Found the minotaur, though the game errors on battle loss when they attack the player and I presume, grape soda that follows.
Given the lore and background, as well as the pic snekk chose for some Meat/Percy bonding, if ever there was a canidate for the whole futa schtick, it'd be that one. Or Bell. Or both. Whatever. I have a type.
Actually, that's a pretty fun concept:
Given what has happened so far, Percy (assuming they are still around) is the active ranchhand. Meat gets too handsy, Bell (being brought over) or the MC find a way to stick them them with the big 'ol cow tiddies (techinally Bell or a chosen one has that odd demonic warping magic, like Bill did, possibly?), team conspires to crash the milk market with the combined udder might of their product. Or make up some sort of mutual benefit mercantile deal with the Frog cafe/red. Maybe even hire some of their workers as ranch hands.
Or Red backstabs too many people and you find her being used as a cocksleeve for a bit. *shrugs*.
Meat gets hooked or seduced into getting milked part time, functioning as the breeding bull as well as produce. Bell is of course the mvp. The MC, depending on their bits, can 'accidentally' or on purpose end up in the milkers at some point. Maybe it's addicting, maybe they say never again, maybe it just gets them off. Either way, turns out if they got the honey mutation from the mine the flavor is in high demand.
And of course, for players with no interest in that, they can be the overseer or the one doing the milking. Or a mix of both roles, why not.
And of course of course, the best way to stimulate the desire to milk, is the demonic aura of desire magic mojo. Which means sex, for great justice.
Percy may or may not get jealous and also want to partake, but either way is a trusty, if accident prone ally. (Mostly falling onto a random cock. We all have our quirks.)
If the player has a gobo wife or gobo followers, now she (the wife) has a purpose - to 'civilize' her kindred so they can work on the ranch. With mixed results, of course. Gobo is gonna gobo.
And of course, any pups could be trained for added security. Or distracting the goblins, which probably means more pups.
The growing business (and not just refering to the players bustline) of course, attracts a fair amount of interest, envy, and hostility from the nearby city. Potential stories aplenty there.
Hrmmm. That sounds like a whole bloody game just by itself, actually. *Shamelessly stores the notes for ideas later*.
Was fun to write all the same.