
Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2021
It is work but God Damm is a buggy mess also somebody know how to down fear stats to npcs the game is not worth it now


Mar 27, 2024
It is work but God Damm is a buggy mess also somebody know how to down fear stats to npcs the game is not worth it now
Fear should lower with time if you don't fight them for a bit.. dunno if having passive sex with them could help.. right now those are the only ideas about it..
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
does not work
works for me and for 0.7 version. Maybe the dev changed something.
Look for the string
RangeError(`Chance must be between 0 and 100, received: ${e}`);return 0!==o&&(100===o||100*("function"==typeof i?i:Ce)()<o)},window.DevEng=function(e)

What follows is the code


RangeError(`Chance must be between 0 and 100, received: ${e}`);return 0!==o&&(100===o||100*("function"==typeof i?i:Ce)()<o)},window.DevEng=function(e){"thunderhex"==e.toLowerCase()
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Aug 30, 2020
Male mc at 1st day got into a fight with a random girl and lost. She forced him to swallow some pink pills. Is this the start of a randomized forced feminization and m2f transformation?

After the fight mc had 0 Energy. He could walk around but had no Energy to talk to people. Only way to restore Energy I found was to wait until night and go to sleep. Shouldn't Energy regenerate over time in a game with a time system based on minutes?
(It is different for games where a time slot eg represents a whole day and you have an energy budget for this whole day.)

I played a lot of html games and this game is different in the UI, so maybe better set up a short page (no wall of text) with hints for new players how to play the game.
Usually you visit a location and have the option to do actions, eg visit the gym and work out. In your game you have to visit the gym, then find the trainer among all the random people, talk to him, buy a training for 100$ and you need to meet the energy requirement. If you visit the gym at a time where no trainer is there, there are no options and it looks like work out is not implemented for new players.
This pattern, visit location, find the right person, talk, to do the location specific action applies to most actions. Exception is the class where the mc needs to be at the location at the right time and there has a button to attend class.

This game is about micromanaging time, energy and money.
It would be useful to see a numerical value for Energy since having less than 50 Energy seems to block work or training and having less than 25 Energy will result in automatically loosing a fight. Talking to people seems to be a constant loss in Energy.
80 $ for an energy drink which restores a small amount of Energy seems way too much if the player is capped to work once a day and get ca 200 $ per day at start. Would you work a day for the value of 2-3 energy drinks, roughly restoring the energy you spent working?
As I wrote above, better add Energy regeneration (and maybe also meals and rest times).

Locations with specific business times should have the option to wait until the location opens, eg wait until 8am or 9am.
Maybe also add some info for new players how specific locations work and abou the business times.
I'm with you on most of this. Even in text/HTML games, should B able to EAT/SHOWER/etc normal stuff to restore energy.

Needs many basic things (including above [shower/eat +ENERGY] ) + quick buttons (go home, work, school, etc )

Still early [v 007 trying out] hope gets better.


Aug 30, 2020
A lot of content created and shared online seems to swing one of two ways, either the creator tries to do everything under the sun, and thus you get a huge swath of potential content, with nothing to do; or you get the bare minimum amount of content that has a decent amount of depth but never gets truly finished, maybe 1 or 2 specific things gets done or close to being done, but not everything.

Some might say I am being overly critical and pessimistic but I have been burned way too much over my long time on the Internet to think any differently. Hence why I tend to not try content until it has been out for quite awhile at this point.
There's some truth to that. Partly b/c too many devs try to please too many people [no man can serve 2 masters, let alone, 100+!!!]
***FAR *** too many people only in it for the $$$, [simple GREED] so if/when the don't make enough, they quit.

Devs need to understand:
1) a good VN is like writing a good BOOK: takes TIME, COMMITMENT, RESEARCH, & even then, don't expect a bestseller on your 1st try!
2) The same thing devs like to give us (GRIND) applies to them: PRACTICE, & EXPERIENCE count for a LOT!
[but if you QUIT early on, don't blame us!]
3) COMPETITION out there is VERY FIERCE! (must be 1,000+ Adult games now?!?) DO WHAT YOU LOVE----or don't do it. Takes time PATIENCE etc to develop a following.
4) FEEDBACK. This is PRICELESS, IF U USE IT. [some devs ignore it, then wonder why everyone leaves...]


Aug 30, 2020
Weapons: I realize this is early (v 007) but does anyone know where you can get weapons? [combat EXTREMELY difficult! ]
so far ALL combat unarmed


Aug 30, 2020
UGH. Ok feel like an idiot.... Haven't been active on F95 in a while, & checking back, & now i can't remember how to leave a REVIEW!
can somebody please PM me or send me a link or something? thanks.


Aug 30, 2020
REVIEW: (see above post, if u can help me put this in right section PM or send link etc...)

