
Mar 11, 2020
I got a bug/error in the middle of the boss fight (from the alpha release boss), 'Loading error Failed to load: img/pictures/Actor_e_100.png' and a 'Retry' button to smash.

Playing the beta release.
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Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
I got a bug/error in the middle of the boss fight (from the alpha release boss), 'Loading error Failed to load: img/pictures/Actor_e_100.png' and a 'Retry' button to smash.

Playing the beta release.
Hello, did you load a previous save or was that on a brand new one?
And could you upload the save if possible?


Dec 8, 2019
Would like to see a Linux build; having to run it in a VM is annoying.
You can technically run it on Linux but the game assumes file paths are case-insensitive, so you have to run it off a file system that supports case-insensitivity. Only a recent version of EXT4 does so you're probably better off just trying to run the game off a FAT32 filesystem (like a USB drive or a loop device). Both running it through WINE, _and_ running it through nwjs natively should work then.

So, for the game dev, all you need to do to make this game run on Linux is to make the file paths consistent: make all the filenames under www/ be lower-case and ensure the code referencing them is also lower case. It should be like an hour's worth of work.


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
How the hell do you save in this game?

I figured it autosaves, but before the boss I thought I might want to make sure. Turns out f5 isnt quick save but throws you to the menu without a warning. For fucks sake.

Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
How the hell do you save in this game?

I figured it autosaves, but before the boss I thought I might want to make sure. Turns out f5 isnt quick save but throws you to the menu without a warning. For fucks sake.
You can save in two ways, either when you press ESC and click on save during normal gameplay.
Or you can save during dialogues, by using the third icon on the dialogue box.
Right before the boss you also get asked if you like to save, which opens the save screen.


May 12, 2018
Finished the demo yesterday evening, and quite enjoyed playing it. Here is why I would recommend you giving it a try :

1/ The game runs on a (heavily) customized RPGMV engine, where every nook and cranny seems to be tailored to fit the story. You can craft whatever supplies you need (medkits and such), mod your weapons and probably pick your clothes in a future version too. I thought this was extremely well done, and shows the near-herculean technical efforts that must have gone into creating the demo.

2/ While I didn't run into any noticeable bugs, I thought that the combat system was a bit confusing and lacklustre, even for a fan of tactical rpgs like me. I guess the side view doesn't help. A top view may have been a better choice. Since the protagonist fights alone and only has limited options to act, I also never really felt the need to use many of the extra features, like "moving around" or "struggling". For me, combat always followed the following sequence, no matter the circumstances : open with an AOE (blaster), get a second AOE (shotgun) in if possible, and finish off whatever foes are closest. This can get a bit repetitive. Maybe the addition of more team members in the future, with a slightly slower/reworked combat sequence, can spice up things a bit.

3/ Ignoring the combat, gameplay is all about solving puzzles. There are little to no instructions however, and more importantly no real indications of what can be interacted with in an environment that, yes, is atmospheric but also mostly very dark. As an experienced player of similar games, the puzzles were easy to figure out, but could be unnecessarily frustrating to a novice player.

4/ The art is great, when it exists. The heroine is cute and loveable, and it's only fair that she gets most of the attention. However I also would have liked to see more of the other secondary NPCs on screen, even if briefly. It made no sense to me that I was able to see "Vas" during the prologue, but not "Cava" for example. Most locations, like the space ship and the robot city in particular, also seemed dull and lifeless.

5/ Writing comes as an obvious forte to the game. The ero scene ending the demo in particular was great. However, it fails to support the main story and especially the characterisations of the game.

First, the heroine seems to have her own agenda, thoughts and desires, and that would be fine if they matched the ones of an "average" human being, or at least someone we could rationalize. She doesn't seem that bothered to be suddenly abducted and abused by "aliens" after her home-world gets attacked and near destroyed. While it could be OK as the reaction of a light-hearted dumb bimbo, it's always weird to see "capable" characters, like an elite engineer who defines herself as "smart" and battle-hardened, behaving on occasion like a flustered school girl in front of adversity. It would also have been nice to leave some of her thoughts and decisions to the player instead of enforcing them.

Next, the story and the setting itself seem pretty weak to me : a couple of rebels take on an imperial military ship to free a scientist and incidentally the heroine, but then disappear without further notice. Who are these rebels ? What are their motivations and why did they need the scientist ? Were there other spaceships they could have left on ? Why did they free the heroine if it's only to drop her off like dirty luggage at the first opportunity ? We are all supposed to have watched Star Wars in our youth, but how can a single ship, with only one captain and his robot side-kick on board, successfully breach an imperial military ship ? Why don't neither of them object to suddenly cross half of the galaxy to go spelunking on an unknown hell hole to the only benefit of a stranger, as pretty as she might be ?

Finally, telepathy. I get that the heroine needs to have latent psy powers for gameplay reasons. However it's like the game jumps through hoops and holes to attempt to explain why all the species in the universe, even robots that never should have interacted with "primitive" humans, can understand each other as if language barriers never existed. The use of some kind of high-tech universal translation device would have been more convincing.

TL;DR: If you're looking for a game that has astounding visuals for an indy ero production, an ambitious what looks like to be Mass Effect-like scope, with a satisfying and bug-free gameplay, you'll enjoy the game. Don't expect the characters to be memorable or the story to always make perfect sense in the current early beta, but this may hopefully change with the next iterations of the game. Thumbs up.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
Finished the demo yesterday evening, and quite enjoyed playing it. Here is why I would recommend you giving it a try :

1/ The game runs on a (heavily) customized RPGMV engine, where every nook and cranny seems to be tailored to fit the story. You can craft whatever supplies you need (medkits and such), mod your weapons and probably pick your clothes in a future version too. I thought this was extremely well done, and shows the near-herculean technical efforts that must have gone into creating the demo.

