Ok, I gave up on playing & read through the comments. I have a few thoughts. The game as a whole does have potential, but the 0.1 build was way too lean in my opinion. To generate real interest, the game should be fully playable, (If it's just the first day or couple days sequence, that is understandable, but the main thing is the game functions should be in place). There has to be more to do to catch interest. Hopefully the 0.2 build will be more robust & will at least make for a proper 0.1 equivalent.
That being said, regarding the comments here. To everyone whom keeps commenting "huh huh ay dey usin duh BB characters in hur" I'm not gonna sugar coat it, You lot are clearly are missing a few chromosomes. Given the popularity of incest themed games, maybe you guys are the water headed results of sibling parents. First of all, The dev SAID RIGHT OUT FRONT that he is more or less copying BB. So you lame brain idiots pointing it out only shows that you're good at recognizing familiar pictures but can't fucking read. Good job, you win the "I can read da pictures in Green Eggs n Ham but can't read da werds" award. I'd give you your lil tinfoil trophy but I'd be worried you'd try to eat it. How did you even type your posts anyway? Did someone who's half literate help you? Secondly, I haven't played BB myself yet, but I have noticed it's popularity. When it was abandoned most of it's fanbase was upset & wanted it finished, Now when another dev comes along & decides to continue it in their own way, you mouth breathers get upset. You are literally saying "I WUNT MOAR BB BUT I NOT WUNT MOAR BB!". Are you fuck heads just full potato retarded? You're getting what you all wanted when BB was abandoned. Say thank you, Support the dev & enjoy the content when it's released. You guys wanted more BB, well here it is fucktards. So shut up.