Collection Video ViciNeko collection [2024-06-23] [ViciNeko]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Feb 15, 2021
TLDR Thank you for your interest in our works!❤ We know it's a long wait but we're working hard every day to share it with you as soon as we can! Everything after Fischl will be shorter (。> ‿ ◕。)

Hello! I don't know if any of you will recognize me but I'm Vici's animation partner Kitsune (@ KitsuneEcchi). First just want to give another thanks to those of you that supported us. It means a lot to us (˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤ And even those who haven't and just like watching we're happy to see you enjoy them too!

I don't intend to change any minds, and for the few that are upset we completely understand. Some of your concerns are perfectly valid and reasonable. I would like to clarify some things however given the rampant speculation and misinformation I've seen on repeat here and on Twitter.

Up first of course is how long Fischl has taken. Or more accurately Fischl + Succubus Hu Tao + Ganyu x Keqing + some wallpapers we've dipped our toes into over the last year or so.

Fischl wasn't originally planned as a 20+ minute animation that would take a year, but no surprises there. Our work is very open and malleable, often influenced by not just our own ideas but the many ideas our fans request through Patreon and in our near daily discord live streams of our progress. We don't truly know how our works will look in the end until we reach the end and just enjoy seeing it take shape as we add as many fun ideas as we can. Perhaps a few too many at times, which we more fully understand now.

On top of this we're always wanting to improve our skills and advance our craft. This means pushing ourselves with more complex animation and more interesting ideas we weren't capable of before. As a result Fischl has far more dynamic animation than every animation we made before it combined. To be fair we took a bigger bite than we expected with this one, and we've never had to polish anything close to this before. All of our estimates were out the window since this is new territory for us too. And not just the size, more complex animation, and other new techniques. I'm even working with proper voice actors now for our animations, their schedules, and plenty of editing for each and every WIP. Before we just had to set lights, render, color grading, and release the WIP.

It may be a surprise that we're still kind of new to some of this. We've only been at this for a couple years and a huge chunk of that taken up by this one project. We've learned many lessons with this one since it started, and with Succubus Hu Tao it really showed. We have a better measure of where to split projects into smaller stories now. But that lesson was a little too late with Fischl, and rather than drop it or cut it off early and releasing something half-baked and unsatisfying we chose to commit and see it through to the end.

To set some expectations our pace has always been ~1.5-2 mins of finished animation per month, and that hasn't changed in spite of the higher complexity. With that in mind, for as long as Fischl has taken overall we've still been working faster than it may seem. As mentioned Mona x Slime was 9 minutes but took us over 4 months. And with more basic animation that we could re-use better across many scenes. Fischl is around 2.5 times longer with far more complexity and still keeping similar pace. We also spent about 1.5 months on Succubus Hu Tao in the middle of Fischl, another 2.5 mins of finished animation.

All of this to say it should be plainly clear that there is no "milking", "stalling", or any other choice of words to insinuate it's just an easy ride for us. We even paused memberships a handful of times in the last year and half. Fischl is just a huge animation compared to our past works and we simply aren't fast enough to make something like this in just a few months. We work 7 days a week on this outside of sickness a couple times a year or short breaks to spend time with family. Many of our patrons have watched first hand day after day how we work in our discord and know exactly why this kind of work takes so long. Surely some of it our own inexperience admittedly, but not for a lack of effort.

But again we understand the frustrations and have given plenty of thought about how to tackle the many ideas we have for the future. We do apologize for the wait, but when making something equivalent to ~6 of our normal animations we can only get through it so quickly even working each and every day. We only want to give you the best we're capable of, just a bit sooner next time (。> ‿ ◕。)

Rest assured we don't plan to tackle something this huge again with just two of us. We intend to stick to 3-5 min pieces like before. But we also hope it's clear that our passion isn't just churning out porn for the sake of porn like a factory. We love to tell stories, make expressive characters and explore emotions, and push our skills further and further. We could cut to the chase and make loop after loop, scene after scene, of just the raw porn with no bells and whistles. It would be fast, easy and many would be happy with just that. But as fun as the explicit sexual parts are it often rings hollow for us when we can't tell stories and explore emotions and character dynamics right along with it.

Our passion is more than just the porn and we don't want to give anything less than our best to each of these stories. We know that doesn't give the best value to those only interested in the porn for gratification but that's also part of why our patreon is optional and we release free versions of our full animations for everyone to enjoy in their own ways.