2/ While I didn't run into any noticeable bugs, I thought that the combat system was a bit confusing and lacklustre, even for a fan of tactical rpgs like me. I guess the side view doesn't help. A top view may have been a better choice. Since the protagonist fights alone and only has limited options to act, I also never really felt the need to use many of the extra features, like "moving around" or "struggling". For me, combat always followed the following sequence, no matter the circumstances : open with an AOE (blaster), get a second AOE (shotgun) in if possible, and finish off whatever foes are closest. This can get a bit repetitive. Maybe the addition of more team members in the future, with a slightly slower/reworked combat sequence, can spice up things a bit.

3/ Ignoring the combat, gameplay is all about solving puzzles. There are little to no instructions however, and more importantly no real indications of what can be interacted with in an environment that, yes, is atmospheric but also mostly very dark. As an experienced player of similar games, the puzzles were easy to figure out, but could be unnecessarily frustrating to a novice player.

4/ The art is great, when it exists. The heroine is cute and loveable, and it's only fair that she gets most of the attention. However I also would have liked to see more of the other secondary NPCs on screen, even if briefly. It made no sense to me that I was able to see "Vas" during the prologue, but not "Cava" for example. Most locations, like the space ship and the robot city in particular, also seemed dull and lifeless.

5/ Writing comes as an obvious forte to the game. The ero scene ending the demo in particular was great. However, it fails to support the main story and especially the characterisations of the game.

First, the heroine seems to have her own agenda, thoughts and desires, and that would be fine if they matched the ones of an "average" human being, or at least someone we could rationalize. She doesn't seem that bothered to be suddenly abducted and abused by "aliens" after her home-world gets attacked and near destroyed. While it could be OK as the reaction of a light-hearted dumb bimbo, it's always weird to see "capable" characters, like an elite engineer who defines herself as "smart" and battle-hardened, behaving on occasion like a flustered school girl in front of adversity. It would also have been nice to leave some of her thoughts and decisions to the player instead of enforcing them.

Next, the story and the setting itself seem pretty weak to me : a couple of rebels take on an imperial military ship to free a scientist and incidentally the heroine, but then disappear without further notice. Who are these rebels ? What are their motivations and why did they need the scientist ? Were there other spaceships they could have left on ? Why did they free the heroine if it's only to drop her off like dirty luggage at the first opportunity ? We are all supposed to have watched Star Wars in our youth, but how can a single ship, with only one captain and his robot side-kick on board, successfully breach an imperial military ship ? Why don't neither of them object to suddenly cross half of the galaxy to go spelunking on an unknown hell hole to the only benefit of a stranger, as pretty as she might be ?

Finally, telepathy. I get that the heroine needs to have latent psy powers for gameplay reasons. However it's like the game jumps through hoops and holes to attempt to explain why all the species in the universe, even robots that never should have interacted with "primitive" humans, can understand each other as if language barriers never existed. The use of some kind of high-tech universal translation device would have been more convincing.

TL;DR: If you're looking for a game that has astounding visuals for an indy ero production, an ambitious what looks like to be Mass Effect-like scope, with a satisfying and bug-free gameplay, you'll enjoy the game. Don't expect the characters to be memorable or the story to always make perfect sense in the current early beta, but this may hopefully change with the next iterations of the game. Thumbs up.
I think you're placing way to high of a focus on realism for the characters and plot. A "realistic" reaction to having your home planet destroyed and being abducted would be to have PTSD, crawl into a corner and cry, then maybe stumble around as a shell of your former self or some depressing stuff like that. A "realistic" reaction to being sexually assaulted is pretty ugly, traumatizing, and painful. Unless it's to serve an extremely extremely niche kink, that stuff doesn't belong in an H-game.

It's like watching Sharknado or The Meg or an Adam Sandler movie and critiquing character motivations and continuity inconsistencies. The plot isn't meant to be taken through the eyes of a movie critic. It's a plot that doesn't take itself too seriously and that's exactly what works best imo.


May 12, 2018
I think you're placing way to high of a focus on realism for the characters and plot.
The game doesn't try to be realistic, and neither do I want it to be (it's sci-fi with furries, duh). I just want its characters to be relatable, consistent, and more importantly for the only human being shown so far to behave and think like one.

I think it's not doing any other aspect of the game a disservice, or on a greater scale, for all (ero) games to achieve the same. Mass Effect had FemShep be of near super-human strength in combat, gazing Sovereign straight in the eyes on Virmire, and have sex at the end just fine.

You say that game isn't "serious", yet it goes into lengths about how telepathy works, how robots and aliens on planets light years away from Earth can understand and communicate with the heroine. The team behind the game obviously poured time and sweat to make it more than just a cheap throwaway DAZ slide show. They got themselves a talented writer, who showed able to write pages and pages about the setting, story and characters, without butchering the language, and whose obvious goal is going to be to tell a chapters-long and interesting story without entering any "this is just laughable" territory straight from the beginning.

To me, there isn't a single valid reason they couldn't make the heroine of this game act and think in a more "credible" way, to support the aforementioned purpose.
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