So close, yet so far. So much potential unfulfilled. Not too late to realize it, though.
Takamura. (No, not the guy from Cyberpunk. He's hot too, though.)
Other cute girls, some of the best of any HS game... Apart from Elizabeth post-rework. Pray they don't alter other characters further. Yikes.
Several good to very-good H-scenes, overall.
The premise and plot work well. There's some good lore (and the option to skip it if you're not interested) and it has good room to grow. Great!
Extremely hit or miss anime-aesthetic humor that hits on rare occasions, so I guess that's a positive...
But fuck, man...
Everything else further down can be dealt with - this is a power/revenge fantasy porn game that adopts the stylistic choice of more cringe = more funny, after all. Everything but the filler. This shit's wordcount and playtime is padded harder than a college essay at 4AM. After the 20,000th bit of text you scroll through that's 3 lines long for no reason, it just gets exhausting. Constant narration and inner dialogue explaining what's happening or rehashing what just happened. Constant showing instead of telling - no nuance or room for interpretation. Zero effort put into proofreading or economy of words. Even in the way this entire thing is written, you get the impression from the writer that he thinks he is very smart and every other person is very stupid, which leads into the next point.
The MC is a gigabrain 5Head supergenius author self-insert playing 18-dimensional chess while constantly rattling off the most cringe, annoyingly pointless, and desperately unfunny references possible ("levio-sahhh" - omg ijbol) and overly-purple pseudointellectual thesaurus-bait (like "obstetrics" instead of "maternity" and the dreaded Latin phrase "well ackshually" one-upsmanship) just to show how much Stuff He Knows, while every single other character in the game is barely functional. "Immaculate r/iamverysmart vibes." See that, and the few others? Cats can have a little reference, as a treat, but if I were to add one to every single fucking line in here by shoehorning irrelevant ones into places they really didn't belong, you'd probably think that was cancer, no? Anyway, sure, the disclaimer above still applies - it's a porn game - but when the MC puts on a hat and is immediately unrecognizable to a character so obsessed with him she named her vibrator after him, it gets a bit ridiculous.
There are some good H-scenes - then there are the H-scenes that could have been good, but were seemingly intentionally ruined with the inclusion of the second-most unbearably cringe, caricatured character in the game (nothing could ever beat this MC) making either a "surprise" entrance or putting his gross moves on your sister... all for comedic relief, I guess? You could be the most NTR-obsessed cuck on the planet (more power to you) and this shit would still be annoying.
The "free roam" system that the game has been rewritten and your saves broken to accommodate... is absolutely, completely, utterly pointless. Every single time you use it, there's only one place to go to advance the story, and all the filler text for the places you've already been are copy/pasted multiple times in the script so you can't even skip them. Even if it's actually useful in the future, it shouldn't be in the game yet if it does literally nothing.
I don't even want to comment on the barely-integrated karma system and that hardly any of your choices actually matter. Overall, the game has a bit of content, but for being in development for 5 years, everything else is just so half-baked, like the money/store, karma, the phone, and the free roam systems. But don't worry, there are ads for the other game they're hard at work on available through the in-game TV!
Patreon wasn't a mistake, it was a godsend for indie gaming, but the model sure is a bitch sometimes.