Wait... What do you think an alpha is?
Think? You mean know an alpha is early stage unfinished game. Normally with like an hours content. At this size its more of tech concept to show how the game engine may or may not work. Trust me I tested shit tons of alphas, iknow it means unfinished but some of these alphas I played on here were not real alphas just concept test, and they never got further. I seen a few never get past 15 minuts of content, because the dev didn't know where to go next or how to get there if he/she did.
Hence term concept. Its kind of more what you cook up to show a potential backer what could be one day like a demo of a demo. And its a legit thing although most people here just call it a demo or "prologue" I don't think this is long enough to be classified as a prologue. Stuff like this seems makes me parnoid as it came it too early potentially and its more of gatchu you game. I mean you might as well be opening a loot box if you support the devs at this stage could be great could be stalled for 2 years, could just be abandoned next week when a take down notice hits them.
Oh and this dev has abandoned projects at .01 so yeah I am on gaurd here...