Mar 23, 2022
Nevermind, turns out using the revive cheat fixed the issue
That actually did help in finding what I think was the cause. Funny enough it wasn't what I expected. Basically Bede is dead and the only way to revive her is by going to the white space. You however can get her killed BEFORE unlocking white space. I'll see about adding a clause that if she's dead before unlocking white space she can be revived just by sleeping. Although a check to have it so that going to Sultanate requires having access to white space would also solve it. But it won't fix the problem, which you solved with cheating her alive. So nevermind I guess.

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As for why I didn't patch it when you had the issue was simple. We don't deal with goodie two shoes here. Your problem, your solution.

That was a joke. In reality why I didn't patch it then was because I was unwell or at least starting to. If I was posting patches then most of them would have been easy to fix things that didn't require like 50 locations to be open. Or deep searching several variables. Not to mention you were able to fix it by back tracking your save. Which made me ignore and forget it for lack of better words. So I guess the best I can do is apologies. Sorry for not patching it then.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Text flies by, and it's something you are doing as a hobby, and on your own time. Perfection is something fancy and for other people. Happy it's found so it doesn't drive somebody else nuts down the line.

I have a metric buttload of saves on most of the playthroughs I do, so I can backtrack when I fuck something up, or to try things in a different order. There's also the moments that make me go 'what' in terms of story or flow, that I want to revisit / make suggestions for / conspire extra scenes or art ideas in the future.

...Problem is I have the memory of a goldfish, so if I don't tackle it immediately, I tend to forget unless stumbling on the notes later. So that said, I could hardly be cross at others for getting distracted by shiny, jingling keys.
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2022
Text flies by, and it's something you are doing as a hobby, and on your own time. Perfection is something fancy and for other people. Happy it's found so it doesn't drive somebody else nuts down the line.

I have a metric buttload of saves on most of the playthroughs I do, so I can backtrack when I fuck something up, or to try things in a different order. There's also the moments that make me go 'what' in terms of story or flow, that I want to revisit / make suggestions for / conspire extra scenes or art ideas in the future.

...Problem is I have the memory of a goldfish, so if I don't tackle it immediately, I tend to forget unless stumbling on the notes later.
It's always a good idea to create new saves instead of just resaving over old ones. Doesn't matter what game. Situations like this while are uncommon in most situations aren't impossible. Plus add in potential corruption and older save will be fine due to not being touched.

Unfortunatly I delete my saves each version. Meaning a few issues like updated code don't apply to me. For example in this patch I made it so that the cause of Bede's death is called 'BedePlague'. This fixes one of two issues. One references to it are a lot easier to well remember. Instead of 'Bede was killed by the Horseman Plague when he attacked you.'. Two because it's easier to remeber you don't end up with errors like 'Bede was killed by the Horseman Plague attacked you.'. Yup the error for it was two words missing.

So yeah this problem was a few things together. 1. Bede being dead before white space was unlocked means that they can't be revived. 2. Because Bede's death name was really long it caused errors with missing words meaning it was calling for something that didn't exist.

This can't solve the issue of any save after going through Sultanate/plague. Any save after that should still enter the cheat button and quest fix her death if they haven't already regardless of if they want her alive or dead.
Mar 23, 2022
Because this is unoffical it's not certain if Snekk will implement the changes I've done. If they do your save will be fine to carry over to 1.99.36. If they don't then your save will be extra broken. What this means is keep a save from before this patch. Also make sure to use the cheat menu to fix Bede's death if you are using a save after Sultanate.

edit: A personal project slipped through so I removed that link.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
I'll probably wait on the update, we're about due to Snekk to pop back around near the end of the week anyway.

Here's a story / scenario thought: Alex, the female gladiator in the arena, is enjoying combat while also looking for one strong enough to defeat her and leave her with child, via amazon custom. (Also permanently pregnant in my current playthrough.)

Would she perhaps join the protagonist on the Fatalis to travel back to the Amazon Islands, to raise her kid safely? Or would she stay in Avedon? Which is absolutely awful, but unless the child ends up looking nonhuman from the PC, she doesn't really have to worry about racist humans turning their venom on her or her kid... mostly. I suppose it is a totally different religion than the Falling Fire or whatnot.

She's also one of those NPC's that currently can only end up with a kiddo if the player is packing. Maybe a duo match in the arena, where the PC is teamed up one of her Minotaur kids? That way Alex's child is from the protagonist house /bloodline, one way or another. Dunno.

