Why do you suddenly need a crack when before all you needed was a code?
I like this game and I waited for the code and nobody gave it to me so I tried to do it myself with half the success, I spent the whole day doing it and I shared it with those who were waiting for this code too (deep translator)
i dont have time to crack the code, faster is back not working code to work, but if u want new code u can crack the game with program ILSpy/Net Reflector/dnSpy
it is my first time to cracking .net game so u dont except from me anything impossible for you, first time i have come across such an assembler, i dont know c# or visual basic only the pure assembler used mostly by the cpu or after compiling programs like C, pascal, vb, delphi and other similar
u should be greatfull or play without premium content
p.s. the crack remove all code to be banned so u can search this topic and use other premium code too