I've added a proper recollection room.
I've replaced the gallery room with all the common event scenes that I found. Some events are on the maps so the recollection can't be made but most of the scenes seems to be there.
(to unlock the gallery room you need 18 rep. It's the underground prison at the castle)
(also left a teleport south of the map to the original CG gallery room)
(the 2 scenes with a red crystal are ones that will only play if you have toilet gauge, else they'll not)
This is not how the scenes are meant to be used so be sure not to save after using the recollection room. Some scenes will lead to gameover or teleport you after they end.
Never understood how to progress in this game and when the game its finished xD
i guess this is a game that unless it gets a decent Translation or a partial MLT comprehensive one then its no way to tell also cuz this game as the rest of crotch's game doesn't have an gallery repeat scene
It's been a while since I've played but the game ends when you decide to defeat the 'king guy' of the rice association. The guy on the red throne inside the rice association. But you need to get your certification and prove yourself first to be able to enter there. I think you just need to pay a really high sum to the association after the prologue quest is done to be able to enter and try to end the game.
The game progression is basically.... Each time your REP levels up, you get a new letter which will lead you into a main quest-like plot which sometimes unlocks new things and areas.
I'll also leave my save here.
Save9 is in front of the final boss (defeat to see the ending)
Save11 is inside the recollection room