Not sure if she (Alex) needs a bigger part, but I could see an option where she eventually ends up living in FarmTown, working as combat instructor while raising her kid, or something.

...But if and when the option to age up the kids happens, that also throws a wrench into that approach, unless she's content where she is.
Mar 23, 2022
1. I'll probably wait on the update, we're about due to Snekk to pop back around near the end of the week anyway.

2. Here's a story / scenario thought: Alex, the female gladiator in the arena, is enjoying combat while also looking for one strong enough to defeat her and leave her with child, via amazon custom.

3. Also permanently pregnant in my current playthrough.

4. Would she perhaps join the protagonist on the Fatalis to travel back to the Amazon Islands, to raise her kid safely? Or would she stay in Avedon? Which is absolutely awful, but unless the child ends up looking nonhuman from the PC, she doesn't really have to worry about racist humans turning their venom on her or her kid... mostly. I suppose it is a totally different religion than the Falling Fire or whatnot.

5. She's also one of those NPC's that currently can only end up with a kiddo if the player is packing. Maybe a duo match in the arena, where the PC is teamed up one of her Minotaur kids? That way Alex's child is from the protagonist house /bloodline, one way or another. Dunno.

6. Not sure if she (Alex) needs a bigger part, but I could see an option where she eventually ends up living in FarmTown, working as combat instructor while raising her kid, or something.

7. ...But if and when the option to age up the kids happens, that also throws a wrench into that approach, unless she's content where she is.
1. Good call. I mostly just posted it to have it out there for people who can't wait and for Snekk to yell at me for. And by yell at I mean decide if anything I broke did is worth putting into the offical version. Starting next version I'm actually going to be posting the text file along side the qsp file. That way anyone can see what I've done and yell at me.

2. That's already what happens? You're meant to fight her knocker her up then when she has a child you date her. No dates are currently in game. So apart from her having her first child that would be it.

3. Yeah. That's a situation of wrong variable names, proper capitalization of them matters. I doubt Snekk would fix it because once she has her first and only child that's it. Would be kinda pointless until more is done with her.

4. I don't know what Snekk has planned for her or if they even have a plan. So I chose to abstain my opinion. As for how the child would be treated. That would depend how avedonians treat human foreigners. Like a lot of children in game, if pc is the father they more often then not take on the characteristics of their mother. Actually off the top of my head I can't think of any that isn't the mother's race (assuming the pc is the father).

5. Again I have no idea so who knows. Maybe she is a rare case where only the pc can give her a child? Or maybe if anything beats her in the arena she could be knocked up by them. Be it dog, lizard, human, zombie, werewolf, etc.. Who knows, I sure as heck don't. The only thing I think maybe the case is she'll have 1 child. At least that's what the code is leaning to... I think.

6. She seems to have planned dates, if it wasn't obvious from my message so far. So who knows exactly the extent of her content, maybe you could write it?

7. I don't think she'll age up her kids. She seems to be very settle down-y. Once she has her child she stops fighting and becomes a loving house wife so to speak. Then again, no clue, in her future she might be zapped with a rogue fireball (yes, zapped don't ask question). Or maybe a rogue Death comes waltzing through killing her and a few other avedonians.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
It's gonna be a few hours until I post the next update as I have to test out the Spider Queen stuff I added. Do you guys want me to add in dates for Alex in the next update?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
It's gonna be a few hours until I post the next update as I have to test out the Spider Queen stuff I added. Do you guys want me to add in dates for Alex in the next update?
Alex dating isn't a hard and fast requirement, mostly I was musing ideas and curious where you were going with her. But if I did have a hint or two as to what she does or where she does, then I could conspire to think up lewd situations here or there.

Plus lobbing a few suggestions or ideas can't hurt, even if they don't take hold, immediately or otherwise. I've been backtracking through all the old posts (many of which are fairly cringeworthy) from April last year to here for various descriptions or plot ideas that have gone back and forth with the Snekk, so I can stop suggesting things I've already done (for one), and organize the thoughts and flesh them out into written scenes or solid suggestions. Taking longer than I'd care for, because I am one longwinded mess, for sure.

Back on topic, I shan't say no to glorious content! Bring on the Alex! And the abs!

Back *off* topic, there are several victory scenes where the PC doesn't have the option for victory sex, despite that was the risk they made going in. Seems like a decent way to get the toes (and other things) wet for submitting scenes.

