I really hope it backtracks a bit to focus on the wife teasing the husband. Don't really care for any of the sex scenes and she taken to liking fucking other dudes for herself a little too fast. She needs to check in with her husband way more and focus on teasing him or it's gonna stop being interesting cuz its gonna become quickly another generic sex scenes + she happens to have a husband who is fine with it and "nts" instead of nts like a lot of others.
I am not in that poll but... less choices just makes sense especially for the dev time. Idk what he wants to do. but its very early on in the process of the game, he did hint at it from the beginning but at most they should be just different looks for the scenes, like more MC dominant or Bull dominant
This would actually be cool and it could be mostly a dialogue change or add in or cut out a few pics. It's part of why non animated better imo so u can focus on writing. Ammies humiliating dialogue is sexy but the sex scenes are take it or leave it for me, and I'd rather have the choice of either mc dominant or fmc soft domme, and it's largely a matter of writing. Last update was mostly a no matter what route the wife is just fucking off on her own and is about to do it some more and you get no say in it either route. Maybe he adds more stuff in retrospect in newer updates to old scenes which would make sense but it's less fun when u just get bottlenecked into being the beta she cheats on freely and are supposed to be fine with it.
Would have preferred the first 2 list on the poll and have her focus more on her husband. Idk it's just less sexy when she's focusing on herself or someone else and not on husband so the magic is starting to wear off for me.