i disagree the animation is high quality enough that people would pay based on that alone, also i doubt the fetishes will be too varied seeing how this is based on an old harem anime, and lastly you are playing this for free just like me, they dont need to listen to you because you contribute nothing, if you want to make your view heard, go support them on patreon.
That's a very bad argument, it's more fanboy defense.
If you only surround yourself with people of the same mind or fanboys, sort of fanatical ones, then you wouldn't get much feedback that's of value.
When creating something, you would preferably seek feedback from everywhere, to make a perfect product.
Failing to create a good product, is a failure and you don't want to fail when spending much time.
A failed product, rarely bring in much donation to the next project.
If they're of another opinion and it doesn't hold in the long run, then they have only themselves to blame.
So never defend a developer that they don't have to listen to those who doesn't sponsor them, it would make sponsors discards them and ignore the game you're trying to defend.
You should never sponsor anything before you know the intent of a developer and that the intent suits you, otherwise you're just wasting money. You don't waste money to hope that the developer changes its intent, you invest money when you see that its intent align with your own interests. Why would you invest in something which doesn't give you what you want?
This isn't just related to this game, but every game in general.
I would of course not sponsor them at this early stage, if I would, and if you were to sponsor several developers, then you'll soon start to look for were you can cut sponsorship, for another product or saving. Even if a developer got sponsorship early, it would require a good content development to keep the sponsorship in place.
Everything were feedback is useful, should get the feedback as early that's possible.
The earlier changes are made, the better as it'll be harder later on.
The version which was on the link was 0.2, so I expected it so have something more as a version-text mentioned more.
Of course if they have another version on patron, then I would wait for the free alternative, before I would consider it as more interesting.
As I said the before, the game looked good, the information regarding the game sounded promising.
But to me, it seems that they're limiting possibilities a lot and that could cut possible content variety by a lot or make it bland after it being somewhat repeated, unless there's a lot of gaps between contents when the game is done.