It gets purged because the forum should be about the game, game updates, characters, help for people if they need it. It should not be random rants about personal peoples theories attacking the dev and if he is lying and what they think about his life. Games good and you all keep coming back because you want more. (some way more then others). Devs slow and knows that and does apologize which immediately gets torn appart and then people wonder why he doesn't answer stuff here... but I will say if you post things like " AntonidasWoodmere85 said: his white-knight fanboys are butthurt bitches" more then likely your post will be removed. Also trolling which some people love to do all the time is against the forum rules so also gets purged.
If you like the game cut the dev some slack because his story and characters are some of the more unique ones I have came across (Lots of clone games and plots out there) hence why I will keep playing because I enjoy it. I do not support but people that do have their reasons and their beliefs just like you. You won't change their minds and they will not change yours. No need to call them names. If you need something to play click the latest updates tab and scroll down and find something else. There are some good games on her that have slow devs and fast ones. There are also those that are not so good that update constantly and ones that are slower then this. Keep in mind that the people making these games are real people like youhave lives, families, other jobs, health, deaths in the family and friends and college work. I stop in here myself every few weeks to see what might be new as a break from all of that stuff and the constant negativity on 90% of these games forums just blows my mind.
If you like the game cut the dev some slack because his story and characters are some of the more unique ones I have came across (Lots of clone games and plots out there) hence why I will keep playing because I enjoy it. I do not support but people that do have their reasons and their beliefs just like you. You won't change their minds and they will not change yours. No need to call them names. If you need something to play click the latest updates tab and scroll down and find something else. There are some good games on her that have slow devs and fast ones. There are also those that are not so good that update constantly and ones that are slower then this. Keep in mind that the people making these games are real people like youhave lives, families, other jobs, health, deaths in the family and friends and college work. I stop in here myself every few weeks to see what might be new as a break from all of that stuff and the constant negativity on 90% of these games forums just blows my mind.