"Jesus man, do you pay this guy?"
Vash sent that, it's not Irph himself, are you not able to read or do you read between the lines? I understand what a progress report is (and that's exactly what he did) but if you know what Vash does and clearly you don't, ill inform you. He helps write the dialogue and fixes grammar issues. He goes render by render. each black box represents a render, each red line through means it's done and the X means a stopping point. It should be blatantly obvious if you use critical thinking.
I don't get it, the fuck you want him to do? show the renders with the red line through it to show progress? It'd be spoilers, of course he's going to black out the render. Is that too hard for you to understand? Explain to me how he can show the 'work' without spoiling it?
From my point of view, you don't make any sense. First of all, I would like to know why someone supposed to work on the dialogue would use "blacked out render", since the dialogue and the render aren't tied in any way that would give us information (In renpy, you show a render, and show a text over, but the two aren't tied together), it doesn't make any sense, hence why no one could ever think it's a progress report.
Then, well, a progress report is supposed to give you information about.. progress? How does that thing fullfill that? I mean, supposing you're right and that each blacked out box is a render, how are you supposed to know the amount of work on each other? One could very well represent the render of a classroom with a lesson of history 999999999words long, and another could be a sex scene with 3 moans, it doesn't show anything...
All in all, assuming that it's really supposed to be a progress report, it doesn't tell anything, it's not more usefull that saying something vague like "I'm almost finished", "It will be soon", "I worked on it a bit" or thing of that caliber. After all, a progress report that doesn't let you know about the progress of a project is meaningless.
(If we knew something about what the blacked box represent, even a vague word count, it could be usefull, even through it still don't get why he would represent the progress of his work using the notion of "render" ^^)
I mean, in the end, saying something along the line "I'm about more or less halfway finished" would be far easier.
ps: Also, on a completely different point, not that I want to badmouth someone or anything, but the last update was horrible, there was spelling mistake everywhere, and even the character name were wrong.