IDK, I kind of think, if a game doesn't get any updates for ages then discussing the missing updates and the devs work ethics is practically the only thing related to a game you can post about.
Why bother with speculating about how the game will play out or repeating for the umpteenth time which girl you like the most, when there hasn't been any change anyway?
That being said, we all feel the need to vent from time to time, but it can get out of hand and in the end we don't really gain that much of it.
I can wait for an update to Waifu Academy, I'm not a patron, I don't spend money on it and tbh I often don't even have the time to play all the updates that come out in the same week.
It's a great game, but there are many other great games and each week (or so it feels like) a new good one starts, sadly not all get finished, but there's always something new or a new update to play.
The only game where the lack of updates is really killing me is Where the Heart Is, but that is because I suffer from severe withdrawal of Monica and Jenna goodness.