Ok so I started a new game to get the awesome new weapon for Krowley... which turns out to be a useless trowel but hopefully we will be able to get better gear for him in the future like a Shovel that also doubles as a staff ?
Anyone else having issues with Carla the Inn/pub owner ? Carla's affection seems to be stuck I tried eating at the tavern 10 times and chatting with her everyday but the Affection seems to be stuck at 5... the value that it starts at. Double checked with another new game. Even tried raising her affection with the cheat room but the event where she invites Krowley to come over at night doesn't seem to occur. raised it from 5 to 10 to 20 all the way up to 100 but chatting with her only results in her praising Alice's help around the tavern.
Another bug seems to be Fina's picture getting stuck on screen the first time you go peek at her at the waterfall it goes away if you manage to fumble your way around and find someone to talk to, the conversation's beginning makes the onscreen images reset.
I really wanted to like this game.
Eh you are not supposed to be grinding for levels friend, this is nothing like the good old glorious Final Fantasy/ Dragon Quest games. The only thing you need to Grind is Affection for character like Alice and Jenna, oh don't stare at Jenna's boobs untill she's at about 20 Affection.
MONEY : If you are short on Money you can make 60 gold everyday for nothing, easiest thing to do is Step out of your house at night when Krowley asks to dress appropriately for the night Hit Yes to generate a cloak. then unequip the cloak to go around naked or put his normal clothes back on and sell the cloak at the shop for 60 Gold, the cloak can be generated every night. So its easy 60 gold everyday (hope they don't fix this)
EXP : Read the walkthrough it is right about getting level 2 just with reading the book on the table next to Krowly's bed in the evening an save scumming to go on easy Slime/Fairy hunts with Eric. On sunday beat up Mabel the minotaur milk saleswoman for easy 300 exp.
ALSO : The return to Title Screen button is in the Settings tab on the menu, hit "X" then Settings and Return to title or shutdown game are the first two buttons on there.
OR : If you want to completely R4pe everything you fight just use a save editor But don't give Krowley Levels or Exp Instead Boost his Matk and Def, you can become nearly Unstoppable with 300 Matk and +20 to all stats at lvl 1

and as much money as you want.