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RPGM Waifu Wonderland [Development Thread]


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Just realized that I forgot to put Madison in the header. It's been updated and really has all of the characters appearing in v0.1 now.

Unless I forgot someone else lol


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
As much as I hate to do this, I've had to put updates on hold until I'm done with my final projects and officially graduate. I just don't have the time to work on both, and since I don't have any patrons yet, putting Waifu Wonderland on the back burner is what I have to do. I made a longer post about it if you're interested. I talk about my project plans for once I'm finally done with school and will have a lot more time on my hands. Even with the slight delay (2 or 3 weeks at max) Waifu Wonderland is still on track for a May release.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
As of a couple of hours ago, I am officially done with uni. Updates will be resuming this weekend with the last Sandy scene for 0.1. I talked a bit about updated plans for projects here, if you're into that. Also looking into making a discord server. Still on track for a May release!


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Alright, just one more week of art posts to go and all of the CG and character art for v0.1 will be done! That will be 14 characters (15 inc Almiranda) and 20 scenes (21 inc Almiranda), with more than 40 individual CG! I've already started diving into the actual game and getting it ready for launch. It's a little more work than I expected, but it should still be done to be released by the end of May.

As for this week, we have Sandy/Ivy/Valentine's HJ scene. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm looking forward to people being able to see it.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
An absolute ton of updates this week!

First, I made a free general update post about what I've been working on this week and what the plan is in the next couple of weeks. Basically, I've been putting stuff in the game, rewriting when needed, and reformatting. I share some screenshots and talk a lot more in-depth here if you're interested.

I also made a WIP post where I shared the lines for Ayako's second scene and also talked about my work setup.

And lastly, there's Ayako's second scene fully rendered.
In both max quality -
And 1080p -

With that, all of the artwork for v0.1 is complete! As of now, I'm planning on a May 31st release for v0.1, but I'm going to be trying to get it out May 24th or 25th. I'm very close to having everything in the game and everything. From there, I just have to do a playthrough and bug test. How many issues I find is what will really determine when the game is released.

I hope everyone is looking forward to the first release of Waifu Wonderland!


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Hey, I saw a random post from 5 years ago in the Dev Help forum that some noob raised from the dead via necromancy, and realised that it was a post from you!

It's cool to see that you've persisted for so long at trying to create something, and especially that you've switched from rendered to actually hand drawn 2d art.

The teasers and stuff you've posted here look great so I'm looking forward to see what you come up with.

Good luck and keep fighting! it might seem bleak to be making all these posts with almost no feedback, but that is the way of things unfortunately. marketing is about the grind until you hit some magic lucky spark and it all blows up. Of course actually having a product out there will make a big difference too.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Hey, I saw a random post from 5 years ago in the Dev Help forum that some noob raised from the dead via necromancy, and realised that it was a post from you!

It's cool to see that you've persisted for so long at trying to create something, and especially that you've switched from rendered to actually hand drawn 2d art.

The teasers and stuff you've posted here look great so I'm looking forward to see what you come up with.

Good luck and keep fighting! it might seem bleak to be making all these posts with almost no feedback, but that is the way of things unfortunately. marketing is about the grind until you hit some magic lucky spark and it all blows up. Of course actually having a product out there will make a big difference too.
I had to go look. I lol'd. Funny enough, this game is 720p. That's mainly due to it being an RPG Maker game though. Any bigger than 720p and I'd start running into issues with scaling in the game. The areas would have to be way too big just to fit on screen and they'd be annoying to navigate, or I'd have to do all custom sprites with custom sprite scaling. That's all way out of my wheelhouse though. I've made up to 4k resolution scene artwork available on my patreon, but the game itself is 720p.

And thanks! I've learned a lot from my past failures, and I'm doing my best to do things a bit better this time. Been doing at least one weekly update on patreon so there's lots of content there when the game releases, will be doing monthly game releases after v0.1 is released, I'm going to try and branch out and do more advertising in more places, and I've already commited to at least another 6 months of updates. Even if I keep just posting into the void the whole time lol.

