Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Dec 1, 2020
This could help:
I was just trying this tool out and I seem to get an error:
  File ".\", line 28
    if deps := json_data.get("dependencies"):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I'm running Python 3.7.9
python .\ --var-path G:\VAM\AddonPackages

I thought it might be due to me having not just *.var files in the dir so I made a test folder with just one VAR file and got the same error.

Ideas of what I am doing wrong here?


Active Member
Nov 8, 2019
Who makes good lap dances?
Paid or otherwise, I'm looking for suggestions.
All I really have is C&G Studio.
Alpaca is good for lower end systems. C&G will kill most systems in vr. Club J is good if you swap out the futa with non futa ...unless you want some spice in your life ;) Kitty mocap has done a few but theyre often messy scenes youll need to clean up.

Performance wise it goes:
lower end vr pc = alpaca
med range vr pc = club j
high end pc vr = c&G
dumpsterfire pc = kitty

Atleast for me this is true. All are good enough to jack off to lol
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2018
A few tips if you want to publish on the hub in the end.. Trying to be constructive.
* Don't use a space in your creator name, it creates problem in the long run. vam has a bug on this and replaces spaces with underscore so there's an indetermination on creator names. I take Great_Expectations and you are in trouble.
* Don't put Mod1 in the resource name, the var system already has a versionning mechanism (the number before the extension)
* 27 direct dependencies which gives 180 dependencies in total (as your dep files says, as I don't have most of the direct ones) Absolutely beating records. I personnaly rarely download things with more than 30 full deps.
* Linking to creators who are known to bundle shit which some people will not download (I won't name them). Step 1 in the link you were given, check each and every morph you use and try to use only original ones. example on the first 3 ones:
                     "uid" : "Wolverine333.AMBER.1:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/extraMorphs/Breath1.vmi",

                     "uid" : "Damarmau.Lilys_Throne.3:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/extraMorphs/Breath1.vmi",
                     "uid" : "Frostbane3D.Night_elf.8:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Legs&Feet_Reloaded-Lite/Thigh full.vmi",
The original is probably Oeshii.ReloadedMorphs which won't give you any indirect dependencies. Also Morph.Morphs_Mega_Pack might be better for others. For some, I just don't find a clean original one and you better either find alternative morphs or at the extreme MorphMerger.

If you rework these, you'll probably go from 180 to 50 dependencies, maybe less and all free meaning easy to find.

Well, I'll only judge on packaging, out of 27 direct dependencies I have only 10 and others are really low quality. But the screen does look nice!
And +10 for sharing with us!
Ok, i think maybe i fixed the crazy dep list now.
I also tried to follow as many tips i got as possible.
It took a long time, i hope it works well this time.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: eponge


New Member
Aug 25, 2021
Alpaca is good for lower end systems. C&G will kill most systems in vr. Club J is good if you swap out the futa with non futa ...unless you want some spice in your life ;) Kitty mocap has done a few but theyre often messy scenes youll need to clean up.

Performance wise it goes:
lower end vr pc = alpaca
med range vr pc = club j
high end pc vr = c&G
dumpsterfire pc = kitty

Atleast for me this is true. All are good enough to jack off to lol
View attachment 1374491
haha i like that last bit there about the dumpster fire! to true.. that stuff runs on my C64!!


Nov 10, 2018
Does anyone know of (or has made themselves) a "lighting kill-switch" to basically eliminate all lighting sources upon loading a scene, ala a session plugin? When I help people fix up scenes, I swear to god I spend more time autistically deleting lighting than actually solving the problem.

You've probably noticed most creators have some weird fetish to have their lights pulsate to the music/fade in & out/make the models barely visible, so I have to practically spend the first 5 minutes of every new scene pressing T, then play whack-a-mole with the light bulb icons (because they'll always name their lights something only they'll understand, like "BR1" "BLa" "L-1-B" etc) just so I can impliment 1 or 2 static lighting sources, then re-save it.

My hands are sore enough from slapping the salami... Holy shit these lighting setups are going to give me onset arthritis or carpel tunnel!
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Apr 9, 2020
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