One thing I've been struggling with is the morality split with some events. Like, A Unlucky Silas that is holding true to what they believe as a goody goody would like have raunchy, but relatively feel good sex while asserting dominance, playing it up for the crowd. But a darker type may be rocking an entirely different vibe instead.

The solution I've come up with is: No solution at all! Instead of making excuses not to finish this or that, I'm going to just submit stuff I jive with first, and see what the Snekk feels about 'em. Can always leave the broody suggestions or alternatives for somebody else to tackle, haha.

(Expect several gob related bits of nonsense in the future, Snekk. Probably related to slooting it up / being taken advantage of as a pair with the Gobwife. And maybe the occasional pretty lad or lass in the same situation.)

Oh, but one question - will the update include Throw's recent patch /update? As that being a yes or no could matter if somebody played it recently and haz saves.
Last edited:

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Alex dating isn't a hard and fast requirement, mostly I was musing ideas and curious where you were going with her. But if I did have a hint or two as to what she does or where she does, then I could conspire to think up lewd situations here or there.

Plus lobbing a few suggestions or ideas can't hurt, even if they don't take hold, immediately or otherwise. I've been backtracking through all the old posts (many of which are fairly cringeworthy) from April last year to here for various descriptions or plot ideas that have gone back and forth with the Snekk, so I can stop suggesting things I've already done (for one), and organize the thoughts and flesh them out into written scenes or solid suggestions. Taking longer than I'd care for, because I am one longwinded mess, for sure.

Back on topic, I shan't say no to glorious content! Bring on the Alex! And the abs!

Back *off* topic, there are several victory scenes where the PC doesn't have the option for victory sex, despite that was the risk they made going in. Seems like a decent way to get the toes (and other things) wet for submitting scenes.

One thing I've been struggling with is the morality split with some events. Like, A Unlucky Silas that is holding true to what they believe as a goody goody would like have raunchy, but relatively feel good sex while asserting dominance, playing it up for the crowd. But a darker type may be rocking an entirely different vibe instead.

The solution I've come up with is: No solution at all! Instead of making excuses not to finish this or that, I'm going to just submit stuff I jive with first, and see what the Snekk feels about 'em. Can always leave the broody suggestions or alternatives for somebody else to tackle, haha.

(Expect several gob related bits of nonsense in the future, Snekk. Probably related to slooting it up / being taken advantage of as a pair with the Gobwife. And maybe the occasional pretty lad or lass in the same situation.)

Oh, but one question - will the update include Throw's recent patch /update? As that being a yes or no could matter if somebody played it recently and haz saves.
Taking Alex back to Amazonia would give an alternate to some interactions and let the PC go there without needing the Femme Fatalis. The PC cannot charter a ship, but a citizen of Amazonia can hop onto any boat heading home and be taken there. When I add in the Catfolk Pirate start they can also just do this.

The arena could always use more scenes/options. I think it's the only instance of a footjob scene at the moment.

If you're looking to randomly slutting it up, the rumors or avedonevents passages can have you propositioned for various things.

You could also add events to Brightwater, a rather unfortunate village that
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I considered letting the PC tentacle fuck a downed opponent if they were infested enough but I'm not sure how to balance that encounter with it being in Avedon.

I do plan on merging Throw's patch with the main game once I get the Spider Queen to only have the appropriate type of bugs.


May 16, 2019
Btw, are we supposed to be able to sail to the Sultanate through the ship you obtain from the Mont Creek quest line? As whenever I head over there I can't leave and there's no options to do anything but go to the clinic, the rest of the areas only have the option to go back to the city center


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Taking Alex back to Amazonia would give an alternate to some interactions and let the PC go there without needing the Femme Fatalis. The PC cannot charter a ship, but a citizen of Amazonia can hop onto any boat heading home and be taken there. When I add in the Catfolk Pirate start they can also just do this.

The arena could always use more scenes/options. I think it's the only instance of a footjob scene at the moment.

If you're looking to randomly slutting it up, the rumors or avedonevents passages can have you propositioned for various things.

You could also add events to Brightwater, a rather unfortunate village that
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I considered letting the PC tentacle fuck a downed opponent if they were infested enough but I'm not sure how to balance that encounter with it being in Avedon.

I do plan on merging Throw's patch with the main game once I get the Spider Queen to only have the appropriate type of bugs.
So, my ideas are legion, but here's a quick punch up of where my scattered squirrel brain is going:

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Haven't been to Brightwater, I'll have to check it out. I don't think I've ever encountered the Spider Queen at the southern cliffs, though.

