VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Watching My Wife [v0.6.1] [Illegible Mink]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4.1b - Critique

    The wife looks like a real middle aged woman, I love that, most games depict model looking mums that could be in their late 20's (wish her bush was a little thicker :p).

    Renders are pretty decent, shame there are no animations or sex sounds.

    Since the wife seems destined to play outside her marriage, the choices only seem to influence how quickly she cheats. So basically treat her like crap for more sex scenes.

    The wife's backstory doesn't make any sense within the framework of the game. According to her backstory sex = love, so when the hubby is fucking her and has been fucking her for years and she has been faithful all that time. How can the backstory be used as justification for her wanting to cheat if the hubby is fucking her and treats her well? The backstory should just be removed and her cheating/ sexual deviances be justified another way (this minimises the seriousness of her betrayal as it makes it seem as if she would have always cheated, no matter the scenario, this is really lazy writing).

    She is clearly depicted as an intelligent working woman, big office etc etc. Her backstory is traumatic, she's clearly troubled when everyone humps then dumps her in her teenage years, so why is this being used as some kind of reasoning for a sexual re-awaking. As you get older you don't look back on traumatic events fondly, you grow to either hate or compartmentalise it.

    Even if you treat the wife well suddenly she opens up and tells the local store clerk that she likes him?! She even sends her fab hubby out of the shop to do it. This happens pretty soon after we get her terrible backstory, like this justifies it.

    The hubbies backstory too, also really really bad/ lazy. So his ex-wife cheated on him too, clearly setting up the story so that no matter what this guy does he gets cheated on..... I mean COME ON, so lazy.

    And then the wives meet each other by chance.....

    I get that there is such a thing as a no win scenario, but you could at least make it believable (hire a story writer).
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has good writing and the renders are quite good. Story is progressive and its not like those games where one day your MC is normal and the next day he is a playboy. The story builds as it should. It has NTR that is not everyone's cup of tea but I love it.

    The only thing I didn't like about the game is the play mechanics. Playing a day from husbands prospective and then repeating the entire day from the wife's prospective is a task and disengages me from the story. If the devs wanna use this approach then instead of showing the entire day from 2 prospectives, the dev should only show the differences in both the prospective.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story, with a ton of potential. I love the way it lets you pick the specific type of relationship you want with your wife. Only complaint is that I like more petite girls and wife is kind of thicc, I still find her hot, but petite wife would be even hotter.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The devs are doing great with the story so far. I Think I'm going to play the 3 paths, I'm really curious how the story goes. Looking forward to the updates. I just wish there is also animated scenes in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Watching my wife 0.4.1b
    This is one of those games that takes a calm development (not exaggeratedly as other developers do) but that is worth it. The developer is looking to create a story that makes sense and in a certain way dept. When you are looking for games of this type, what predominates are games that go straight to the action, have no story to follow, usually blackmail the female protagonist or the male protagonist is a jerk with his wife or is treated like garbage by others, In this game that does not happen, we have a normal protagonist, with friends and enemies and a well-made point system, I love that this same system shows you how they see you depending on the level you are at. This I think could also be implemented with the main characters, such as a glossary and a brief description that changes as each other's story progresses. Returning to the story, it progresses a little slowly, but that is good because the story is congruent and makes sense, it does not rush things, the developer has made some rewrites to it with the intention that it is enjoyable since the story is one of the pillars of this game. In the range of cheating games, I consider and think it is the best, because I like that the games have coherence and attract your attention at the level of story, also, you take choices as a male protagonits, but you can seea the wife pov based on your choices, thats pretty coolI. f you are looking for a game that has a good story and that your decisions have weight, this game is for you, if what you are looking for is fap fap fast, maybe you should look for another game. The graphics are good and the characters are also well done. It's worth playing.
    Maybe it would be nice if in the future when the developer has more support he looks to try to add animations to the game
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    0.41 ver
    Almost nothing to do with "MY WIFE".
    The game should change its name to Tiny wiener man cheating with random ugly NPCs I dont give a funk.
    I believe more than 90% of people who play this game want a good cuckold game, but this game is not, at least in 0.41, completely no.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    EDIT: I apologize for being mean, but after playing so many bad games, it leaves you in a bad mood, lol.

    This game images folder has 1713 images. Like 10 of them are sex between the husband and wife. The rest of them are not pornographic, there's no sex in 99% of the game's renders. This game is a god damn disaster.

