Hello everyone!
I hope you had or still have a nice summer despite our actual situation...
I myself took a "forced" 2 weeks extra vacation on August 4 after burning my grafic card for the 2nd time >.<
I couldn't work, I was sweating on my chair, I couldn't sleep with the heat, I was mad, really mad... So on the morning I packed my stuff and moved near the water, took some good time like our sweet Takamura on the banner ^^
Anyway you guys aren't here to read my life story, but be assured these vacation wasn't wasted for you either! I used this time to do a reasonable part of the update writting.
Also I'm back since several days... But I don't wanted to come to you empty handed so I worked hard to finish 2 scenes so I could come with a nice preview panel
Waifu Fall 0.9.0 Content , with a bit more than 2 days of new content :
-Thursday : Evening/Night
-Friday : Full
-Saturday : Full
Update 0.9.0 ETA
-Storyboard : 95%
-3D and animation rendering : 60%
-Dialogue : 60%
-Scripting : 40%
-Feature : 60%
-Sound/Music : 45%
-Proofreading/Beta testing : 0%
I have added 2 more scene than what was supposed to be and one big than 3 different outcome relevant to the Karma system.
I hope you guys aren't to disappointed with my lack of news since last month, but I needed to "disconect".
No worry though, I'm back and fully operational to work under tropic temperature!