So much for the chivalry - MC has no tools so leaves bodies on the side of the road after acting like the white night from silly romantic ballad, saves the girl but has no intention of getting to know the newly hitch hiker on his paladin high road ... such an adventure!
Well, version i'm seeing right now at least lampshades it a little - the MC mentions it's almost a minstrel ballad's scenario, looks around a bit for possible hidding partners of the two bandits and so on. That said, one of them (redshirt) still looks like a modern redneck failing at the budget ren faire look.
Also, two guys, one busy holding a girl, another with a knife, threaten a stranger
with a sword. Too dumb to live, anyone?
MC keeps calling them peasants, what is kind of patronizing and offensive to hardworking peasants everywhere, call them what they are, bandits & brigands. And yeah, leaving their corpses in the road is kind of assholish on his part. Having no tools in understandable, but then either inform some priest in the nearest hamlet or village they need burial or put their heads on spikes to inform travellers they were idiotic pests better off dead - give an example to the people, MC.
And the girl puts on better clothes out of nowhere and MC apparently doesn't even notice , wow.
Well, not like narrative is my first priority (porn is, duh) anyway, let's see how this stuff evolves.