quote is the fucking steam advertisement for the game, thats how it get sold as.
And its absolutely not what happens in the game. I am 'crying' because others questioned my read on the game, called me a liar and just like you are completely disingenuous about the game's content and put zero effort to disprove any of my claims.
Just do a quick search for NTR and other questionable content and you will see that 90% of posts are people claiming its just the intro and people have nothing to worry about, when the reality it gets so much worse the more you play. Constant humiliations, voyeurism, Love Interests (if you can even call them that) being forced by the plot to be cum blasted in the face by randoms, being forced to be humiliated naked in public, to fuck other characters to gain information(and DNA), you have to constantly read their dialogue/monologue lusting after others.
Hell, even the minions are more into each other than the MC, you have to force yourself into their sex scene and that was only the 2nd MC scene I got in 3h of playing this, everything else was other characters doing the lewd stuff. Completed, or not doesn't change the fact that is not what its advertised and its absolutely not what most white knight circle jerking each other here claim.
If people were transparent about the game's content I would have set the game in the shitbox pile and move on, but its the constant hypocrisy and the lying that makes me petty enough to continue to play just to have even more examples to throw back into people's faces.