To be fair, outside of combat loss rapes, all the straight/gay/futa content is optional. Which is a great thing.
Whilst it is mostly straight content, there is something for a (relatively) broad range of tastes.
Regarding the filter, I'd say it's basically for those (more rational than "Trolly McTrollface" Mrdown) who like what they see for the most part, but want to avoid the gay content. Which is fine, because it's both optional and for those who don't pay attention properly, can be avoided by the built in filter.
All that was said, was actually of greater value than anything you failed to troll with. All content is optional, yet you found so much gay content that it left you with the delusion that there's more of it than straight content... That's only possible by specifically looking for it, which you must have done, therefore you wanted to find all the gay for yourself!
You are the only one talking shit here... You laid it out for all to see it for what it plainly is - Big, steaming, stinking, bullshit.
You wanted to find as much of the gay content first (which is significantly less than the straight content), just so you could become very intimately familiar with it for the purposes of complaining. Which is totally not the actions of a closeted homosexual at all... Nope, not at all.
That's like reading all of The Lord of The Rings, and complaining about the existence of Elves and Dwarves
Remember, you chose to play a game that is clearly marked as having gay content in it, that the game warns you about it when starting a new game, and gives you the choice to filter it out... Yet you went ahead to voraciously hunt it out, desperately trying to slake some deep hunger.