    Render Quality 4/5 - Render quality is above average.
    Wife's Attractiveness 1/5 - Wife is ugly and fat, it's not erotic.
    Story 1/5 - Story is extreme cliche, nothing new or exciting. It's a snooze fest.
    Programming 3/5 - Decent for what it is.
    Music 4/5 - Music at the menu is good.

    This game has like no porn in it. He's doing a build up, but it put me to sleep. The wife is ugly unfortunately. I really like this genre of game, but I've yet to see anyone actually do a good job. *sigh*

    1713 images in the fucking image folder and the only sex there is between the husband and wife, and some other NPC's you don't give a fuck about. What a stupid ass game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I think it all depends on what you like when it comes to the whole hotwife/sharing concept. I don't mind the sharing concept but I don't want the dude to be a total cuck so I was hopeful I would be able to direct the MC accordingly.

    At first, I thought it would be pretty good. You can play the MC as a guy who is attentive and carring. I had the wife stats such that she was still in love the the MC and was not thinking of being unfaithful, yet she totally treated him like shit in front of her boss in their first meeting in the park. I found the dialogue kind of odd.

    Then I tried playing the MC as a total a-hole/loser and the story fit a bit better, but I have a hard time playing those kinds of paths. So again, I think it is a cool concept and I think a lot of people will like this game, but if you are not into the whole cuck thing, I would probably look for something else.
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    I've played many NTR games of all kinds but never seen one stand out for the realism or believability like this one. Whether it be japanese style NTR with a retarded and oblivious MC, or a western style outlandish BBC stuff, this genre is chock full of tropes. It's not that I hate those tropes or find ridiculous stories purposefully leaning hard into the fetish to be bad, but it is refreshing to see a more grounded story dealing with this.

    Since I don't particularly enjoy netorase, I went with the infidelity route which is closer to the classic NTR that I enjoy. The first thing I noticed is that the writing is far above the usual mess you find here. Grammar and syntax has no issues. Spoken dialogues sound very natural. I did spot a few odd words here and there, but overall, the writing is excellent and was clearly done by a native speaker.

    The story telling is split into the husband and wife's POV. You go through the husband's POV while making choices, and then you watch the wife's POV play out as she reacts to the choices made on the husband's route. I wouldn't say that this is a unique style, especially concerning NTR, but it works quite well here.

    I found the choice of models and the overall visual quality to be quite good. It is certainly above average. The wife's model seems to be chosen with intentional shortcomings. She is not a hourglass bombshell, but a homely woman in her 40s(?) who is still quite attractive. The side girls are the typical sexy DAZ models.

    Be advised that this game is really taking it's time to set things up. It is not rushing things to get to the action since it does try to stay as realistic as these games could be. If you are looking for a quick fap where the wife immediately jumps on some thug life BBC, this might not be the game for you. The story is still very much in the set up phase (at least on the infidelity route). There is no real content yet. I suspect we are very close to the escalation phase though.

    While I only played the infidelity route, I'm sure the other routes are done tastefully, so there will be something for fans of anything on the NTR/netorase/cuckold/cheating/swinging/sharing/hotwifing spectrum.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's hard to encounter such an Exciting Experience in real life. This is also the best place of the game! Unfortunately, there is no more content to Share. I hope there is a sharing route to share end. Competitive Pregnancy sounds very interesting. The insult of NTR route is not enough. MC should enjoy be in a Cuckold. Thank for creating a wonderful story and hope next update will coming soon. Good Luck !
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Pic on thread main page: Black Man "hugging" Wife

    Game (after N updates): NO BLACK COCK CONTENT

    I have waited for so many updates (I have never been so patient) because the dev told me he would finally include such content.
    To this day: No BBC.
    This is ridiculous

    You don't want to include Black Cock content? That's ok, but just remove that pic on the thread main page: IT'S MISLEADING!!

    Hypocrisy of da highest ordaa!!!!!!

    Renders are good
    NTR game
    Wife has a weird haunting look but all the guys she fucks are losers.
    Plot is bland
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Good quality renders (though I have seen better from other recent vn)
    Liking the story so far, some nice build up. Hoping to see the tension build some more, atleast on the wife's side.
    Love how the wife looks, not an over the top supermodel but still a very good looking mature woman with some nice curves. Her dresses are really fitting for the character too.
    I really like the dual perspective and seeing how the wife reacts to and thinks about your actions.

    I don't mind that the husband can cheat too but I do hope the focus stays on the wife, plenty of other games where you can nail everything that moves.
    I personally find Debbie very annoying and pushy, don't care about her at all, if I wanna cheat I need a better option tbh :p
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Ser Lordypants

    The plot is all over the place. Too many characters and settings that have nothing to do with eachother. It's not cohesive.

