The makeup though has a purpose of keeping the specular levels low for a camera though it makes you younger and yeah artificially more attractive (fountain of youth effect)
Tough when things like compression losses come together with it it becomes uber dollish so artificial
but wee seeing even crazier things now people start to change their entire looking through machine learning in Realtime it's just crazy how we start to betray ourselves.
It's like you start the character creator and form yourself how you want to be looking to the outside how you want your Beauty Avatar to be percepted without going to any beauty surgery progress it's the biggest deception we are facing and it will change society and trust in what we see.
It will form a even more extreme kind of reality space it's still not really pickable to think what the implications will be.
Thinking about i could transform myself into some mega attractive model and get all those simps on Onlyfans on their kness believing it, it's just crazy.
How many are gonna fap over a guy but they will never realize it.