cant" recommend this game properly...
its just a bunch of videos of porn scene that you can launch/watch by using a command you type in a textbar.
how it work ?
- you load the girl
- you type the command with your keyboard , like for exempl "give me blowjob"
- game launch a porn video that show the girl doing a blowjob to you (supposedly you, but like in all game with real porn video in it, "you" can be white, black, hairy, tatooed, fat, ugly, muscled and every fucking morphology possible in the same day... you got the thing)
that's it.
nothing less, nothing more.
if you want a more detailled way to "how to play/instal this game" , just watch the unique review, it explain it pretty well.
but honestly, they are better than that, and you can just watch porn video on the web or buying interactive DVD/VR to get the exact same effect.