There's plenty more, but this list is already absurd, not to mention my earlier post a day or two ago, haha.
Mar 23, 2022
It's gonna be a few hours until I post the next update as I have to test out the Spider Queen stuff I added. Do you guys want me to add in dates for Alex in the next update?
I vote against (unless you want to). I know it's a situation of you doing as you like anyway. I just don't like the whole pointing out something is incomplete causing you to push it up the priority.
Mar 23, 2022
I do plan on merging Throw's patch with the main game once I get the Spider Queen to only have the appropriate type of bugs.
Sorry for the spamming chat. I feel like if I don't get this and the last one out fast there might be an issue.

So I doubt you will but obviously don't just merge my branch in. I think I might have messed up some things due to qgen being annoying. For example some of my personal stuff snuck through last my last patch. I have no idea how because I used an older file before I started. So if you could leave out my whole scene and all that jaze I'd appreciate it.

Cat Boy

Active Member
Oct 19, 2017
had to re ask this question for nun night sex how do i get the magical collars that can seal magics from bandits?
Mar 23, 2022
1. One thing I've been struggling with is the morality split with some events. Like, A Unlucky Silas that is holding true to what they believe as a goody goody would like have raunchy, but relatively feel good sex while asserting dominance, playing it up for the crowd. But a darker type may be rocking an entirely different vibe instead.

2. The solution I've come up with is: No solution at all! Instead of making excuses not to finish this or that, I'm going to just submit stuff I jive with first, and see what the Snekk feels about 'em. Can always leave the broody suggestions or alternatives for somebody else to tackle, haha.

3. (Expect several gob related bits of nonsense in the future, Snekk. Probably related to slooting it up / being taken advantage of as a pair with the Gobwife. And maybe the occasional pretty lad or lass in the same situation.)
1. That brings up a good question. Not for Snekk but a goody goody. How does someone morally do Alex's content? The player has to rape her to put a bun in there. But rape is wrong. But But Alex is lock behind something wrong. *confused gears noise from head*

2. Sounds like an excuse to be lazy. I'm writing scenes and totally not stealing ideas/notes from you, so why can't you?

2a. Obviously those where a pseudo joke. Throwing ideas out is still something, others can take and run with those. Use them to write their own scene (that Snekk can decide on). I'm assuming you're okay with that? If you aren't and it has to be either Snekk or no one then maybe you really should write them. The worst that could ever happen is Snekk says no.

3. *silently adjust glasses waiting for those to come up to argue against them*

1. Taking Alex back to Amazonia would give an alternate to some interactions and let the PC go there without needing the Femme Fatalis. The PC cannot charter a ship, but a citizen of Amazonia can hop onto any boat heading home and be taken there. When I add in the Catfolk Pirate start they can also just do this.

2. The arena could always use more scenes/options. I think it's the only instance of a footjob scene at the moment.

3. If you're looking to randomly slutting it up, the rumors or avedonevents passages can have you propositioned for various things.

4. You could also add events to Brightwater, a rather unfortunate village that
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4a. If you're worried about your events being judged then odds are no one will see them.

5. I considered letting the PC tentacle fuck a downed opponent if they were infested enough but I'm not sure how to balance that encounter with it being in Avedon.
1. That sounds interesting but a few question regarding that. In a sitation like that would it be you're allowed in simply because you are their mate and you are a very rare exception? Or would it be more of a Silver situation? Would that mean you miss Silver? Because the only ways I know that you can have a chance of unlocking her so far is by becoming a slave and being bought by her, which I don't think I've ever been successful at. Or by going to Amazon as a male. That actually makes me think. The only way to meet Sliver is by being a captive. Be it to amazonians because penis or bandits. Thoughts on that?

2. While I agree about the more scene I don't think you'd be able to find a lot more. It's either rape or be raped. This implies violence and/or domination. Most monster would just rape (if they didn't kill you), while the humanoids there would probably be there to rape. I think Alex is a rare outlier in the whole arena. So because of that I think it'd come down to the pc doing it all.

3. I forgot the rumor location existed. It wouldn't act the same as avedonevents right?

4. Where's Blightwater again? I seem to have forgotten it's location

4a. So you're telling me if I'm worried about how people see me walking down main street with a hoard of zombies that there is a good chance no one will see it. Nice. (this is a joke post no need to reply to 4a.)