    The renders are decent at best.

    The gameplay so far is just dozens of mundane decisions. Cook your wife dinner or not? Let her watch her tv show or not? Ask her about her day or not? Way too many to care about and keep track of. Condense it. Neglect your wife and be a jerk, or be good to her. Those are the paths and you don't need more than 3 or 4 big decisions.

    There's nothing even remotely sexy yet and at this rate there won't be until 2025.

    It's still early days, so this could turn into something good but that doesn't seem likely. These 5 star reviewers must be such fans of the genre that they care very little about substance and quality. That or they're just high on pcp.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.3.0. Terrific renders, all the characters are beautiful and unique looking, and there are a lot introduced at this point. I particularly like the writing and pacing so far, things are moving fairly organically and realistically, and there are clear choices that seem like they will lead to clear consequences down the line.

    Having your choices as the male protagonist replay from your wife's perspective where you get her thoughts in response is an inspired choice. Really eager to see where it goes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely well written game, allowing you to emotionally connect with the (mostly) realistic characters, especially the main two protagonists who are very relatable (and I'm saying this as someone who's been living in a relationship like this for years). It reflects very well the thoughts of the people involved, and shows realistic reactions by most characters in the game. So much, that I assume the author also has experience with this kind of relationship, which definitely helps making a game like this.

    Love/respect stats are something that I had thought about when planning my own cuckold game, and I feel like the author is doing exactly the kind of game that I had on my head, so mad props. Tons of decisions and most of them have at least some kind of effect in the dialogue, usually interesting enough that you won't want to skip text.

    Renders are cool. I don't really care about them that much, as long as the story is great, and this one definitely is.

    Since I assume the author will read this review, I'll try to give my harshest critique to the game so far: the pacing in her job's storyline seems a little off, with things happening a little too quick. While the rest of storylines are great and feel distinct from most other games in the genre (the simping sidestory with the student is really well done), her days at the office feel like 95% of cuckold/NTR visual novels out there where the hotwife works in an office, a bit too cliché and with too much porn too quick, to the point that it doesn't maintain the realistic setting that the rest of storylines offer. I'm sure you can really sell the hotwife fucking her boss sidestory in a more realistic way than having an office where everyone ends up fucking everyone, which seems like where this is heading (I may be wrong).

    I think it will be one of the best cuckold games out there when finished.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v0.3.0]

    One of the most promising new NTR games out there right now. Not much content yet unfortunately, just enough to get a feel for the writing and the characters.

    Getting to pick your flavor of NTR is nice, I suppose, but it makes me worry about the rate of production. Having distinct routes in a game is good for attracting more players, but if you're only interested in one of those routes it means you only get a third of the content.

    I'm also not a fan of the MC switching thing, which often leads to watching the same content again from the wife's perspective with a few added internal lines and stat changes. It's annoying for multiple reasons, you have to watch scenes you've already seen with minimal changes and it fucks with your ability to save scum. A lot of the choices aren't really obvious about what will give you + or - points and if those stats are going to be important, delaying you knowing what you got will get tedious.

    I do like the writing and the characters so far, though the wife really isn't my cup of tea. Debbie steals the show for me and I really hope there will be some femdom content with her and not just a vanilla chance to cheat on your wife.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the fact that one can choose two routes (both sound exciting and I hope they could be played as a 2-in-1 game. Also liked the wife's body (hot!) full of nice details: the tummy and that ass!.
    Hope the dev is motivated to continue. Eager to play more!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to give it up to ya. One of the best games ever.
    Good Story, have the ability to choose.
    The renders are good. I request you to never abandoned such a good game.
    The game lacks a few fetishes.
    But the way you developed it was awsm

    Hoping that this game will be super development.
    In the future I will surely support you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems good.

    I will wait some months and come back if it is still active and developing well.

    Plot and characters seems promising but hope this will focus greatly on the character´s changes and feelings about it and not ending up in a cumfest just because they like sex and big dicks are really tasty.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Game started off promising but does corruption rather poorly. At one point, the writing doesn't take its time to go from point A to point B anymore, resulting in wife's flat thoughts becoming even flatter, unnatural situations and character models appearing more and more as awkward gobbos without audio.
    On the other hand, one doesn't even have to go as far as using a trauma as the reason – just make the fetish an honest conversation topic and a longterm problem, and then let's go.

    Visual taste is good, though.