I'm still wondering why ppl are having so much trouble loading their saves, tbh -- mine loaded fine from the dojo at the end of 0.8b. Loaded in, rolled back to the start of the scene, Bob's your uncle. I do miss having Lain's mod available, I had it installed in the old version. Glad to see no incest patch is needed with this update, though; saves me a tiny download and a couple minutes of time lol.
As to the content, I'm gonna disagree with a lot of posters here and say that yeah, it really was worth downloading. Granted that I actually DO read the storyline, savescum and try just about every possible choice, but even with all that I'd say the update is of about average length. Good storyline advances, a few decent-to-good H-scenes, even at least one plot choice that REALLY matters in the longer term. (Nope, ain't saying which one, no spoilers from me mwahahahaa). Sure it could be longer, and no I definitely am NOT in any way excusing the overly long wait for an update which was entirely excessive. I'm just saying there's way too much crying over the update we did get. Play it through, enjoy it, then when you reach the end set it aside and play something else. It really isn't worth all this whining.