5. Maybe something like that to wandering events like the northroads but definitly not in any town or fort. You could also make it so that those scenes add to pc tentacles. But I don't know how you'd go about that or what it could mean beyond adding tentacles on the fly.

Btw, are we supposed to be able to sail to the Sultanate through the ship you obtain from the Mont Creek quest line? As whenever I head over there I can't leave and there's no options to do anything but go to the clinic, the rest of the areas only have the option to go back to the city center
I think yes and no. Yes. The player will be able to return to Sultanate by several way, their boat being one of them. No. Because it's unfinished. It's not meant to be accessable. The players boat is an oversight most likely.

So, my ideas are legion, but here's a quick punch up of where my scattered squirrel brain is going:

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Haven't been to Brightwater, I'll have to check it out. I don't think I've ever encountered the Spider Queen at the southern cliffs, though.

There's plenty more, but this list is already absurd, not to mention my earlier post a day or two ago, haha.
1. The only thing I can think of that would really be a major limiting factor for that is the non goblin team up art. Human and goblin double team bj are isn't all that common, for example.

1a. Do goblins even have special magic? I mean excluding thesaurus influenced ones.

2. Is First even like that? I mean if she is then sure, daddy piggy back rides for all. If she isn't and is more serious then why would she ask in a cutesy manner or even at all? I'm not shooting this down or anything. I just think establishing her personality would be a good idea I guess. Piggy back rides for all my kids is a cute/good idea though even my minotaur children which are twice my size.

3. *in a poor general palpatine's voice imitation* do it.

4. Some of those sound interesting. Maybe a bit confusing with how you worded it. But I think I get the idea.

4a. Wait you can know of Satty before entering the prison?

5a. You really like milky fun times don't you? I haven't looked up how common art for that sort of thing is but hey if there is okay art then why not? I'm not writing it, I've dealt with enough real live cows to know better (I mean litral dairy cows. I was a milker at a dairy farm for a while).

5b. Yup, pretty much the same. Get clinic, get tricked, get Bess to bail you out. Doing that unlocks fun times with Bess' sister. Apart from that nothing. No mention beyond that but that's more because it feel unfinished. I think Snekk once mentioned something about forcing women there but it was such a long time ago it's hard to tell.

5c. I think it's a case of they do as they please. Bess would most likely stay in the barn and occationally leaving. Meat would hardly be there for a few reason. After such a long time being trapped they are now free. Why lose that? Also Bess' beating. As for Satty I don't think she'd be there apart from Bess or to tend the horses. She seems more like a stable girl at best. As for kids? idk. They're kids. So I don't think barn lovers is a good fit. They are just lovers.

6a. I think they are limited to Tentacle island as they should be. Invasive species is a major problem even in the real world. Also Avedon already has tentacles. *cough* thesaurus *cough*

6b. They already have that? It's just in the forest as opposed to the road.

7. Yeah Soraka is like 90% horse cock art. I have no idea why as she's canonically a her. Maybe being an ex-god give you a horse cock?

8. There isn't a penis focused sex stat for prostitution. Vag, mouth and ass are the tracked stats. It wouldn't be that hard to add a tracker but making a bunch of scenes for it is a different question. Also don't forget that Avedons view that as sacrilege and heretical. So getting female customers isn't very easy. Let alone the only place to safely get prostitutes is junktown which wouldn't be a safe place for women.

Holy hell that was a lot of typing.
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Btw, are we supposed to be able to sail to the Sultanate through the ship you obtain from the Mont Creek quest line? As whenever I head over there I can't leave and there's no options to do anything but go to the clinic, the rest of the areas only have the option to go back to the city center
No, there is a cordon around the Sultanate so only Ukon's black ships are not sunk on sight. When I add it in you'll be able to lift the cordon and sail there without needing to use the ship.

I vote against (unless you want to). I know it's a situation of you doing as you like anyway. I just don't like the whole pointing out something is incomplete causing you to push it up the priority.
There's no real priority system, everything eventually needs to be done I just need to do some things before others.

So, my ideas are legion, but here's a quick punch up of where my scattered squirrel brain is going:

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Haven't been to Brightwater, I'll have to check it out. I don't think I've ever encountered the Spider Queen at the southern cliffs, though.

