Thats becuase they never were actually in the game those "routes" have always been locked, Karma/route aren;'t actually tracked never have been and probably never will be the only choice as a player you ever had was slight deluge changes in sex scenes
the routes choices have also been "The one and only choice", "gameover" "WIP".. check the code Lol whenwever the game says +/- karma you'll relaise the code only has dialogue that says that but it isn't even tracked and no varaible to go with it either.
for example the train scene
label karmawip:
scene train_d12minami27b
"Sucker punch the thug and get out!" if True:
jump punchdeath
"Bargain with the thug, it would be better to have him as an ally." if True:
jump bargainplus
label bargainplus:
scene black
"!!!Karma System(WIP)!!! This route will be available in later version of the game."
jump karmawip
"Punchdeath" leads to game over "bargainplus" is just a loop back to the menu which means its a dead end no matter what you pick so you have to go back to the last option you picked presiouly where only one options allow you to continue
"This has gone too far, Minami belongs to me!" if True:
jump minasave
"She deserves it, and it's too risky for me to jump in, because of the knife... (game over scene)" if True:
jump minarape
which is "This has gone too far," otherwise the other choice just lead to the deadend loop
Every single one of the karma choice are like that
"Pretend it’s a misunderstanding. (Speech: 20) (game over scene)" if True:
jump faild19
"Play along, and try to trick the thug. (Illusion: 30)" if True:
jump playd19
"Tell him you will honor the deal. (low karma route)" if True:
jump deal19
agian first option leads to a gameover 3rd option leads to a loop back agian so you can only pick the second option to continue
There is no choice in this game only the illusion of choice. you either pick the right choice or get stuck or gameover.
There is only one choice in the entire game that is tracked/remember (that i can think of) and its what you do with the potion vial and thats just if you used it or not basically that choice just decided whos content you get either the teachers or yokos.