Thanks again to the many of you enjoying our works, and we hope you'll enjoy many more of the things we have planned soon once we finally finish Fischl! (っ^ ◡ ^c)❤
Good to see Kitsune Comment on this matter, I've been seeing daily streams of all the progress so its clear to me that yall been working. In discord Vici always posts a little update on what was worked on that day and progress that was made at the end of the streams. If more people saw those daily small updates it would probably quell some of the discontent. Just my 2 cents.


Aug 9, 2020
Welp didn't expect that coming. Oooops
I'm not convinced. Vici can't even defend their own work. Kitsune may be the actual good person on the team trying to complete projects, but Vici wants to milk everything. Only when they finally release their year long project and move on to the next will we see how things change.


Mar 5, 2023
I'm not convinced. Vici can't even defend their own work. Kitsune may be the actual good person on the team trying to complete projects, but Vici wants to milk everything. Only when they finally release their year long project and move on to the next will we see how things change.
What makes you think of that? Does vici really do that?


Aug 9, 2020
What make you think of that? Does vici really do that?
Hard to say. Every post they make is how their making progress in the most emoji-filled way possible. They never defend why it is taking so long, only to say they are continuing to make progress and never give any sort of release timeframe. used to give ETAs for their game updates, but stopped as it caused them too much pressure and caused too many bugs. I can understand not putting up an ETA, but Milda has a reputation of putting out quality work at regular intervals. As Kitsune stated, they are still new at this, so they have no reputation yet to rely on.


Mar 5, 2023
Hard to say. Every post they make is how their making progress in the most emoji-filled way possible. They never defend why it is taking so long, only to say they are continuing to make progress and never give any sort of release timeframe. used to give ETAs for their game updates, but stopped as it caused them too much pressure and caused too many bugs. I can understand not putting up an ETA, but Milda has a reputation of putting out quality work at regular intervals. As Kitsune stated, they are still new at this, so they have no reputation yet to rely on.
Yeah I see that. It seems sus. So how long the video they said? 25 mins?


New Member
Sep 3, 2023
I'm not convinced. Vici can't even defend their own work. Kitsune may be the actual good person on the team trying to complete projects, but Vici wants to milk everything. Only when they finally release their year long project and move on to the next will we see how things change.
I can promise Vici isn't trying to milk anything. I think it's really just a gap between perspectives that we aren't able to articulate well enough to bring together.

TLDR Fischl is 6 of our most complex animations, just combined into one huge package. That's why it's taking us 4-5x longer than one of our 3-5 min animations, and why we are planning to return to 3-5 min animations.

The core concern from what I'm understanding is that Fischl is taking a year. Not actually the speed of our work, milking, stalling, etc, just the total time from start to release. With speculation of milking/stalling being extrapolated from that one metric. The speed of our work is an important piece of context though that helps clear up why the total time is so long for Fischl.

As we addressed our speed of animation has been a pretty consistent 1.5-2 mins of animation per month for a couple years. That hasn't really changed so far. Ei x Miko was actually a little slower than that because of the complexity of 2 full motion bodies and Mona x Slime slightly faster due to simpler animation we could re-use but that's our general pace for everything else.

With that in mind Fischl is progressing at exactly the rate we'd expect. No faster or slower than most of our works, even though it's more complex and with much more custom animation than we've ever attempted before. Custom animation takes 2-3x longer than looped animation for us, for context.

At 1.5-2 mins per month, a 20-24 min animation like Fischl should take us 10-16 months from best case to worst case. It's a lot, but that's the issue with long duration animations. We also took a couple short breaks totaling about 2 months for Succubus Hu Tao and Ganyu x Keqing in the middle so it should be closer to 12-18 months.

Realistically there's not a lot we can do to boost our raw production speed without just adding more people (with some diminishing returns and/or creative conflicts), or lowering quality a bit. We'll become slightly faster over time, but for us that just means we can pursue more complex and interesting results rather than churning out the same things again just a little quicker. Now we do have some plans for improving our workflow a little but the risk is too high mid-project and would take time to convert our current project structure. So we're looking to the next ones to try them out instead. Even simply updating Blender midway is risky, as we found when some shaders broke in Ei x Miko near the end and we had to roll back.

