The coilgun in general feels way less useful than before ? I remember using it to clear out multiple bots at once in previous builds, but they won't stay still long enough for me to kill even one.
The way half of your skills will use up all of your ammo at once isn't very cool either.
- Coilgun has been buffed and you can now change the direction of the skills with shift. It also gained more ammo and a new skill.
Also, I built the coilgun scope first thing to try to increase it's terrible range, but in actuality nothing seems to have happened.
Not implemented?
- It is implemented but bugged out apparently, will look into it.
How come sometimes (on the first turn of combat?) Caly can only move forwards in combat? There's an enemy behind me shooting at me.
- That is a bug that has been fixed.
Her mobility is already dogshit compared to the bots (having to waste one or even two turns closing the distance to them before you can even get in range to shoot at them, but them being able to shoot at you from across the screen, or run from one end of the screen to the other whenever they feel like it)
- You have now movement points that you can increase by doing missions throughout the game.
It also no longer costs AP to move around, so you can now move and attack multiple times during your turn.
Speaking of the intro, I just hit a softlock during the first fight. Right after the 'this is the only battle that we'll make you lose' popup, the Urtu Bioweapon moved directly upwards to the edge of the combat zone, then refused to end it's turn, thus locking my game.
- This should be fixed in the newest build.
For the first post, I have forwarded this to the writing team and we are going to take a look at it.
Best Regards,
Cursed Atelier