two questions.. what start has the most content? and will you add playable on start amazons/futazons?
Most starts just have unique dialog with some NPCs. The Chosen One is the most directly related to living characters.
As for an Amazon start...I have three or four more starts in mind but I'm not sure if adding them to the game will add anything story-wise.
it does not appear that getting kidnapped by the bandits is working properly. i get kidnapped but can just walk right out. no sale, no nothing. current version.
I updated a lot of the variables related to being kidnapped but missed a few. I'll get it fixed by the next update.
I didn't get very far but it just seemed like all the scenes I found were 2 or 3 sentences and then moved on. Very little description, almost seemed more like an afterthought, which is fine since theres a game and story but not what I come to this website for. Was I just missing all the descriptive scenes?
This game started as a mod to Rubedo, and the two-three sentence descriptions were how that game ran. Saying that I have gone out of my depth is an understatement, but I am slowly going through and upgrading the old events to not be as awful.
If there are any scenes in particular that you think could use an upgrade, let me know. I usually update the game weekly.