Back to the gap between perspectives, it seems Fischl is framed as one slow animation over a year from the outside looking in. For us however it's more like 7 or 8 animations. That being Succubus Hu Tao, Ganyu x Keqing christmas, and Fischl on its own being the size of 6 of our full animations in our typical 3-5 min range. Fischl isn't slower, Fischl is simply bigger. Too big, but we've already addressed that and talked about our plans to return to 3-5 min animations in the future until we can develop and sustain a bigger team if and when that time comes.

I'm confident that if we had released 6 animations at 3-5 mins instead of Fischl there would be no speculation of milking, stalling, etc. Since it's really just the pace of releases, not the actual pace of our work, that I suspect is the heart of the concerns. Fischl is just being looked at as a single animation, and compared to our earlier works that are simpler and only 1/6th the duration, without extrapolating the time it should take given the vast gap in run time and complexity. Going back to some lessons learned I mentioned in the last post, if we had started Fischl today we would have simply created it as 5 or 6 smaller animations instead of one big one.

But for as much as I can explain our pace and how the math still works out for the video duration, in the end we have patreon members in our discord frequently dropping into our near daily streams. They see with their own eyes what we're working on, ask questions, offer suggestions and ideas, etc. They can see with zero doubt that not only is there no milking or sandbagging but that we're each pouring 6-12 hours (sometimes more) 350+ days a year into our work.

Animation is simply a labor of time and creativity. We could cut some corners and pump out lower effort work much faster, or switch styles to shorter form loops and abandon the storytelling and dynamic scenes that push our skills, but that's not the vision we have for these things. We do have to cut back our ambitions a little to avoid 20+ min animations for the time being but we don't want to compromise on our vision beyond that.

I hope that helps give a little more insight into where we're coming from, and why Fischl has been such a huge effort for us. If there are some more specific concerns or questions I can do my best to try to answer them too (˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤
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New Member
Sep 3, 2023
Thanks for coming here. I wish vici came here too, he used to be there. @Vicineko

Any chance for voice acting (with dialogues)?
There is a chance, but it likely won't be our standard for the foreseeable future. If a story or idea is enough fun that we want to make it, and we feel voiced dialogue is absolutely necessary, we'll use some voiced dialogue in those cases.

There are a few reasons we mostly avoid using it currently. One is just script writing, something we'd need to put time and thought into and mostly likely we would still end up with "porn acting" that may cheapen the experience. It's a challenge we'll tackle when the time comes though (。> ‿ ◕。)

There is also the matter of language barrier. We have many fans who are not multilingual and speak only English, only Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, etc. We would much rather everyone be able to enjoy the animations fully regardless of their language, and we can do that much better without dialogue.

It's also just a fun challenge for us to tell stories without it, pushing us to think of creative ways to communicate intentions or narrative through only visual expressions. This is really the biggest reason, and something we can still try to work with even when we do finally use dialogue to make the experience more palatable for those who don't speak the language.

Perhaps we're just overthinking the whole adult animation thing, but it's something we enjoy and are passionate about (。> ڡ ◕。)


Dec 10, 2020
There is a chance, but it likely won't be our standard for the foreseeable future. If a story or idea is enough fun that we want to make it, and we feel voiced dialogue is absolutely necessary, we'll use some voiced dialogue in those cases.

There are a few reasons we mostly avoid using it currently. One is just script writing, something we'd need to put time and thought into and mostly likely we would still end up with "porn acting" that may cheapen the experience. It's a challenge we'll tackle when the time comes though (。> ‿ ◕。)

There is also the matter of language barrier. We have many fans who are not multilingual and speak only English, only Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, etc. We would much rather everyone be able to enjoy the animations fully regardless of their language, and we can do that much better without dialogue.

It's also just a fun challenge for us to tell stories without it, pushing us to think of creative ways to communicate intentions or narrative through only visual expressions. This is really the biggest reason, and something we can still try to work with even when we do finally use dialogue to make the experience more palatable for those who don't speak the language.

Perhaps we're just overthinking the whole adult animation thing, but it's something we enjoy and are passionate about (。> ڡ ◕。)
honestly even though the 20 min+ animation thing isnt out yet, perhaps BIG PERHAPS that you guys can return to 3-5 mins animation but also have a side project of a 20 min+ thing going. maybe make it as a annual thing release instead. Keep up the good work tho, you guys are dedicated in the art and we can see it through the animations you guys make. I will definitely enjoy the 20 min+ animation for sure. its not everyday u get a high quality 20min+ 3d animation afterall :)


Feb 8, 2022
honestly even though the 20 min+ animation thing isnt out yet, perhaps BIG PERHAPS that you guys can return to 3-5 mins animation but also have a side project of a 20 min+ thing going. maybe make it as a annual thing release instead. Keep up the good work tho, you guys are dedicated in the art and we can see it through the animations you guys make. I will definitely enjoy the 20 min+ animation for sure. its not everyday u get a high quality 20min+ 3d animation afterall :)
They could also divide a 20+min long story video into small chapters of 3-5mins. I've seen it done for hentai content and fan-made 3d porn before. Wish they gave that concept a thought. In the end it's up to what they're comfortable working with.