There's plenty more, but this list is already absurd, not to mention my earlier post a day or two ago, haha.
Greatest Goblin Magic:
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Not technically handholding, but just as lewd. The realm is not ready:
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Satty Stuff:
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Milking the Narrative:
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Hero For Hire
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Also Brightwater is a city I've just added. It's meant to be a quiet little village. It will probably unfinished for this update.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Sorry for the spamming chat. I feel like if I don't get this and the last one out fast there might be an issue.

So I doubt you will but obviously don't just merge my branch in. I think I might have messed up some things due to qgen being annoying. For example some of my personal stuff snuck through last my last patch. I have no idea how because I used an older file before I started. So if you could leave out my whole scene and all that jaze I'd appreciate it.
I did a run through and saw a few suspect things so I undid the changes. I /think/ I went through and fixed the same bugs but I honestly do not remember.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. That sounds interesting but a few question regarding that. In a sitation like that would it be you're allowed in simply because you are their mate and you are a very rare exception? Or would it be more of a Silver situation? Would that mean you miss Silver? Because the only ways I know that you can have a chance of unlocking her so far is by becoming a slave and being bought by her, which I don't think I've ever been successful at. Or by going to Amazon as a male. That actually makes me think. The only way to meet Sliver is by being a captive. Be it to amazonians because penis or bandits. Thoughts on that?

2. While I agree about the more scene I don't think you'd be able to find a lot more. It's either rape or be raped. This implies violence and/or domination. Most monster would just rape (if they didn't kill you), while the humanoids there would probably be there to rape. I think Alex is a rare outlier in the whole arena. So because of that I think it'd come down to the pc doing it all.

3. I forgot the rumor location existed. It wouldn't act the same as avedonevents right?

4. Where's Blightwater again? I seem to have forgotten it's location

4a. So you're telling me if I'm worried about how people see me walking down main street with a hoard of zombies that there is a good chance no one will see it. Nice. (this is a joke post no need to reply to 4a.)

5. Maybe something like that to wandering events like the northroads but definitly not in any town or fort. You could also make it so that those scenes add to pc tentacles. But I don't know how you'd go about that or what it could mean beyond adding tentacles on the fly.
1. Once I add more content to Amazonia you can go to jail for a variety of different reasons such as: Not being nude, Being nude, being given food for free, not paying for food given to you, and an assortment of others.

Turns out having five different races and the PC not explicitly being claimed by one individually means that you're subject to race specific laws that contradict one another. It is a quick fit to be claimed by a race, even one that you are not a part of, but the PC can go to jail to trigger Silver pretty much on a whim.

2. Pretty much. Once I add sex combat there can be fun sex combat events where you just bang each other in the arena. It will require law repeals and to see how it works in Amazonia for the PC to suggest it.

3. Yes. rumors is just mild events and lore in the background while avedonevents are generally neutral to bad events that occur such as racist attacks or the PC being mounted by dogs if they have the packbitch perk.

4. Doesn't exist in the current version, it's a new small city that I will expand on in the future.

4a. The spiders will notice but not care.

5. I am considering giving fem PC's the option to turn tentacles into a tentacle futa cock but that would override all other art so I am not considering it very hard.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1.99.36 is up over on

Major plot points include the start of Isabella the Insect Queen and the continuation of Mine and Thine Bugs 3. You can technically finish the quest but the spider sex and wandering around Brightwater is not in yet. Meat's Beserker class is also unfinished.
Mar 23, 2022
1 I did a run through and saw a few suspect things so I undid the changes. I /think/ I went through and fixed the same bugs but I honestly do not remember.

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4. Once I add more content to Amazonia you can go to jail for a variety of different reasons such as: Not being nude, Being nude, being given food for free, not paying for food given to you, and an assortment of others.

Turns out having five different races and the PC not explicitly being claimed by one individually means that you're subject to race specific laws that contradict one another. It is a quick fit to be claimed by a race, even one that you are not a part of, but the PC can go to jail to trigger Silver pretty much on a whim.
1. It is possible. I noticed I've patched things several times and things I've deleted don't stay gone. It might be cause I'm saving over patch file instead of creating a new one. Who knows Qgen and qsp is the most stable engine ever to exist after all, sarcasm.

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3. I saw the code, it was something... I'm assuming you want shrine and farm kids to run on the same thing just different locations? Don't ask why I was looking into that. I totally wasn't trying to unravel it to try and figure out how it should work so I could attempt to patch it like I did Dana which never got through. Why do you ask?

4. Just remember to put some sort of cooldown between those. Can't have the pc spend all their time in Amazon jail. But that's a later problem, so no point dwelling on it now.
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