[v 007 reviewed --->> Please folks, mention version # so we know what you played b4 the review!]
BAD: [note this review is *WITH* cheats, to lvl 20; W/o, GRIND is much much worse]
-Can't eat or shower to regain energy/stamina/health
-COMBAT INSANELY diffiult! (even *WITH* cheats, easy to get your ass kicked!)
-low energy ---can't do much (+ more likely loose fights!) -->> might as well go to bed @ 3-4pm.
-PICS! needs full bodys pics. (head shots don't do much---FYI dev, BOTH sexes R VISUAL)
Doesn't need 2 be fancy, basic stuff, (many good Renpy examples) anything helps.
-GRIND is **EXTREME**!!!
-no quick travel [home/jobs/etc]
-really, VERY few options to do anything besides a) WORK, [earn XP] & b) earn $$ (not much helpful, can't buy FOOD soap books etc )
-computer visible in room, but can't use it [note that "attending a class" helps gain some XP]
-many, many *MANY* useless options [example, "cooking skill"--ok, there's a kitchen, but you can't buy food or do anythin in Kit]
-FYI: Cheating for $ doesn't help much (as of this version) Most things are based on STATS, & only way to raise those, is LARGE amounts of XP.
-look at starting NPC stats (SERIOUSLY!) 98% of them, are lvl 30+!!! [& MC starts @ lvl -0- TOTALLY NOT RIGHT! (gee no wonder loose in combat!)]
-WAY WAY *WAY* TOO DIFFICULT compared to IRL: "casual" talk; getting girl's #;
-If "NO ENERGY" need option for GIRL TO GIVE GUY #, so can talk later!!!

Suggest dev check out "Masters of Raana" good example of HTML game, many good features.
(worth noting that dev has been working on MoR for SEVERAL YEARS)

Hint: GYM + attend class seems to be best way to raise XP.

Current: 2*; POTENTIAL: 4*, maybe more
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Aug 30, 2020
Does this mean the straight content is optional?
Still very early (see my posts, RE V 007) but, 1) can set % of MALE & FEMALE NPCs, & 2) just like IRL, can pick & choose who to talk to.
[so *ALL* content with *ANY* NPC is optional---UNLESS of course, you're unlucky, & they're aggressive/dominant. Then let's hope you can fight! (or submit/surrender)

Should be noted, at this point, many NPCs that are "there', but you can't interact w them.


Aug 30, 2020
i cant wait when games come out with version and every month they add 10 images or something. The development takes over 30 years.
UGH. version #s are REALLY messed up these days & don't mean much!
Example: some devs (when they get sick of it?) just add a "FINAL" onto the version #, & that's it.
[& then you get "reworks" & all kinds of crazy stuff!]
I've seen higher #s, (ie, A < B) where the NEWER stuff is the LOWER #! (really, more than one " . " & version #s start to loose their meaning)
-->> They need to go back to WHOLE #s, with decimal points ( " . " ) only for minor changes.


Aug 30, 2020
Thank you for your comment.
The love bar can be increased through Flirt actions and interactions (for example, the "Hug" action will only work if your friendship level is above 65).
It's also possible that the NPC is simply not interested in your gender, and you can find out about their preferences through conversations with the NPC.
Alternatively, if your dominance level is higher, you can persuade the partner through the "Persuade" tab.

The easiest way to increase the friendship level is through gifts and conversations about topics that the NPC likes (once a day, you can find out how the NPC feels about a particular conversation topic.)

I plan to implement this in the upcoming versions. NPCs will show more activity.

Gifts----I tried that, & all it did was REDUCE friendship!
[BTW, v 007, some NPCs *DO* talk to me (MC) 1st. just FYI. ]
--->> Hint dev: if girls (or male if F MC) talk to you 1st, they should tell you at least 1 gift/topic they like. (would be better if walkthru, but no option...)


Oct 22, 2017
Im sorry DEV, I like the idea and concept, been following the game so far, but this new skill mechanic needs to go, it makes no sense to train in the gym and not gain strength, instead we gain xp (very little by the way) and spend those points it would be better if the str had its own bar to fill as we train, int should be get by studying at class or library, etc.... this new rework has very little to no future. Im sorry really I know how many hours you've spend building this to bring life to the game so we could complain about it, but its my 2 cents, please, reflect on this mechanic before commiting to more hours.
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Mar 27, 2024
Gifts----I tried that, & all it did was REDUCE friendship!
[BTW, v 007, some NPCs *DO* talk to me (MC) 1st. just FYI. ]
--->> Hint dev: if girls (or male if F MC) talk to you 1st, they should tell you at least 1 gift/topic they like. (would be better if walkthru, but no option...)
Phone & Game station working good if you check their friendship..
Just appears the wrong line while you gift those..


Mar 27, 2024
how can i rise the fight stats? like strength vitality and the rest?
You gain little exp doing various activities..
At the library, going to classes, workout at the gym, fighting people and cumming..
Int increase the exp gain..
When you level up you gain a skillpoint that you can use to raise your stats..


Jul 3, 2017
Wow what the hell this is Evil (ZLO) spiritual successor updated from QSP to HTML now with a doubling down of shemale content. This is pretty neat for groundwork.


Jul 8, 2017
You gain little exp doing various activities..
At the library, going to classes, workout at the gym, fighting people and cumming..
Int increase the exp gain..
When you level up you gain a skillpoint that you can use to raise your stats..
tnx ill try that
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