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017
There is a chance, but it likely won't be our standard for the foreseeable future. If a story or idea is enough fun that we want to make it, and we feel voiced dialogue is absolutely necessary, we'll use some voiced dialogue in those cases.

There are a few reasons we mostly avoid using it currently. One is just script writing, something we'd need to put time and thought into and mostly likely we would still end up with "porn acting" that may cheapen the experience. It's a challenge we'll tackle when the time comes though (。> ‿ ◕。)

There is also the matter of language barrier. We have many fans who are not multilingual and speak only English, only Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, etc. We would much rather everyone be able to enjoy the animations fully regardless of their language, and we can do that much better without dialogue.

It's also just a fun challenge for us to tell stories without it, pushing us to think of creative ways to communicate intentions or narrative through only visual expressions. This is really the biggest reason, and something we can still try to work with even when we do finally use dialogue to make the experience more palatable for those who don't speak the language.

Perhaps we're just overthinking the whole adult animation thing, but it's something we enjoy and are passionate about (。> ڡ ◕。)
I think with all the money you make, you guys can afford a VA dub. Hell, you can even afford English/Chinese dubs and rack even more cash. Don't worry about fans not understanding English, most just want to hear the characters like in the game.
Dec 3, 2021
First sry for my bad english.
I love Vicineko animations and all the work you guys put in it.
I would rather wait 2 years for 1 great animation of 20+ min then get 2 min animations every 4 months but thats just my opinion.
Dont overwork yourself and take a breather now and then so you will always make animations in that quality and wont quit.
Most dangereous thing for animator is that you lose your spirit for continuing or imagination for future projects cuz of all the flaming and QQ for finished project.
We who apriciate your work and see the quality and all the work you put in it will be patient and will wait.
Long animations are the best.


Mar 5, 2023
There is a chance, but it likely won't be our standard for the foreseeable future. If a story or idea is enough fun that we want to make it, and we feel voiced dialogue is absolutely necessary, we'll use some voiced dialogue in those cases.

There are a few reasons we mostly avoid using it currently. One is just script writing, something we'd need to put time and thought into and mostly likely we would still end up with "porn acting" that may cheapen the experience. It's a challenge we'll tackle when the time comes though (。> ‿ ◕。)

There is also the matter of language barrier. We have many fans who are not multilingual and speak only English, only Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, etc. We would much rather everyone be able to enjoy the animations fully regardless of their language, and we can do that much better without dialogue.

It's also just a fun challenge for us to tell stories without it, pushing us to think of creative ways to communicate intentions or narrative through only visual expressions. This is really the biggest reason, and something we can still try to work with even when we do finally use dialogue to make the experience more palatable for those who don't speak the language.

Perhaps we're just overthinking the whole adult animation thing, but it's something we enjoy and are passionate about (。> ڡ ◕。)
That is good man. I just want to see fischl pregnant and lay her eggs out. Hehehehe
  • Haha
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Engaged Member
Mar 20, 2020
I can promise Vici isn't trying to milk anything. I think it's really just a gap between perspectives that we aren't able to articulate well enough to bring together.

TLDR Fischl is 6 of our most complex animations, just combined into one huge package. That's why it's taking us 4-5x longer than one of our 3-5 min animations, and why we are planning to return to 3-5 min animations.

The core concern from what I'm understanding is that Fischl is taking a year. Not actually the speed of our work, milking, stalling, etc, just the total time from start to release. With speculation of milking/stalling being extrapolated from that one metric. The speed of our work is an important piece of context though that helps clear up why the total time is so long for Fischl.

As we addressed our speed of animation has been a pretty consistent 1.5-2 mins of animation per month for a couple years. That hasn't really changed so far. Ei x Miko was actually a little slower than that because of the complexity of 2 full motion bodies and Mona x Slime slightly faster due to simpler animation we could re-use but that's our general pace for everything else.

