I agree, ever since 0.64 the story has been going downhill. The MC started as an intelligent antihero seeking revenge, but he suddenly turned out to be a horny dumbass that can't keep his dick inside his pants and keeps fucking things up.
Everytime a lead appears, he does something and then it goes back to square one. The most infuriating example is otaku's hidden camera quests. You get teased over and over again about the video contents and how important they are for the plot. You do multiple "quests" in order to get the file from the fat ass and once you finished the quests, you realize the video file doesn't work, or the important parts of the video are conveniently muted by the otaku (the dev). So back to square one.
The same happens with the characters. You are told you will be assisting the volleyball practice, but you end up missing the class, so you don't get to know Haruka despite being teased by the plot.
You already know Yoko is a bitch and Kenichi's pawn from previous patches and you want to make her pay for it. You have blackmail material (stick) and you can let her meet Faris (carrot), you are attractive and have a big dick. She literally had no reason to blueball you and take away your pants, but she did it anyways because the dev wanted to milk you