damage for magic-type skills as well as healing skills for the entire division, and that's also a factor if you want to do things with stuff like Poison Field.
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