With that in mind Fischl is progressing at exactly the rate we'd expect. No faster or slower than most of our works, even though it's more complex and with much more custom animation than we've ever attempted before. Custom animation takes 2-3x longer than looped animation for us, for context.

At 1.5-2 mins per month, a 20-24 min animation like Fischl should take us 10-16 months from best case to worst case. It's a lot, but that's the issue with long duration animations. We also took a couple short breaks totaling about 2 months for Succubus Hu Tao and Ganyu x Keqing in the middle so it should be closer to 12-18 months.

Realistically there's not a lot we can do to boost our raw production speed without just adding more people (with some diminishing returns and/or creative conflicts), or lowering quality a bit. We'll become slightly faster over time, but for us that just means we can pursue more complex and interesting results rather than churning out the same things again just a little quicker. Now we do have some plans for improving our workflow a little but the risk is too high mid-project and would take time to convert our current project structure. So we're looking to the next ones to try them out instead. Even simply updating Blender midway is risky, as we found when some shaders broke in Ei x Miko near the end and we had to roll back.

Back to the gap between perspectives, it seems Fischl is framed as one slow animation over a year from the outside looking in. For us however it's more like 7 or 8 animations. That being Succubus Hu Tao, Ganyu x Keqing christmas, and Fischl on its own being the size of 6 of our full animations in our typical 3-5 min range. Fischl isn't slower, Fischl is simply bigger. Too big, but we've already addressed that and talked about our plans to return to 3-5 min animations in the future until we can develop and sustain a bigger team if and when that time comes.

I'm confident that if we had released 6 animations at 3-5 mins instead of Fischl there would be no speculation of milking, stalling, etc. Since it's really just the pace of releases, not the actual pace of our work, that I suspect is the heart of the concerns. Fischl is just being looked at as a single animation, and compared to our earlier works that are simpler and only 1/6th the duration, without extrapolating the time it should take given the vast gap in run time and complexity. Going back to some lessons learned I mentioned in the last post, if we had started Fischl today we would have simply created it as 5 or 6 smaller animations instead of one big one.

But for as much as I can explain our pace and how the math still works out for the video duration, in the end we have patreon members in our discord frequently dropping into our near daily streams. They see with their own eyes what we're working on, ask questions, offer suggestions and ideas, etc. They can see with zero doubt that not only is there no milking or sandbagging but that we're each pouring 6-12 hours (sometimes more) 350+ days a year into our work.

Animation is simply a labor of time and creativity. We could cut some corners and pump out lower effort work much faster, or switch styles to shorter form loops and abandon the storytelling and dynamic scenes that push our skills, but that's not the vision we have for these things. We do have to cut back our ambitions a little to avoid 20+ min animations for the time being but we don't want to compromise on our vision beyond that.

I hope that helps give a little more insight into where we're coming from, and why Fischl has been such a huge effort for us. If there are some more specific concerns or questions I can do my best to try to answer them too (˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤
Take your time, good quality art takes time.

And good quality tentacle + pregnancy art takes extra time!
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Nov 6, 2018
First sry for my bad english.
I love Vicineko animations and all the work you guys put in it.
I would rather wait 2 years for 1 great animation of 20+ min then get 2 min animations every 4 months but thats just my opinion.
Why not like nago? If we can get medium lenght in every 3 month or so
The reason why i subscribe on him , also some Fantia creator

Come back another 2 year dude~


No I'm not complaining on ViciNeko
I didn't subscribe anyway
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Nov 2, 2019
As we addressed our speed of animation has been a pretty consistent 1.5-2 mins of animation per month for a couple years.
As I dabble around with Blender for FF-XIV-Mods, I have some insight into how time consuming 3D design can be but this is really interesting to read.

Thanks for the openness, it's always appreciated to get a peek behind the curtain.


Mar 5, 2023

Why anal dude. Fischl can't have a baby if the slime nuts in her ass. It should be in her vagina so she gets pregnant. Man I just love to see her pregnant and lay the slimes eggs out of her pussy. And btw. THAT IS THE MOST TASTY POSE EVER.


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017

Why anal dude. Fischl can't have a baby if the slime nuts in her ass. It should be in her vagina so she gets pregnant. Man I just love to see her pregnant and lay the slimes eggs out of her pussy. And btw. THAT IS THE MOST TASTY POSE EVER.
Of course she can be pregnant from the ass if the tentacle lays its eggs in there.

You know nothing about tentacles, dude.
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes