WOW, version 0.95? The game is nearly finished then, right?
Oct 14, 2022
Devlog Oct/14/2022
Hello dear Patrons and followers.
We have news. We could have made this post two weeks ago, but it will be much more specific now.
So, our programmer started writing code. As for the art, it is about 80% ready.
We also made a couple of important decisions about our project.
Firstly, the next public version number will be 1.0. This will be a complete game. At the beginning, we planned that the number of this version would be 0.98. But now we have decided that this is wrong, because many players may think that the project is not finished yet.
Secondly, we have already definitely decided that we will add in-game gameplay hints and cheats to this version. This will be disabled or enabled in the options menu. We understand very well that our game has become very big now. Long development has made many decisions in the game not entirely obvious. So new players sometimes can't understand what to do next. These in-game hints will not replace a detailed guide, but they will help the player understand what to do in order to progress with a certain character. Cheats are intended primarily for those players who play our game not for the first time, and they are not interested in the gameplay challenge, but simply in new content.
For now, we plan to release the first closed alpha version for our Patrons at the end of November.