Pretty sure whether you get sick from eating your own species' shit isn't based-on culture. Animal fecal matter I remember being okay, but I know mexico was using human fecal matter to fertilize crops and people were getting sick and they got fined.
Human excrement does work as fertilizer. But human excrement really is a lot more risky than any other kind of, well, shit, because it's the one type of excrement most likely to contain pathogens that affect humans.
Whether animal fecal matter is dangerous really varies. The rule of thumb is that the feces of strict herbivores (horses, sheep, etc.) are less dangerous than those of omnivores (pigs) or carnivores (dogs, etc.), because animals that eat other animals are a lot more likely to contract nasty bacteria and parasites.
That said; don't play around with horse shit. You'll get tetanus.