I've learned that it's a slow process and a lot of people are skeptical of v0.1 releases, so I'm just doing my best to be patient and just stay consistent with updates. v0.1 should be releasing this weekend, I'm just working on getting everything uploaded and setting up descriptions and everything. I'm hoping people enjoy it. Or at the very least, like the artwork and idea enough to come back and check it out once there's more in the game.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Made the last update post before the release of v0.1.1! I detail how updates will work moving forward for both art posts as well as game version updates and also shared another screenshot for v0.1.1.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Now that the game has been out for 2 days, I think it's safe to say that the v0.1 launch went fairly well. It's definitely done better than anything I've ever done before, and has even already started getting some support. There's even been minimal negative comments so far, mainly just the "this is stolen art" and "this is ai" comments. Which I expected. Seeing the views and amount of support has really inspired me, and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who tried out the game and especially those who have seen this thread and offered their encouragement. Hopefully people enjoy the game as it grows and more and more gets added to it.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Lots of new stuff this week since it's a new month.

First off was the announcement of the first character for v0.2 - Freya, the Mistress of Fire. She'll be a part of the main story that gets implemented in v0.2.

I also made an update to Angela's artwork that will be coming in June's monthly update, v0.1.2, you can check out the new artwork in comparison to the old here.

Then I made a WIP post showing off the sketch for Freya's scene, as well as talking about how to use reference rather than copy it.

Then Freya's complete scene was posted.
- 1080p
- 4k

And then with the last poll ending and being the first of the month, I combined the announcement of the poll winner and month update into one post. tl;dr New scenes for existing characters won.

Lastly, the new poll for June was started. This poll is to decide which existing characters get new scenes. This one is only 2 weeks, so that I can get the scenes finished and implemented into the game in time for the July update, v0.1.3. So be sure to get your vote in quickly!


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
This week was mostly back to normal.

Starting this week's roundup we've got the new character intro for Rinko! She'll be added into the game for this month's update, v0.1.2. She's the first character you'll need the apartment unlocked in order to seduce.

Then there was also Rinko's scene.

Then earlier in the week I did a WIP post showing the sketch for Rinko's character CG, and talked about my character design process.

Then lastly, I made a post addressing Adobe's new problematic ToS update. Since I don't want Adobe using my content and don't want them to potentially shut down the project, I've had to switch to a new program. I'm still working on finding one that I can replicate the WW style with. I had high hopes for Clip Studio Paint, and while it works really great, and is way better than PS in a lot of ways, the one brush that I use that defines the WW style just doesn't work in CSP. Even after spending most of the day trying to replicate it or at least come close enough, I just couldn't get it to work. It seems like the way that brushes work in CSP just don't function the way I need them to for this to work. Which really sucked. I could maybe get the same effect with a few different brushes, but it would increase the amount of time spent on making CG significantly. Since I'd go from being able to do a single brush stroke, to having to use multiple brushes and carefully blend them by hand in order to get the same effect. So one brush stroke now would end up being 5-10 minutes of work. So the search is still on. CSP does everything else I need though, so if I find a program that can use this brush, even if it doesn't do anything else, I can just switch to CSP for everything else. Which will be annoying, but much safer for the project. Anyway, if you want me to ramble about the specifics of what happened, here's the original post.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I made a sig for the game. So I'm posting it here so I can actually put it in my sig.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Wasn't sure if I could post this in the original thread, but I wanted to post it somewhere.

It's the last day of the current poll!

This poll is to decide which side characters get a new scene in next month's update. All polls are free, so if there's someone you'd like to see get a new scene, be sure to cast your vote!



Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Been feeling pretty unmotivated this week due to a lot going on, but I still got some stuff done.

First up was a WIP post where I talked about how and why I was reworking one of the areas. I talked a bit about gameplay changes coming in v0.1.2 as well. I also gave a bit of a preview for some storylines that will be added in.

Then for the Wednesday art post, the second character being added to v0.1.2 was announced, Akari. The MILF next door.

Then today her scene was released
- 1080p
- 4k

And lastly, v0.1.2 went into early access for Waifu Early Access supporters!

The public release will be in two weeks on June 29th.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
This week's update roundup has arrived!

First was the poll results from last month's poll, as well as updated character and scene artwork for Seika.

Then there was a WIP post where I showed off an unused scene of Tan Alicia, and talked about why it was cut.

Then for the first art post of the week we had the next v0.2 character intro, Skadi, The Ice Queen. You can read more about her here.

And then today Skadi's scene was posted. I apparently forgot to upload the 1080 version, and am currently out of town. It'll be posted when I get back. But there's still the maximum quality version available.

Then finally, v0.1.2 early access was updated to include Waifu WIP patrons.

I've got some big changes coming in July's v0.1.3 update. I'll be talking about them in the monthly update on July 1st.